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Thread: Friday Rant

  1. #41
    Senior Member(無間使者) jedibear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vincent888 View Post
    Talking about moving O/S.

    Pension age is 67 I think in Australia?

    If guys move O/S to Thailand or the Philippines how are they going to survive if they’re 50 or even 60 till the pension kicks in.

    You need a bankroll.

    Plus all those hot chicks you’re banging now are used to the party lifestyle. Whilst there on holidays its spend like your on holidays. No problem. Come back here and reset. But will those girls be around you when you’re living frugally with no income?

    That’s the difference between tourist holiday spend and local spend.

    Ever notice the girls there ask where are you from? Why? Because if you’re a local then no money and consequently no honey.

    Just my 2 baht.
    Reality is, you really have to have decent enough flow of money over there to live there and live like a king. If you're living off savings until the pension age, forget it...u might as well sit here and work a few more years, punt a little before making that kind of move...

    Also, if anything were to happen medically...then it isnt so cheap over there. So i do agree with @Vincent888

    Sent from my SM-S901E using Tapatalk

  2. #42
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Very interesting thread. Thanks guys for contributing.

  3. #43
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hidden Python View Post
    I thought I just create this post so everyone can have a platform to get things off their chests,
    As bottling up all our emotions and thoughts is not good for our mental health,
    Especially being a punter and keeping it a secret from our family and friends,

    I go first, it’s Friday and I just finished work and going home to an empty home that I have been neglecting since my wife passed away 2 years ago, its a total mess but its full of memories, I have an opportunity to sell up and go live in Thailand with a long term friend that I have know for 20 years and start life over again, but my commitments here keep dragging me down, especially with aging parents that are in their later years, deep down I don’t want to be alone in life but I also don’t want to give up on what I have, so it’s mentally eating me away,
    Punting has given me some short term relief from reality, but its not going to solve the problem I am facing.
    That’s my rant and what’s been eating me up, I hope you guys can be brave enough to express your thoughts and worries as bottling it up is not really healthy.
    a Suggestion is to rent out your property here, your income should cover any expenses overseas. then if any issues come up you can easily move back. if all goes well say after 12 months then you may look at selling. the other thing is you can't live your life waiting on your aging parents to die, its you life to live ....
    best of luck

  4. #44
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vincent888 View Post
    Ever notice the girls there ask where are you from? Why? Because if you’re a local then no money and consequently no honey.
    Me, I speak WG:
    Where are you from? = How fat is your wallet?

    How long you stay _____? = Can I charge you the tourist rate or do I have to charge you the resident rate?

    What's your name? = Sounds like I care, but it'll just be "baby" for the rest of the time.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bravo View Post
    Me, I speak WG:
    Where are you from? = How fat is your wallet?

    How long you stay _____? = Can I charge you the tourist rate or do I have to charge you the resident rate?

    What's your name? = Sounds like I care, but it'll just be "baby" for the rest of the time.
    I’ll remember that when I’m O/S. Perhaps I should dress like Tom Hanks in Cast Away? Or is that the normal attire for a lot of Aussie’s there? I just want to be a grey man…

    I’ve been thinking about mixing it with some Russian hotties whilst there. They seem to have a presence. I bet they fuck well. Just a guess.

  6. #46
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    Damn it.

    Every time I get to a certain number of posts I think I’ll permanently stop. First it was 400, 444, 555,666 and now I’m on 712. Perhaps it’ll be 777 or 888. If I accidentally pass that number it’ll have to be 1000.

    Enough is enough.

    That’s my rant.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hidden Python View Post
    Mate I hate it too, especially when you get a donkey that weaves in and out of lanes, just to get ahead of everyone else,
    I have a theory ... traffic is bad Mon-Fri but generally moves as people are daily drivers and understand the flow around different areas. On the weekends, you have the occasional drivers clogging up the streets who have no concept of flow etc

  8. #48
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) GoldfishMan's Avatar
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    This is human life, isn't it? In childhood, we're all wide-eyed innocent souls, easily impressed and enjoying the raw thrill of every new thing that comes our way.
    Then life happened. We get bombarded everyday by something new that needs to be worried about. Your studies, your GF, your wife, your dick, finances, jobs! As you grow older, the worries seem to pile up one on top of the other. It's easy to lose track of the big picture after going through so much.

    If only we could get rid of all the things that came along and cut to the core. What excited you the most in your youth? What did you enjoy the most? Watching movies? Playing games? I'm talking about prepubescence here. Literally everything that has happened since puberty was a result of puberty. You naturally needed to procreate, so you try to make it, get financially well off, get a girl, make babies, punt because you needed to spread your seeds. It has been a vicious cycle ever since!

    Go back to before your life became dominated by your dick and balls. Think about what you enjoyed as an innocent soul, and go back to that. That is your happiness right there. Anyone who chides you for being immature or childish can go F themselves.

