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Thread: Now I know where the "hate" for BBFS and other extra services are coming from

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by phamxuantungkth View Post
    Actually, the economies in other countries are in recession as well. It's global effect and it is one of the reason of the current flood of J girls because the economy in Japan is shrinking as well. Same for China, Singapore, Malaysia, Philipines, Indonesia, etc. The three biggest consuming markets are US, China and Europe are in recession which consequently resulted in decrease of income from the countries exporting products to these three markets. No disposal income as usual as before.
    The one big thing that caused the inflation here in Australia is the previous government's excessive money printing to provide Centrelink payments during the COVID-19 lockdowns. Many international students were also recipients of disaster payments as the government knew if they send them all back in droves they'd be in trouble to fill the job market with cheap labour.

    And because of that we're also losing our $1080 middle income tax offsets in the coming financial year.

    The only good thing about some recessions is that it benefits those with investments in certain commodities. Some of my investments has gone up but I'm still trying to practice discretionary spending, especially in this situation where most services are LEMON.

  2. #42
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Maybe some reviews are done on chatgpt

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnJones View Post
    The one big thing that caused the inflation here in Australia is the previous government's excessive money printing to provide Centrelink payments during the COVID-19 lockdowns.
    No the big cause is record profits for business due to raising prices.

  4. #44
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) GoldfishMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReginaldBubbles View Post
    No the big cause is record profits for business due to raising prices.
    That's actually 2 halves to the same story. Companies gouged prices, but they wouldn't have been successful without the help of the QE and monetary stimulus. I do agree that the blame for inflation falls squarely at the feet of unscrupulous, capitalist driven organisations. They had every opportunity to NOT gouge on prices from 2020 through to now. But they didn't.

    If you think they were to blame for inflation, wait till you see how they push us straight into stagflation. Any company that is publicly listed has the following pattern of behaviour:

    - when business is booming, profits soar, reward the C-suite and shareholders. Big bonuses and dividends for all!

    - when business is flat, profits are down. What's the solution? Cut the headcount and employee wages. Shareholders and C-suite that benefited from the boom time do not have to suffer one bit!

    They're like an "input valve", these public traded companies. Only will take, will never give.

  5. #45
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Nothing wrong with that. It's like the shit sandwich. The more bread you have the less shit you have to eat.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sher1888 View Post
    I think it's common for koreans to hate anything Japanese lol .
    And vice versa. Not many Samsung phones or Hyundai cars in Japan

  7. #47
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    Heard from a Japanese WL that many Ginza customers are culprits who spread STIs to most of the girls there, and through them to other customers as well. She said she had regulars who gave her chlamydia, she stopped working until she got better and when she went back to work same bunch of regulars came to see her and she got reinfected. Since then she stopped working there and try to avoid giving BBBJ and DFK in her new workplace.

    She says that most of her regulars at the time also had weird fetishes for rimming on her. According to her doctor there's a possibility that the infection may have been transmitted from the anus to the mouth or vagina, and that the disease is prevalent in gay and bisexuals who obviously have a fetish for anuses.

    So yeah, with her being Japanese and not even giving BBBJ anymore, it's funny how Chinese and Koreans are bashing Japanese for providing BBFS. She also confirms that when doing doubles with a non-Japanese WL, there's a tendency for her to do all the work while the other WL does nothing.

    And lucky I've never been to Ginza. I just don't like the vibes in Surry Hills.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fred Flintstone View Post
    And vice versa. Not many Samsung phones or Hyundai cars in Japan
    In Japan it's very common for people to buy phones through a 2 year telco contract rather than outright. Not many telco providers actually provide SIM only plans. And Apple is normally the number one choice since it is way better than Samsung, and a salaryman would be able to afford the monthly repayments.

    As for Hyundai's, I don't think it's worth the import tax as a locally made Toyota would be cheaper with slightly better quality. The only imported car worth paying more for in Japan would be luxury German cars.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoldfishMan View Post
    They're like an "input valve", these public traded companies. Only will take, will never give.
    That is very much what 'civilised' human beings do since the Europeans started going around colonising Africa, Americas and Asia. Then capitalism made it even worse. Communism wasn't the answer however it was the superpower that kept the capitalists in check.

    I used to work at a startup company that makes every employee hush hush about their paychecks. After the owners started having an argument and decided to split we started discovering how some of us were way underpaid than others just to do similar work. I left for another job because it was much easier than trying to argue for a matching salary.

