Quote Originally Posted by Yellow Fever View Post
Hadn’t been to this place in years.
Just did a walk-in….with the expectation of walking straight out again?
Two girls working. One was a definite no no, for me.
So, decided to take a punt with B***?

The terms of payment are a bit strange?
$65 for massage, with a minimum of $50 paid in advance for extras?
Additional menu options offered were, let’s say a bit hazy, which had to be paid for in advance, post flip?
Anyway, turned out to be a very enjoyable experience.
The menu options opened up as the the session progressed.
I guess that’s up to the discretion of the girl…the client base isn’t exactly Paddington?
The shop is a sh!thole….but the girl was mindful of general hygiene.
WIR…yeah, maybe…..rocks and diamonds, I guess?
Put another way…..the service was far better than what some of the headline shops are dishing out atm?
Sounds like a worthwhile punt. I'll check it out and see if B*** is still there.