Quote Originally Posted by local View Post
Recently had to deal with the death of a relatively close friend.
He had also nominated me yo be the executor of his estate.
First thing I did was grab his phones, all of them, plus his usual work computers etc...
I also was in possession of his passwords and a cheat sheet.
following his instructions I wipe all but his daily normal phone, but removed/wiped wechat from it.
the others were factory reset and one was booted. In this case is went under my boot and was smashed to pieces then fed thru a shreeder.
I then proceeded to remove 2 computers which had been setup for remote access and shed those as well.
2 extra google accounts were separated from his and then redone, killing as much history as possible.
2 extra sims accounts were destroyed and wiped.
It was all preplanned, just in case.
Wow, that is taking executor duties to the next level! Lucky you were able to gather in all the devices and avoid the suspicion of family etc.