  9. #49
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by refokkused View Post
    I have a theory ... traffic is bad Mon-Fri but generally moves as people are daily drivers and understand the flow around different areas. On the weekends, you have the occasional drivers clogging up the streets who have no concept of flow etc
    I tend to agree with your theory, and the reverse is also true. Driving around Sydney and Melbourne CBD you get conditiobed to driving like a demon. Then you go/drive interstate or a rural/country area and you get pissed off on how slow people drive.

    Watching people having several attempts at positioning. aligning and parking a fucken small car into a parking bay with enough space to fit a truck sideways really pisses me'd think they were trying to park a semi-trailer.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Double_Adapter View Post
    Watching people having several attempts at positioning. aligning and parking a fucken small car into a parking bay with enough space to fit a truck sideways really pisses me'd think they were trying to park a semi-trailer.
    I had a guy demo me a self parking car. He crashed it big time.

  11. #51
    Senior Member(無間使者) TheBigChungus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiafever View Post
    1. Are you cycling your creatine? Do you use pre-workout EVERY workout, or just when it's needed? Are you making sure you're cycling in rest weeks and switching exercises to keep it interesting? If you do the same exercises week in week out they lose their effectiveness, switch it up. How's the diet? Are you occasionally varying the workouts themselves with drop sets, partials, high weight/low rep or lower weight/more reps?

    2. For picking a restaurant, flip a coin, heads japanese, tails Malaysian for example of it lands one and you're happy with it off you go, if it lands another and you feel disappointed, you wanted the other one anyway.
    With creatine i just take a scoop everyday, never cycled on or off or even done creatine loading.

    I usually do a 12 week routine, and make adjustments.

    Lately been going for more strength focused goals, and upping my SBD. By the end of 2024 I do wanna hit at min 245kgs on squat, 140kgs on bench and 240kgs on dead (currently 220kgs, 125kgs, and 220kgs). I think they're pretty reasonable and achievable goals.

    Yeah I actually got a wheel app on my phone so I can just spin the wheel to pick a place to eat although sometimes as you said I do end up getting something else even though the wheel picked something different.

  12. #52
    Senior Member(無間使者) TheBigChungus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hidden Python View Post
    Hi mate better to focus on cardio than bulk, that way you can pump the w/ls for the whole session and wear her out,
    Bu...but no chest no sex? Isn't that the mantra? LOL

    I feel like my cardio is good enough for the time being although it could be better. Going on walks with the pup, and recently been cycling whenever I can.

    Tired a mates e-bike and it was kinda fun compared to my old traditional bike. Might invest in one although they are eye watering pricey!

  13. #53
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Go back to before your life became dominated by your dick and balls. Think about what you enjoyed as an innocent soul, and go back to that. That is your happiness right there. Anyone who chides you for being immature or childish can go F themselves.[/QUOTE]

    Yeah I agree. I might not have had the happiest childhood but I've certainly had a long one... hehe

  14. #54
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hidden Python View Post
    I thought I just created this post so everyone can have a platform to get things off their chests.
    As bottling up all our emotions and thoughts is not good for our mental health,
    Especially being a punter and keeping it a secret from our family and friends,

    I go first; it’s Friday and I just finished work and going home to an empty home that I have been neglecting since my wife passed away 2 years ago, its a total mess but its full of memories. I have the opportunity to sell up and go live in Thailand with a long-term friend that I have known for 20 years and start life over again, but my commitments here keep dragging me down, especially with aging parents that are in their later years. Deep down, I don’t want to be alone in life but I also don’t want to give up on what I have, so it’s mentally eating me away.
    Punting has given me some short-term relief from reality, but it is not going to solve the problem I am facing.
    That’s my rant and what’s been eating me up. I hope you guys can be brave enough to express your thoughts and worries, as bottling it up is not really healthy.

    I know that I'm not alone in this situation. There are others out there who have faced similar struggles, and many feel just as lost and confused as I do. It's hard to take those first steps into the unknown, but it's even harder to stay stuck in a place of indecision.

    That's why I think it's important to reach out and share our stories. When we can talk about our problems openly, honestly, and without judgement, it helps us find strength in each other's experiences. We are all fighting battles that are unique to us, but at the same time, they often have more similarities than differences. By talking about them together, we can discover new ways of understanding ourselves and others

  15. #55
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    I try not to overthink punting

    It's a business transaction done with care and compassion

    Have the wonderful sex and then get out of her life
    Don't be a hero and try and fix things for the WL

    After each punt thank nature that your c_ck still works because there will come a time when it will be less reliable

    Don't overspend on privates

    If punting is making you sad then you are doing it wrong

  16. #56
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    Ahhh the ol’ “punting is a business transaction” bit.

    Mafia use a similar expression.

    It’s a good method of self justification.

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