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Thread: New shop - Red Rose Massage at Inala

  1. #21
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Any recent intel here lately, looks like they cycle through the girls a fair bit from what ive been reading.

  2. #22
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Not really. I do get a message from them telling me of new young girls once or twice a week. Have been meaning to go but saw someone else recently.
    Might pop in again soon but had 2 average experiences here already

  3. #23
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Hi everyone, yeah thanks for the info on the terminology used. Now understand that you need 5 posts before pm.
    I need a dummies guide for on here

  4. #24
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Tried this place on Thursday. The owner looks like a fucked up version of a clown. I quickly said NO
    Asked if anyone else working. She called out and a better option presented herself.

    She was a 6/10 but I had full balls and a small window to work with, I asked when she is free and how much. (She had a client already in the room she had come from.)
    She said 1hr..... I said Bye.... She grabbed my arm, turned me around and then grabbed at my decision maker..... The confidence and aggressiveness had me very intrigued.

    Long story short. I fucked the 6 and I have no regrets. We fucked in the back room while her client had to wait while hearing muffled moans. 2 pines. If you play your cards right these girls can still have a surprise to show you.

  5. #25
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkAlex View Post
    Tried this place on Thursday. The owner looks like a fucked up version of a clown. I quickly said NO
    Asked if anyone else working. She called out and a better option presented herself.

    She was a 6/10 but I had full balls and a small window to work with, I asked when she is free and how much. (She had a client already in the room she had come from.)
    She said 1hr..... I said Bye.... She grabbed my arm, turned me around and then grabbed at my decision maker..... The confidence and aggressiveness had me very intrigued.

    Long story short. I fucked the 6 and I have no regrets. We fucked in the back room while her client had to wait while hearing muffled moans. 2 pines. If you play your cards right these girls can still have a surprise to show you.
    So she left a client she was with, to fuck you, in an adjacent room, which I imagine would have taken at least 20 mins minimum and you paid $100. Really?

  6. #26
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Great Intel there. I might have to make my way down there soon

  7. #27
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Maybe I'm not the calliber of man you are but it wasn't 20min....
    Maybe 25.

    And yeah she was hella forward.
    Game is game mate, aint just oldies playing this game.

    What do you want me to say.....Sorry she made you wait while I finished on her tits??

  8. #28
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4FoW2 View Post
    So she left a client she was with, to fuck you, in an adjacent room, which I imagine would have taken at least 20 mins minimum and you paid $100. Really?
    Yep really

    I'm with Mark
    Not the prettiest or youngest around but when you need to empty your balls $100 does the job. You decide where. The guy kept waiting probably got a discount for waiting Haha

  9. #29
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Good stuff and a freat story. Cheers for the info

  10. #30
    Junior Member(有D料到) coglll's Avatar
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    This place has something in common with Boiler Room. I went here yesterday and deeply regret it. 1hr massage no tt, on the flip was given some insane prices for extras for over weight late 30s/40 year old boilers . I negotiated and was still not happy with it, then the girl goes out of the room and gets glad wrap from another room. What a joke this place.
    I would steer well and clear from this place, the inside of it felt so dingy and makes you feel on edge

  11. #31
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Good to know about this place, might steer clear of it based on the information

  12. #32
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    When you are fucking 6's in a massage shop you have to know how to order from the menu.

    No fucking way would I have some crazy boiler use cling wrap. As i stated in my recon. I said NO and started to walk many times during the first discussion when the 6 grabbed at my **** repeatedly while negotiating, that caught my attention. stay hard lads low ball these ML are not worth the normal rates they charge currently. and they know it.

    I'm not interested in paying for the massage then finding a disappointing conversation after a disappointing massage, get my drift.
    If you are a FS hunter, its a different game to tt happy ending.

  13. #33
    Junior Member(有D料到) coglll's Avatar
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    Man even if you get fs for $70 in this store it's not worth it. You might need your eyes checked because they definitely don't have a 6 in this store. Regardless this store won't last long

  14. #34
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    From your posts it appears that to get FS for 2 pines you are recommending to learn how to order from the menu and low ball these ML. Would that be correct? If so could you elaborate on your strategy so we can all get FS for 2 pines.

  15. #35
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Following with interest!!!

  16. #36
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    To get results from this game, you have to be willing to walk away and play at a different stadium or just take the L and try later. If you never pay over your own decided value pricing, you will see the results you want.
    It's not a hard concept lads.... But it is hard to follow.

    Decide what value you put on these women and stick to it.
    If you have been in this game for a few years. Ask yourself why have pricing increased so much?...... is the massage better? is the bj better? does she crank your dick better? ask yourself why?
    It is because more new blood losers have come into the game and they think its a miracle that they can pay 4-8 pines to a random woman to get sexual gratification.

    If you guys need this explained..... It is what it is.

  17. #37
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    So what's your decided value pricing for FS?

  18. #38
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkAlex View Post
    ....If you have been in this game for a few years. Ask yourself why have pricing increased so much?...... is the massage better? is the bj better? does she crank your dick better? ask yourself why?
    It is because more new blood losers have come into the game and they think its a miracle that they can pay 4-8 pines to a random woman to get sexual gratification.

    If you guys need this explained..... It is what it is.
    A little bit simplistic isn't it?
    Why is petrol more expensive? Is it any better, does it make my car drive faster? Noooo, it's because of all the new drivers who just throw money at the petrol stations and fill up no matter what.
    Why is the food at my favourite take-out joint more expensive? Does it taste better, are the portions bigger, is it more nutritious? Nooo, it's because of suckers who don't stop eating and throw money at the owners anyway....
    Why is my home and content insurance more expensive each year? Do they improve the cover, do they process claims faster, do they give me more money for damaged stuff? Noo, it's because of bloody new house owners who insure their houses anyway...

    Good grief, some really simple minds here.

  19. #39
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by VFlowers View Post
    A little bit simplistic isn't it?
    Why is petrol more expensive? Is it any better, does it make my car drive faster. Noooo, it's because of all the new drivers who just throw money at the petrol stations and fill up no matter what.
    Why is the food at my favourite take-out joint more expensive? Does it taste better, are the portions bigger, is it more nutritious. Nooo, it's because of suckers who don't stop eating and throw money at the owners anyway....
    Why is my home and content insurance more expensive each year? Do they improve the cover, do they process claims faster, do they give me more money for damaged stuff? Noo, it's because of bloody new house owners who insure their houses anyway...

    Good grief, some really simple minds here.
    Ease up Mr. Angiosperm- this guy is going to tell us something close to the Holy Grail of Punting - how to get FS regularly for 2 pines and you're giving him a hard time?
    Don't you realize, there are hundreds, possibly thousands of punters around Brisbane, waiting for his words of wisdom.

  20. #40
    Senior Member(無間使者) Rusty Russ's Avatar
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    Good grief, some really simple minds here.[/QUOTE]

    I think we already knew that
    You wouldn’t expect anything less would you

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