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Thread: Mimi, the myth, the legemd, the waterfall. first time swimming.

  1. #41
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) Riff888's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alc View Post
    So with Mimi it's not your usual Asian punt. Legit, she works for herself.

    You'll feel like you're being welcomed into her home because, well, it is her home. Really is a unique experience that has nothing to do with the squirting.

    All I can say is give it a shot at least once.
    That experience was quite common around 5 years ago for $300 which could last for hours. I'm pretty sure you will find fully private girls out there.

    Starting price of $1,400 for 2 hours is over my threshold for just one punt these days. That's like 5/6 awesome punts.

    If you can do it then go for it.

    Sent from my GM1910 using Tapatalk

  2. #42
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    I tried her when she was 550 per hour. Definitely don't regret seeing her but not something you'd do often. It's at least something I can say I've tried once, it's awesome and now back to normal punting.

    Kinda like bungee jumping or sky diving.

  3. #43
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    1: 我没有只做韩国客人 我不知道你们从哪听说。

    2:你们说关于中文论坛有我不好的评论 这个事情完全是污蔑 这件事情我从去年就已经报警并且找律师去处理。并且5号店在没经过我同意的情况下当初放了一张我自己完全不 打码的照片并且早班接线sara 和我说已经删掉但是此照片一直在她们微信里放了很久。我也是去年11月分才知道的事情照片的存 在。关于42 我曾经是她们的工作女生虽然没有正式合约但是在法律上我们已经是雇佣关系。我曾经9月份在42被客人打了。 我当时想报警但是由于是周日早班当时是eva和tony 2位新接线也不想因为我报警影响店里生意。我选择不给店里惹麻烦选择原谅没有报警。就是因为我的第一次没有 报警导致这位客人在中文论坛来摸黑我。我最后选择报警 并且我的家人帮我找了律师。我把所有证据发给了我的律师。并且今年3月份我也和我的上庭律师见过面。警察多 次去42号想找当时唯一的目击证人tony 谈话都没有成功直到今年的4月中警察再一次给我发了邮件 我告诉警察我和tony说过他说他自己会联系。我没有办法去强迫别人,并且tony 和我说jess 告诉他如果警察再去店里找他他就不用在这上班了。关于我和tony的聊天记录我也发给了我的律师和警察。我 心里有很多委屈,我才看清这个世界上没有人把你当作真朋友。并且只看重你会给她们带来的利益,如果一旦没用 只会有多远把你踢多远。人间冷暖 因为怕自己沾边。影响了生意。但是你们就是这么对待当初为你们工作的女生。好到真的让我无言以对。没关系关 于这件事情我会告到底 我不会保持沉默因为我没有错。我不是那种会忍气吞声的人。

    3:价钱。我想我有权利规定自己的价钱。我做的开心我就做不开心我就不做,请问有什么问题吗?我值不值这个 价钱你们可以随意论评但是如果不知道事情的来龙去脉就给别人扣帽子 觉得合适吗?大家都是成年人,为什么我感受到的都是冷血无情的动物。
    大家知道我不计时 我不计算时间是因为不想让闹钟告诉我 该结束了,但是我心里有一个计时器 只要再不影响我之后的事情我都可以接受 。但是我发现我太惯着这些人了,你们只想want it to go as long as possible 我从来不会当着客人的面把这些说出来我也不会主动赶别人走。但是我发现我这样做法会把我自己气的生病,我对 我自己很失望凭什么让别人来占我便宜。因为我妈从小教我 :人要有自知之明 知道自己在做什么不应该做什么,而不是一直想着贪小便宜 这样的人没有好下场。并且在我身上还发生好几个客人之后不给钱就走了。就是因为我太相信你们。你们让我生病 了,要去看心理医生,让我对男人有了极大的和抵触感。

    我无法控制别人怎么去评论,因为嘴巴长在你们身上我没办法去把你们嘴巴堵上。但是我这个人很大的缺点就是太 看重别人对自己的看法 太在意别人讲什么。我这段时间一直在想要不要站出来,想了很久 但是我最终还是简单的把事情简单的说了一下。懂我的人自然懂不懂我的人 自然不会懂 就这样。虽然每个论坛都无法控制用户讲什么但是请不要触碰我的底线。

  4. #44
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by doughnut5858 View Post
    1: 我没有只做韩国客人 我不知道你们从哪听说。

