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Thread: Making them cum! Orgasmic WLs/MLs

  1. #21
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    i wish i had superpowers lol

  2. #22
    99 God Member (神級會員) wilisno's Avatar
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    Back in the MOC days, many of their girls were genuine first timers, uni students, it’s not impossible to have a girl who actually cum, a few I met cum all over the place with white stuff….. those were the days……..

    Btw, juice gushing out of the pussie is not a good indication that the girl has cum, there are products they can use to simulate that phenomenon, I don’t want to say too much about this, just enjoy if that makes you happy. and muscle spasms especially on the tummy can be trained, the skilful girls can do it.
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  3. #23
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    I stopped worrying about making them cum these days (I leave that to the other punters), instead I just make sure I give them a good pounding, most times they can't take it and beg me to stop/cum, on the rare occasion they can take it that's a bonus for me and we fuck until we both collapse...that's more satisfying for me.

  4. #24
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) rooter's Avatar
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    There are guys who want to believe that WLs cum because it makes them feel better to believe that, but there are just as many guys who want to believe that WLs don't cum because it makes them feel better to believe that. Balance in the universe remains.

  5. #25
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    In about 4 years of punting I had 2 WLs creaming on me and over the past few months I have met 2 sugar babes who cum very easily.

    I think it is far easier to have sugar babes cum because they are not fucking 10 guys a day.

  6. #26
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Not my job, otherwise they would be paying us.
    Too many years working on making the missus cum, its an entirely different game, now the wallet gives them pleasure. If they had the choice they wouldn't be picking us out of a line up.

  7. #27
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost2hauntU View Post
    What’s been your experience in making a working girl cum?

    In general, I find the younger ones are the easiest to cum. Like Singaporean ex model Alice at 271 Marrickville from couple years ago, she’s cum just from running my hands all over her.

    Lisa from ex Mascara 167 was a very orgasmic Korean MILF who’d cum hard multiple times during a session.

    More recently I haven’t had much luck in getting my punts to cum, even when barebacking. I’m usually the one who ends up losing it despite being full of Viagra.

    Any tips or tricks how you lads get them over the edge?
    Dated a girl for a while, I can tell you from horses mouth they cum 0% of the time and they are happy 100% of the time when the customers don't touch their vaginas.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by thunder545454 View Post
    Dated a girl for a while, I can tell you from horses mouth they cum 0% of the time and they are happy 100% of the time when the customers don't touch their vaginas.
    Yeah. 100%profit for no outlay. Brilliant business model.

  9. #29
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    As mentioned previously foreplay is key and some cum quick and some take forever. With my regular she can be hard to get there and she knows so she needs a tonne of cuddling and kissing and then lots of DATY before I finger her to get her to come. Sometimes she will even cum in DATY and I feel like it's because we have built a connection over time. Another lady I saw for the first time recently came 3 times and she was super orgasmic. My point is that everyone is different and different techniques work for different people. Ask her what she likes and she can guide you.

    We certainly are built different. Men naturally cum much quicker unfortunately 😜 but just because you came doesn't mean you can't help finish her off 😊

  10. #30
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    So many ego trips here, it’s really hilarious.
    Just think of a headline: “Men pay money to prostitutes to achieve female orgasms”

    Reality is we punters pay money because we can’t get it free.

    No one in their right mind would pay for any product or service if it were available free of charge. When you pay the vendor KNOWS they have to make you feel you’ve achieved something for your $$$$$$

  11. #31
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Markus24777 View Post
    As mentioned previously foreplay is key and some cum quick and some take forever. With my regular she can be hard to get there and she knows so she needs a tonne of cuddling and kissing and then lots of DATY before I finger her to get her to come. Sometimes she will even cum in DATY and I feel like it's because we have built a connection over time. Another lady I saw for the first time recently came 3 times and she was super orgasmic. My point is that everyone is different and different techniques work for different people. Ask her what she likes and she can guide you.

    We certainly are built different. Men naturally cum much quicker unfortunately 😜 but just because you came doesn't mean you can't help finish her off 😊
    Alot if not most don't want to come. They want you to finish quick and pay your money.

    Some could be nymphs or some could become emotionally attached to you and then maybe

    But most just think like us, a bodily funding we need to do like taking a pleasurable piss, a transaction, so their brains are not in that mode.

    If they use lube then they are definitely not aroused

  12. #32
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azninvasion85 View Post
    Not everyone is like you. Some girls, if you have a connection with them yeah u can make them orgasm. Some prob not. Some you just don't click with.

    Sure some women do fake it. Those you can tell.. but if you pay attention to the small details you can see when its real.

    You can fake the red blush that creeps up on her face. You cant fake the juice that gushes out from her pussy. The after sex muscle tremors? Don't think a WL will go that far to fake it.
    Quote Originally Posted by andrewv View Post
    So many ego trips here, it’s really hilarious.
    Just think of a headline: “Men pay money to prostitutes to achieve female orgasms”

    Reality is we punters pay money because we can’t get it free.