    The COVID-19 stimulus had definitely caused the increase in interest rates. The RBA predicted that increases will only start in 2024 but Ukraine was an opportunity too good to pass hence the early call to increase. For many years in the past decade they've dropped the interest rates just because 1)Government won't allow the Chinese to bring in suitcases of cash for fear of money laundering 2)In order to not discourage the Chinese from buying properties they had to allow them to take up home loans so that the housing bubble can keep growing thus increasing profits.

    If the COVID-19 stimulus has nothing to do with rates increases, where do you think the federal government got their money from? So far they haven't liquidated any federal government assets or gold reserves. People with no knowledge of the role of a reserve bank would obviously blame corporations alone for the inflation. It's like saying that brothels don't need to pay for electricity, internet and rent in order to run their businesses.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnJones View Post
    That is very much what 'civilised' human beings do since the Europeans started going around colonising Africa, Americas and Asia. Then capitalism made it even worse. Communism wasn't the answer however it was the superpower that kept the capitalists in check.

    I used to work at a startup company that makes every employee hush hush about their paychecks. After the owners started having an argument and decided to split we started discovering how some of us were way underpaid than others just to do similar work. I left for another job because it was much easier than trying to argue for a matching salary.

    The COVID-19 stimulus had definitely caused the increase in interest rates. The RBA predicted that increases will only start in 2024 but Ukraine was an opportunity too good to pass hence the early call to increase. For many years in the past decade they've dropped the interest rates just because 1)Government won't allow the Chinese to bring in suitcases of cash for fear of money laundering 2)In order to not discourage the Chinese from buying properties they had to allow them to take up home loans so that the housing bubble can keep growing thus increasing profits.

    If the COVID-19 stimulus has nothing to do with rates increases, where do you think the federal government got their money from? So far they haven't liquidated any federal government assets or gold reserves. People with no knowledge of the role of a reserve bank would obviously blame corporations alone for the inflation. It's like saying that brothels don't need to pay for electricity, internet and rent in order to run their businesses.
    Unfortunately that's the sad state the world is in. You'll have to invest in something to not lose your purchasing power due to inflation. As Warren Buffet said: "if money don't work for you, you'll work for money until the day you die"

  11. #51
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    You can get just as many uglies from not having BBFS.

    skin against skin contact

    just go and test regularly as the girls should also be doing.

  12. #52
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    Inflation is largely a result of

    1. Countries stockpiling oil in preparation for a time of war - the impact is in everything we consume
    2. Beijing lockdown, China slowdown and choking of the global supply chain from the invasion of Ukraine and knock-on effects to Europe
    3. Low unemployment and industries fighting for staff - not necessarily in wage growth but slowing productivity and increasing costs

    Not sure that communism keeps capitalism in check. Unless we are arguing that Stalin's (20m)and Mao's (40-80m) purges knocked the wind out of consumption and prices.

    It definitely is not the answer.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by keebab View Post
    On the flipside, most WL/ML I've spoken with say the industry is in massive decline, and blokes are spending far less than they used to.
    I'm amused at all of these privates however who have jacked their prices up to stratospheric levels.

  14. #54
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) GoldfishMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ColesBag View Post
    I'm amused at all of these privates however who have jacked their prices up to stratospheric levels.
    Maybe they're trying to get the same income even when there are fewer customers?

    They might be thinking that lowering their rates may not mean that more customers would come.

    I mean, it's not like they can put out a "specials" ad like Coles or Woolies: 50% off sausages, etc.

  15. #55
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Have you guys ever watched that movie "Hustlers" with Jennifer Lopez and Constance Wu? They are strippers working in the mid 2000s, raking all the money in, then the GFC happened and the first businesses to get hit are strip clubs. Wall st workers no longer have money or don't wanna spend on entertainment. We could see a real life reflection of our current recession on the market. Brothels are expensive, its better to just eat the one at home.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by andrewv View Post
    There is nothing stopping punters from making counteroffers to shops and girls. If one quotes say $130 for 30 minutes, there is nothing to stop us from counter-offering by saying "Sure I will pay $130 to stay for 30 minutes, but if you're not busy I will pay you $200 for the whole hour. You will make $70 more."
    Would this actually work when you need to hand over the agreed money to the reception anyway?

  17. #57
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    But its true that Japanese girls more often provide BBFS compare to korean or chinese. Also my experinces with lots of japanese newcomers have been good so far.

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