    2:你们说关于中文论坛有我不好的评论 这个事情完全是污蔑 这件事情我从去年就已经报警并且找律师去处理。并且5号店在没经过我同意的情况下当初放了一张我自己完全不 打码的照片并且早班接线sara 和我说已经删掉但是此照片一直在她们微信里放了很久。我也是去年11月分才知道的事情照片的存 在。关于42 我曾经是她们的工作女生虽然没有正式合约但是在法律上我们已经是雇佣关系。我曾经9月份在42被客人打了。 我当时想报警但是由于是周日早班当时是eva和tony 2位新接线也不想因为我报警影响店里生意。我选择不给店里惹麻烦选择原谅没有报警。就是因为我的第一次没有 报警导致这位客人在中文论坛来摸黑我。我最后选择报警 并且我的家人帮我找了律师。我把所有证据发给了我的律师。并且今年3月份我也和我的上庭律师见过面。警察多 次去42号想找当时唯一的目击证人tony 谈话都没有成功直到今年的4月中警察再一次给我发了邮件 我告诉警察我和tony说过他说他自己会联系。我没有办法去强迫别人,并且tony 和我说jess 告诉他如果警察再去店里找他他就不用在这上班了。关于我和tony的聊天记录我也发给了我的律师和警察。我 心里有很多委屈,我才看清这个世界上没有人把你当作真朋友。并且只看重你会给她们带来的利益,如果一旦没用 只会有多远把你踢多远。人间冷暖 因为怕自己沾边。影响了生意。但是你们就是这么对待当初为你们工作的女生。好到真的让我无言以对。没关系关 于这件事情我会告到底 我不会保持沉默因为我没有错。我不是那种会忍气吞声的人。

    3:价钱。我想我有权利规定自己的价钱。我做的开心我就做不开心我就不做,请问有什么问题吗?我值不值这个 价钱你们可以随意论评但是如果不知道事情的来龙去脉就给别人扣帽子 觉得合适吗?大家都是成年人,为什么我感受到的都是冷血无情的动物。
    大家知道我不计时 我不计算时间是因为不想让闹钟告诉我 该结束了,但是我心里有一个计时器 只要再不影响我之后的事情我都可以接受 。但是我发现我太惯着这些人了,你们只想want it to go as long as possible 我从来不会当着客人的面把这些说出来我也不会主动赶别人走。但是我发现我这样做法会把我自己气的生病,我对 我自己很失望凭什么让别人来占我便宜。因为我妈从小教我 :人要有自知之明 知道自己在做什么不应该做什么,而不是一直想着贪小便宜 这样的人没有好下场。并且在我身上还发生好几个客人之后不给钱就走了。就是因为我太相信你们。你们让我生病 了,要去看心理医生,让我对男人有了极大的和抵触感。

    我无法控制别人怎么去评论,因为嘴巴长在你们身上我没办法去把你们嘴巴堵上。但是我这个人很大的缺点就是太 看重别人对自己的看法 太在意别人讲什么。我这段时间一直在想要不要站出来,想了很久 但是我最终还是简单的把事情简单的说了一下。懂我的人自然懂不懂我的人 自然不会懂 就这样。虽然每个论坛都无法控制用户讲什么但是请不要触碰我的底线。
    I think everything is now clarified .

  5. #45
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Quote Originally Posted by doughnut5858 View Post
    1: 我没有只做韩国客人 我不知道你们从哪听说。

    2:你们说关于中文论坛有我不好的评论 这个事情完全是污蔑 这件事情我从去年就已经报警并且找律师去处理。并且5号店在没经过我同意的情况下当初放了一张我自己完全不 打码的照片并且早班接线sara 和我说已经删掉但是此照片一直在她们微信里放了很久。我也是去年11月分才知道的事情照片的存 在。关于42 我曾经是她们的工作女生虽然没有正式合约但是在法律上我们已经是雇佣关系。我曾经9月份在42被客人打了。 我当时想报警但是由于是周日早班当时是eva和tony 2位新接线也不想因为我报警影响店里生意。我选择不给店里惹麻烦选择原谅没有报警。就是因为我的第一次没有 报警导致这位客人在中文论坛来摸黑我。我最后选择报警 并且我的家人帮我找了律师。我把所有证据发给了我的律师。并且今年3月份我也和我的上庭律师见过面。警察多 次去42号想找当时唯一的目击证人tony 谈话都没有成功直到今年的4月中警察再一次给我发了邮件 我告诉警察我和tony说过他说他自己会联系。我没有办法去强迫别人,并且tony 和我说jess 告诉他如果警察再去店里找他他就不用在这上班了。关于我和tony的聊天记录我也发给了我的律师和警察。我 心里有很多委屈,我才看清这个世界上没有人把你当作真朋友。并且只看重你会给她们带来的利益,如果一旦没用 只会有多远把你踢多远。人间冷暖 因为怕自己沾边。影响了生意。但是你们就是这么对待当初为你们工作的女生。好到真的让我无言以对。没关系关 于这件事情我会告到底 我不会保持沉默因为我没有错。我不是那种会忍气吞声的人。

