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Thread: Coded brothel/shop names in your phone.

  1. #1
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) Gucci2012's Avatar
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    Coded brothel/shop names in your phone.

    I'm getting bored with the coded names I have given shops so that they don't look out of place in my phone if "someone" happens to scroll through and check my phone activity.

    Ginza = Gina (156 messages back and forth in SMS thread)

    647 Elizabeth St = Lizzy

    Bluemoon = Dan .A (Akroyd blues brothers)

    MOC = Mya

    Does any other bro hide their favorite shops name under an alias in their phone? And can you suggest some more fun names instead of the boring ones I have made.

  2. #2
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    Haha, of course they have to be coded:

    501 - King Street Wharf
    Wishway - Tollway
    Vicky - Victor
    Linda - Lindt chocolate
    Coco - Channel 7
    QVB - QVB
    5 Star - St Mary
    Alice - Alex
    Lisa - Lee
    288 - Wattle
    Chequers - Goulburn
    Babylon - Market City
    At Michelle - Bayswater

    There you go!


    ps. actual codes listed !

  3. #3
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) CunningLinguist's Avatar
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    You could always use an app to encrypt them.

  4. #4
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by CunningLinguist View Post
    You could always use an app to encrypt them.
    For even more discretion use a separate 'burn phone'. Just say its a work phone or something....

  5. #5
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I use a burn phone with codes, unfortunately its a piece is crap blackberry no no lockbox app. .. The only problem with the burn phone is keeping it unseen...But if my gf picked up my phone and there was a lockbox app she would be very suspicious and a conversation would start.... then what whatever reason I gave regarding potential Identity theft or security for work wouldn't apply to her so..." what's the code babe??" Or next day when I'm in the dunny for eg, "Oh babe my phone is low batt.. can I use yours?"

    Bro Ahlungor, I don't know what the rest of your contacts look like but apart from Victor Alex and Lee, the codes would stick out like a sore thumb if someone was checking (on mine anyway).... my 2cents :-)

    My solution (ever evolving solution) is either use the real contact name for MY mates as opposed to anyone she would ring like fam or friends WE have and put a 1 at the end> Thats a legacy issue from the days when you copied from pone memory to sim memeory to transfr the Contacts. So the real contact is Paddy and the fake is Paddy 1, then u can put a coded reminder in the conatct itself if needed. Or if the name lends itself to a delinking of the letters I use that,
    eg Crystal = Chris Taylor
    Kelly's = Jim Kely
    533 Willoughby = Will o'Brian
    Ginza = Red Cross

    Quote Originally Posted by AHLUNGOR View Post
    Haha, of course they have to be coded:

    501 - King Street Wharf
    Wishway - Tollway
    Vicky - Victor
    Linda - Lindt chocolate
    Coco - Channel 7
    QVB - QVB
    5 Star - St Mary
    Alice - Alex
    Lisa - Lee
    288 - Wattle
    Chequers - Goulburn
    Babylon - Market City
    At Michelle - Bayswater

    There you go!


    ps. actual codes listed !
    and Wilsno said;
    Yesterday, 10:46 PM #2
    99 King Member (帝皇會員)

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    There's no need to use coded name, just download an app like Lockboxpro, you need a password to get into it to view the content !

    Originally Posted by Gucci2012
    I'm getting bored with the coded names I have given shops so that they don't look out of place in my phone if "someone" happens to scroll through and check my phone activity.

    Ginza = Gina (156 messages back and forth in SMS thread)

    647 Elizabeth St = Lizzy

    Bluemoon = Dan .A (Akroyd blues brothers)

    MOC = Mya

    Does any other bro hide their favorite shops name under an alias in their phone?

  6. #6
    99 God Member (神級會員) wilisno's Avatar
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    Haha, I just feel lucky I don't have to go through that much trouble to hide those details. No one can demand the password for my security apps !
    Directory of After Reports by wilisno
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  7. #7
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) Gucci2012's Avatar
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    Encryption app is a good idea but I want the appearance of having nothing to hide by having all my dirty secrets sitting in plain site with out having to lock something away or unlock it for someone to check.