    No one in their right mind would pay for any product or service if it were available free of charge. When you pay the vendor KNOWS they have to make you feel you’ve achieved something for your $$$$$$
    Very few pussy is free. It can take me 3 dates to 6 dates to get your free pussy. The fastest for me was 2 dates and these are not Tinder dates, they are girls I've met. One made me wait 7 months

    So on average 3 to 6 dates, that would cost me like $150 a date including food and activities and drinks. So if there's no girl in currently interested in, wg pussy is so much easier. My last ex, jap girl, i had to wait 3 dates and had to take her to Tasmania. So wasn't cheap but the sex went on for 3 to 4 hours

  13. #33
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    It's mostly an ego thing indeed, most guys wanna believe they can make the girl cum either through fucking or foreplay, foreplay...with your gf/partner...maybe, with a WL...very unlikely, not impossible but the chances are very low, I mean there's nothing wrong with wanting to please the other side, I used to have the same mindset when I was younger, more ego etc, nowadays I'm paying hard-earned cash so I can enjoy myself/cum, not paying to please the other side (most times it will be an act anyway, "oh, I cum!"....not).

  14. #34
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    I would like to think they get some pleasure out of it. But then I catch sight of myself in the mirror and think ...hmmm probably not. It's business to them reminds me of that old joke about the uni student, desperate for a fuck, no money, offers his new Nike trainers to a WL. She agrees and while he is plugging away he feels her arms come up, then her legs wrap round him. He says see your enjoying it to which to she responds oh don't mind me I am trying on the shoes.....

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by tpol View Post
    I don't think it's poor bastards would ever really know unless she has an emotional connection to you

    I asked one girl who could do the tremors u speak of. I'm sure those thai girls who can smoke and play ping pong with their Vs can do it. I said what about the contractions in the belly and she could do them as well.

    As for the juices gushing they can pre squirt lube right inside. One girl said that juices doesn't mean an orgasm

    However, if they really do somehow get an emotional connection to you, they can come if everything just fits.

    The closest sign i think, but not 100%, is what they do post orgasm

    If they really are knackered or fall asleep or can't really get up, then they probably had one

    If they bounce straight up to clean your cock, they faked it
    True, but how many girls can do it? How many would be willing to do it for the xxx number of guys they see? Sure they can put up an act. However the act is going to let up at some point. I know some girls have great muscle control. Im not talking about them squeezing their pussy muscle. What im talking about is when ur going down on her and u have ur hand on her tummy. You can both see and feel the minor tremors.

  16. #36
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azninvasion85 View Post
    Not everyone is like you. Some girls, if you have a connection with them yeah u can make them orgasm. Some prob not. Some you just don't click with.

    Sure some women do fake it. Those you can tell.. but if you pay attention to the small details you can see when its real.

    You can fake the red blush that creeps up on her face. You cant fake the juice that gushes out from her pussy. The after sex muscle tremors? Don't think a WL will go that far to fake it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Azninvasion85 View Post
    True, but how many girls can do it? How many would be willing to do it for the xxx number of guys they see? Sure they can put up an act. However the act is going to let up at some point. I know some girls have great muscle control. Im not talking about them squeezing their pussy muscle. What im talking about is when ur going down on her and u have ur hand on her tummy. You can both see and feel the minor tremors.
    True. Daty, you have a better chance. They will do it if they like you as a customer and want your return patronage. If you are not someone they like, they'll give you a very clinical experience

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by tpol View Post
    True. Daty, you have a better chance. They will do it if they like you as a customer and want your return patronage. If you are not someone they like, they'll give you a very clinical experience
    Your point about a clinical experience is very true.

    I had a fantastic experience with a previous frequent WL I used to see. She once did something very small that I recall with fondness. We were both leaving the shower, I was in front of her and as I turned to open the shower door she gently kissed my back. It was just a gente kiss. She didn’t need to do that but she did.

    We had a great punter/WL relationship and I saw her many times. Did she ever cum? I am sure she faked it many times but she did cream a few times.

  18. #38
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    Can’t say this has ever been a goal for me as but one girl that would genuinely cum was Susan at Mac. Haven’t seen her on the roster or been there in ages

  19. #39
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Do I care if they cum? No way, maybe 15 years ago I wanted to share the pleasure but having seen so many over the years I learnt my lessons quite well.

  20. #40
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I am not bothered whether a WL or ML cums or not - she's the entertainer not me. However, it is worthwhile making the attempt, and the likely best method is DATY. Guys that reckon they get the girl to orgasm with penetrative sex are probably/certainly deluding themselves. Daty is good for several reasons, firstly the girls appreciate not having to do much work for ten minutes or so, and secondly it usually gives them a decent buzz, even if they do not hit the big O. In addition the ladies seem to appreciate the consideration, which on more than one occasion has led them to voluntarily provide a bit more. If a punter makes an investment with an ML/WL sometimes there is a dividend of improved/extra service - not always, but very gratifying when it does happen.

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