    3:价钱。我想我有权利规定自己的价钱。我做的开心我就做不开心我就不做,请问有什么问题吗?我值不值这个 价钱你们可以随意论评但是如果不知道事情的来龙去脉就给别人扣帽子 觉得合适吗?大家都是成年人,为什么我感受到的都是冷血无情的动物。
    大家知道我不计时 我不计算时间是因为不想让闹钟告诉我 该结束了,但是我心里有一个计时器 只要再不影响我之后的事情我都可以接受 。但是我发现我太惯着这些人了,你们只想want it to go as long as possible 我从来不会当着客人的面把这些说出来我也不会主动赶别人走。但是我发现我这样做法会把我自己气的生病,我对 我自己很失望凭什么让别人来占我便宜。因为我妈从小教我 :人要有自知之明 知道自己在做什么不应该做什么,而不是一直想着贪小便宜 这样的人没有好下场。并且在我身上还发生好几个客人之后不给钱就走了。就是因为我太相信你们。你们让我生病 了,要去看心理医生,让我对男人有了极大的和抵触感。

    我无法控制别人怎么去评论,因为嘴巴长在你们身上我没办法去把你们嘴巴堵上。但是我这个人很大的缺点就是太 看重别人对自己的看法 太在意别人讲什么。我这段时间一直在想要不要站出来,想了很久 但是我最终还是简单的把事情简单的说了一下。懂我的人自然懂不懂我的人 自然不会懂 就这样。虽然每个论坛都无法控制用户讲什么但是请不要触碰我的底线。

    Ok so I'll try my best and attempt to translate it using Google Translate. Translation starts now:

    1. I don't know where you guys heard this from but I don't only see Korean customers.

    translation to be continued.

  6. #46
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    1. I don’t know where you guys heard this from but I don’t just see Korean customers.

    2. You mentioned that I received bad comments in the Chinese forum. This was a lie. I had called the police and asked a lawyer to deal with this matter since last year. And shop No.5 Posted my uncoded photos on WeChat without my permission.which I didn’t agree at all, and Sara told me that it had been deleted, but this picture had been put on their Wechat for a long time. I didn’t know about the existence of photos until last November. It has influenced my life and No. 5 has not apologized to me for that。Although Australia does not have enough privacy laws to prosecute them, I will try another way to get the results I want I don't choose silence。
    About shop no.42 I used to work for them. Although there was no formal contract for girls, we were already employed legally. I was beaten by a guest in September at that shop. I wanted to call the police at that time, but because it was the morning shift on Sunday, EVA and Tony had two new reception at that time, and I didn’t want to affect the business of the store because I called the police.

    I had chosen not to cause trouble in the shop, and to forgive them by not calling the police.It was because I didn’t call the police for the first time that this guest came to visit me in the Chinese Forum.

    I finally went to the police and my family got me a lawyer. I sent all the evidence to my lawyer. And I also met my big lawyer in March this year. The police went to shop 42 many times to find the only eyewitness at that time, Tony, but the conversation was unsuccessful. Until the middle of April this year, the police sent me an email again. I told the police that I had told Tony that he would contact me. I couldn’t force anyone.

    And Tony told me that Jess told him that if the police went to the store to find him again, he couldn’t work there anymore. I also sent my lawyer and the police about my chat with Tony.

    I have a lot of grievances in my heart, so I can see that no one in the world regards you as a true friend. And only focus on the benefits you will bring to them. If it doesn’t work, it will only kick you as far as possible. The world is warm and cold because afraid of being involved in it.

    My getting beaten by a customer affected the business. But that’s how you treat the girls who worked for you. It’s so good that I’m speechless. It doesn’t matter. I’ll tell you about it here now. I won’t keep silent because I’m not wrong. I’m not the kind of person to swallow bitterness.

