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Thread: Is this the new trend

  1. #1
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Is this the new trend

    How many of you fellas have refused to pay what overpriced the ML is asking for only to then find the whole atmosphere change from enthusiastic to boring? Over my many years of punting, it’s happened to me about a handful of times (pretty good win ratio I’d say), but I if I did cave in and agreed, it’ll become the norm.

  2. #2
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    what else do you expect to happen? she's hoping you are paying $200, you are expecting $100. you disagree and don't have a deal. she will then ensure you get the absolute minimum service.

    you are right not to pay though, we need to bring these prices back into recession footing.

  3. #3
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by cekret View Post
    How many of you fellas have refused to pay what overpriced the ML is asking for only to then find the whole atmosphere change from enthusiastic to boring? Over my many years of punting, it’s happened to me about a handful of times (pretty good win ratio I’d say), but I if I did cave in and agreed, it’ll become the norm.
    No women is going to dictate to me, especially one I'm paying. Greedy bitches need to be put in their place. Walk - you'll get a fair price down the road.

  4. #4
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by cekret View Post
    How many of you fellas have refused to pay what overpriced the ML is asking for only to then find the whole atmosphere change from enthusiastic to boring? Over my many years of punting, it’s happened to me about a handful of times (pretty good win ratio I’d say), but I if I did cave in and agreed, it’ll become the norm.
    I have in the past let the wrong head make the decision - but now I have been sticking to a set of guidelines - no monies up front for extras, I initiate what they have on offer after about 20mins even if no TT, and if way overpriced just accept its just a massage and never come back to that ML again - plenty of fish to try

  5. #5
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    I only bring the cash I’m willing to pay. If they want more I’m walking

  6. #6
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I agree with you all 100%. I’m the one carrying the cash. It is like what 4FoW2 said, I feel they’re just greedy most of the time. I remember one time we agreed on 2 pineapples but the after the money exchanged, she said she was on her periods! I asked for the money back and said the service hadn’t started but she only refunded 1 pineapple and said I was lucky to get anything back. I walked but mind you, she never gave me the change from the initial booking either. Burnt!!! Nowadays I bring EXACTLY what I expect to pay!

  7. #7
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by cekret View Post
    I remember one time we agreed on 2 pineapples but the after the money exchanged, she said she was on her periods! I asked for the money back and said the service hadn’t started but she only refunded 1 pineapple and said I was lucky to get anything back. I walked but mind you, she never gave me the change from the initial booking either. Burnt!!! Nowadays I bring EXACTLY what I expect to pay!
    Damn mate, that is fucked, don't know how shops with moles like that continue to exist.

  8. #8
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    I read a story a while back about a punter who was ripped off by a PRC at a local massage shop. Apparently he paid for 1 hr and 150 for nhj before the start of extras. After 25 mins of BS massage she asked him to flip and then took off her clothes. She started madly pulling on his dick - when he stopped her - she complained and she said "thats what you paid for" He got ths shits got up and demanded money back as he had only been there for 30 mins. She said because she took off her clothes and pulled his dick she should keep the 150 plus 30 min massage fee. He protested that is BS so she gave him half the massage fee back. So she got 180.
    Apparently when she left after the heated exchange he got dressed. Apprently they are still looking for the ac remote somewhere on Lutwyche Rd and the couch in the room smells like piss.

    If you want to stop the rot be proactive.

  9. #9
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4FoW2 View Post
    I read a story a while back about a punter who was ripped off by a PRC at a local massage shop. Apparently he paid for 1 hr and 150 for nhj before the start of extras. After 25 mins of BS massage she asked him to flip and then took off her clothes. She started madly pulling on his dick - when he stopped her - she complained and she said "thats what you paid for" He got ths shits got up and demanded money back as he had only been there for 30 mins. She said because she took off her clothes and pulled his dick she should keep the 150 plus 30 min massage fee. He protested that is BS so she gave him half the massage fee back. So she got 180.
    Apparently when she left after the heated exchange he got dressed. Apprently they are still looking for the ac remote somewhere on Lutwyche Rd and the couch in the room smells like piss.

    If you want to stop the rot be proactive.
    That's funny!
    Or flip the water tank tap on open and leave.
    Mints in the fishtank...

  10. #10
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Had a ML tell me that "It's the clients who have been doing it +10 years that are the hardest to please, and always want the best value"..... she went further to suggest that "Young guys never question anything, they just pay, and take what they get".

    So, there's the REAL problem... too many young men in massage shops.

  11. #11
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Young people are probably busier banging their peers than going to the MS. The MS prices going up will drive other legal avenues WL to up their prices. By paying what the ML are asking, we ruining it for everybody. The minimums and standards are also getting ridiculously complex and expensive.