    2nd phone??? also a good idea but I don't want a 2nd phone. I just want funny names for the shops I frequently use. Anyway thanks for the ideas guys.

  8. #8
    99 King Member (帝皇會員)
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    I go with Igloo's idea. Just make a a male name that is similar to the shop or girl's name, or gives a clue to it.

    eg 316 Elizabeth st is near Kippax St, so its entry is "Kippax, Al" (for Alice)

    One of my favourite MLs is Tina, so she has become "Turner, Tim". I keep a separate phone for the girls, and it is normally switched off - just turn it on for a few minutes each day to check for SMS, I ring then back when it is "safe"; girls know the procedure.

  9. #9
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Could someone explain the connection between coco and channel 7?

  10. #10
    Senior Member(無間使者) Shaggydog's Avatar
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  11. #11
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) Licker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by deathblow182 View Post
    Could someone explain the connection between coco and channel 7?
    Why don't you Google "Coco Channel".
    That should tell you. Even though her last name is spelled differently, she's the one that pops up.

  12. #12
    99 King Member (帝皇會員)
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    Actually it is Coco Chanel.

  13. #13
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aussiegaigin View Post
    Actually it is Coco Chanel.
    Haha, so glad to see many brothers are on the ball code breakers !!

  14. #14
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shaggydog View Post
    Same situation - locking or encripting my phone would be like a red flag to my wife.
    I use an existing real contact & have several numbers on that contact card. The second one is always the shop
    Haha, my phone must be free access to my wife and daughter as has been for so many years, if all of a sudden there are password protection it's almost like admitting I am hiding something, sure, there is a phone password but they all know that


  15. #15
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by igloo View Post

    Bro Ahlungor, I don't know what the rest of your contacts look like but apart from Victor Alex and Lee, the codes would stick out like a sore thumb if someone was checking (on mine anyway)...

    Does any other bro hide their favorite shops name under an alias in their phone?
    Hi Bro

    My iPhone is sync with my contact list at work so there are hundreds of names and email addresses most of them work related and legit people and company , so pretty ok to submerge a dozen or two private contacts there like market city and King Street Wharf


  16. #16
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I wonder if there are any app developers on the forum, I have an idea and am happy to share here before outsourcing.. PM if interested

  17. #17
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Quote Originally Posted by AHLUNGOR View Post
    Haha, my phone must be free access to my wife and daughter as has been for so many years, if all of a sudden there are password protection it's almost like admitting I am hiding something, sure, there is a phone password but they all know that

    lol. I have the same thing so contacts are on paper in the back of my wallet where no-one ever goes. It's slow and tedious but very secure.

    Second SIM on prepaid for making calls also means no need to explain second phone or odd numbers on the phone bill.

  18. #18
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) the wizard's Avatar
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    Leaving To The Grey Havens.....
    No one touches my phone or tablets, though i nearly had a heart attack
    when my niece grabbed my phone to check facebook.
    I really need to hide those texts from Wilson....

  19. #19
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Here is the answer guys.

    I sent myself an email from a fake gmail account, the subject is 'buy viagra online' (I copied the message body from a spam viagra email) then at the very bottom of the email (way way down the bottom) I have shop names (slightly coded) with numbers. So to recall I just search viagra in my email.

  20. #20
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) CunningLinguist's Avatar
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    I use a dedicated encryption app for passwords etc, then I just copy and paste the number I need into the phone or sms app.
    Once I am done I delete the phone log entry and SMS thread.
    I don't think you would need to tell anyone your password to the dedicated pasword encryptiion app as the story would be it is only for bank passwords etc.
    Unless your girlfriend partner is tech savy they probaby wouldn't know what a password protected encryption app is anyway.
    If you use this technique then make sure you encrption ap is a serious one, there are alot of script kiddies writing apps these days and the emphasis is on looks usually.
    I would recommend the android Open Intents app: OI safe. Usual disclaimer: no I don't have any arrangement with them.
    I also store interesting info in the app about the place and each encounter with the girls etc.

    I used to have a seperate sex dumb burn phone but it was too much hassle. Now I have a smartphone that does what I want.

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