    3. Price. I think I have the right to set my own price. I take bookings when I’m happy and I don’t if I don’t feel like it, what is the problem? You can judge whether I’m worth the price or not, but if you don’t know the whole story, is it appropriate for someone to comment on it? We are all adults. I’m not the snake here.

    As you know, I don’t count the time because I don’t want the alarm clock to tell me it’s over, but I have a timer in my heart. As long as it doesn’t affect my future, I can accept it. But I find that I’m being used by these people, you all just want it to go as long as possible. I never say this in front of guests, and I don’t take the initiative to drive others away.

    But I found that I would make myself sick. I am very disappointed in myself. Why should I let others take advantage of me. Because my mother taught me since childhood: people should have conscience, about what they should and shouldn’t do, instead of always thinking about greed – people like that don’t end up well in life. And in my case, several guests left without paying. Because I trust you so much. You make me sick that I have to see a psychologist.

    I can’t control how others comment, because your mouth is your own. I can’t shut your mouth. But my big shortcoming is that I value other people’s opinions on myself too much, and I care too much about what others say. I have been thinking about whether or not to stand up for a long time, but I finally simply said it. People who understand me will understand if they understand me, that’s all. Although every forum can’t control what users say But please don't touch my bottom line.

  7. #47
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Far out. Getting beat up by a customer is a pretty serious issue.. I'm surprised the police hasn't charged the dude that's done it.

  8. #48
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) Riff888's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meng View Post
    Far out. Getting beat up by a customer is a pretty serious issue.. I'm surprised the police hasn't charged the dude that's done it.
    Yeah that's unacceptable and should be reported straight away.

    Also unbelievable that guys would leave without paying. Can't trust anyone these days, no wonder some girls take the money up front.

    Sent from my GM1910 using Tapatalk

  9. #49
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    What sort of dick head would hit a women. Fucking disgusting pig.

  10. #50
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    It sounds so sad, and if true should be taken care of by the shop and the authorities. But we're only hearing one side of the story, until you've heard the shop's side of the story you shouldn't condemn them even she says "if you don't know the whole story is it appropriate for someone to comment on it". From what she's written she made a complaint to the police, they interviewed the witness (Tony) but haven't pressed charges as yet.

    I'm glad she's seeing a psychologist, I think she needs help before she gets any worse. I wish her all the best in the future.
    My level of sarcasm depends on your level of stupidity.

  11. #51
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Had a read on the Chinese forum (catchgod) about her debacle with the aforementioned incident, which also contains certain accusations against her, all I can say is, wow, what a clusterf**k.

    However, from my personal experience Mimi’s service has been excellent and professional. I’d definitely make a booking again with her in the near future.

  12. #52
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiny dancer View Post
    Had a read on the Chinese forum (catchgod) about her debacle with the aforementioned incident, which also contains certain accusations against her, all I can say is, wow, what a clusterf**k.

    However, from my personal experience Mimi’s service has been excellent and professional. I’d definitely make a booking again with her in the near future.
    Got a link for the catchgod one?

  13. #53
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    如果想看为什么不直接问我?并且随便揭人伤疤有意思吗?你们知道把这件事再拿出来说对我来说需要多大勇气吗 ?你们知道去年11月中的时候我抑郁症有多严重我试图自杀过多少次。我一个人承受一切现在选择一点点忘记等 待开庭。现在又要八卦我。请问和你们有什么关系

  14. #54
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    If you want to see it, why don't you just ask me? And is it fun to expose people's scars? Do you know how brave it was for me to bring that up again? You know how depressed I was in the middle of November last year and how many times I tried to kill myself. I bear all alone now choose a little forget to wait for the court. And now they're gossiping about me. What's the relationship with you guys?

  15. #55
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by doughnut5858 View Post
    If you want to see it, why don't you just ask me? And is it fun to expose people's scars? Do you know how brave it was for me to bring that up again? You know how depressed I was in the middle of November last year and how many times I tried to kill myself. I bear all alone now choose a little forget to wait for the court. And now they're gossiping about me. What's the relationship with you guys?
    I am sure I am speaking on behalf of many people here how distressing it is to hear you say that. I hope you are well, are safe, and that you get all the assistance you need to stay so. Nobody deserves to be treated badly or to be disrespected or harmed. Be well our online friend Mimi.

  16. #56
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    dup ..

  17. #57
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Ah, been looking for this thread...

    I wonder where she is nowadays ?

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