    What if we just mention unnamed competitions when asked to pay exuberant cash for a simple squeeze the life out of you type HJ?

    We know these ML work at more than one joints. They're often paying off a house or a shiny new car with our punt money.

  12. #12
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    These “rules” are fucking stupid, but each to try their own

    It’s a vibe thing - it works and does not work with girls and shops - simple - don’t push it - simply play your card and don’t moan if she wants money upfront or no extra or no smile - who cares…..nobody’s changing anything - if you vibe then great it flows how you want - if not then best bet is to cut your losses and leave knowing it’s not going to be great - staying or going

    Most places complaint don’t give a shit - a few shops do listen but similar outcome

    Remember we are all humans - she is under no obligation to do anything except a “massage” and we know they are all shit at that…so you can get the shits and so can she - no need for anyone to be a dick - counter that I do laugh at the guys rocking up with flower baskets like they are 16 and on their first date

  13. #13
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesyouare View Post
    These “rules” are fucking stupid, but each to try their own
    It’s a vibe thing - it works and does not work with girls and shops - simple - don’t push it - simply play your card and don’t moan if she wants money upfront or no extra or no smile - who cares…..nobody’s changing anything - if you vibe then great it flows how you want - if not then best bet is to cut your losses and leave knowing it’s not going to be great - staying or going
    Most places complaint don’t give a shit - a few shops do listen but similar outcome
    Remember we are all humans - she is under no obligation to do anything except a “massage” and we know they are all shit at that…so you can get the shits and so can she - no need for anyone to be a dick - counter that I do laugh at the guys rocking up with flower baskets like they are 16 and on their first date
    You have your right to your opinion but I strongly disagree. If you want to get a message across to these girls hit them where it hurts. If I suddenly walked up to you and said geuss what due to your crap performance I am going to pay you half your pay you'd chuck a fit. Agree there are no rules and yes all they have to do is massage you BUT we all know how these shops operate and what they are really about.
    Agree with your vibe statement - if you don't feel the vibe = walk, agree don't push it just walk.
    Social change over the years would have changed nothing if people had a defeatest attitude.

  14. #14
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    James has a good point and I agree with most of it. It is what it is and we are not going to change it. These girls probably hate their jobs, so don't expect a "relationship". Just make the best of what you have.

  15. #15
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4FoW2 View Post
    You have your right to your opinion but I strongly disagree. If you want to get a message across to these girls hit them where it hurts. If I suddenly walked up to you and said geuss what due to your crap performance I am going to pay you half your pay you'd chuck a fit. Agree there are no rules and yes all they have to do is massage you BUT we all know how these shops operate and what they are really about.
    Agree with your vibe statement - if you don't feel the vibe = walk, agree don't push it just walk.
    Social change over the years would have changed nothing if people had a defeatest attitude.
    Not defeatist but market reality - too much demand and people with no idea - every case and session is different but most of the times the shitty outcomes are of our own doing - not reading the signs, the vibe etc

    Whinging about a “tired” effort is sometimes not fair - it’s not necessarily her fault there was no vibe - and going to lunch and getting a lack lustre experience and complaining does not always need a complaint - and let’s face it - we are dealing with humans offering erotic services

    The point I’m trying to make here is we need to take SOME ownership and we play in a somewhat seedy world so in that light having a complaint may not be the best option all the time but if the owner has that vibe (TT. Carindale) then 100%

    I think we should not cop shit but just don’t go back when you make a mistake and put a fair review here

  16. #16
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Fair comment James - agree if you don't read the signs early and walk its your own fault if it ends up going pearshaped. Thats why I recommend 30 min trial, never pay extras up front and be prepared to walk every new ML.

  17. #17
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    I don't complain. If the massage, etc is bad, I just don't go back. Worst case is I loose $60, plus, while I'm there I might as well just get a 1P. No big deal and I still get an erotic experience.

  18. #18
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Yep for the guys seemingly unable to crack codes try this stuff first then ask for the treats

    Some guys will just fuck it up - I met a girl with great feedback but no vibe both ways so left it - would have been weird

    I try to honour the basic but don’t let them pile on charges - it is hard when they smile while stroking your dick promising the world

    Most times I just don’t go back. Happy to share the shit here and I try laugh off the bad ones but it does happen

    I just don’t believe most shops give 2 shits except one for me so happy to complain there but in the end it comes back to vibe

  19. #19
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Walking to the atm and back

  20. #20
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnny blaze View Post
    I only bring the cash I’m willing to pay. If they want more I’m walking
    Walking to the atm and back lol

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