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Thread: Do you lose interest in punting after a regular leaves the country not to return

  1. #1
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Do you lose interest in punting after a regular leaves the country not to return

    Been punting for almost 2 years during which time had one consistent regular, a fluctuating couple of other regulars and the flow of one off tries.
    Long term regular moved back home 2 months ago apparently with no intention of returning and surprisingly found myself feeling rather lethargic about going punting. She was always fun, positive, so chill and we both knew what each other enjoyed and wanted, tried mixing stuff up so kept interesting.
    Found even other regulars I wasn't putting the effort in and with newbies questioning whether it was worth the effort to add spark to the session.
    To pre answer possible expected questions - no I wasn't obsessed with her or in love we just clicked in our first session like I've not found with anyone else
    Anyway interested to hear if anyone else unexpectedly experienced the same

  2. #2
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Chatswood NSW
    Regulars seem to be a cut above standard WLs you can't compare the service between them. You just have to keep punting till you find another one that lives up to your standards of becoming your new regular. There are plenty of WLs out there so my advice would be to keep trying different girls till you find a good one to stick with. It would be hard after having a regular for a long while to go cold turkey and to not punt at all and no sex either. Yes some newbie girls are not up to standard which is why you have to keep trying. Try different places you will in the long run find the right one. It takes time.

  3. #3
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Been there. I try and have the attitude, as I'll say, "For me, I hope to see you again. For you, I hope I don't". Down for myself, happy she's moved on with her life. Might take some time, but you do find another.

  4. #4
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Bro sorry to hear you are feeling down

    You don't need her, and the attachment is hurting you

    Maybe I'm younger, but I never open my heart when I go for a punt. It's all cash transactional. Even if I met the punting equivalent of a supermodel, it's all transient fun and bodily enjoyment

    Take on the Buddhist approach and understand that attachment can be unhealthy

    Hope you have a few nice punts and move in to the next regular.

    She didn't give you a big farewell because she was never attached to you. Did you both share a nice meal together before she left the country? Most WL know that the whole thing is money based. Start to think the same way if you want to move forward

  5. #5
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Trust me bro there are so many options available, Just keep staying active and you'll find one you click with again

  6. #6
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    Deleted, too personal
    Last edited by todawac; 12-12-2023 at 02:27 PM. Reason: Too personal

  7. #7
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    A lot of women when they return home, fall into a pit of depression because of what they had to do to themselves just to make money, as Sydney is a quite an expense place to live and study in, She probably has more bad experiences than good,
    Just give her a bit of time so she can return to a normal life style, and if she had your contact details and really care for you she would get in contact with you.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hidden Python View Post
    A lot of women when they return home, fall into a pit of depression because of what they had to do to themselves just to make money, as Sydney is a quite an expense place to live and study in, She probably has more bad experiences than good,
    Just give her a bit of time so she can return to a normal life style, and if she had your contact details and really care for you she would get in contact with you.
    Thank you for your reply. I just want her to know not to rile someone up if she really cares for him and wants to live the rest of her life with him. At least she should've maintained normal communications even if it takes her days or weeks to reply.

  9. #9
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    The proper way to heal from trauma is constant communication. Many Asian communities tend to keep their feelings to themselves and let it balloon until it explodes one day and becomes a mess.

    Like frisson said use the Buddhist approach. The Buddhist approach uses confession to quickly fix traumas and regrets.

    Since I knew what sort of work has she done throughout her whole time here in Sydney, I would be honoured to be her ear and listen to all her troubles and hasten her healing. I just couldn't understand why she had to get all her friends to rile me up for, making me believe that she doesn't want to see me again when everyday she posts as if she yearns for something opposite.

    I'm here for her when she's ready to talk about her traumas. My training isn't just for show - it's to help people overcome traumas the same way I overcame mine.

  10. #10
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    Then again, it is my preference that she contacts me privately through my contact number. This forum isn't the right channel for such communication - it confuses visitors and those in the same predicament as her as although the predicament is similar, their lives are totally different. This is why different people have different karmas. And the reason why it worked out between us and not with other working girls.

    Buddha had different remedies for each individual students. The reason for this is because some are beginners while others have already had some sort of intermediate training. It's like trying to teach a kindergartener rocket science, you can't just hand them a PhD thesis.

    I'm not entertaining any trolling after this line. She knows that I'm doing my best to reach her. Sorry for earlier post, sometimes wrathful means are required to move people's minds like a mother warning her child not to play with fire.

  11. #11
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    A word of advice, which you should consider as a life/death situation:

    Karma is exhaustible, meaning that it can be destroyed.

    Riling someone up, overly testing their patience and making them wait without reciprocating some sort of assurance that you definitely miss them and want to be with them are destructive actions that can cause certain positive karmas to be exhausted. What this means is that if you don't give the person the benefit of knowing when he can expect your return or give reoccurring validation through communicating using the proper channel, the "relationship" is at danger of dissolving. Nothing is permanent - is the famous quote from the Buddha. If you want something to last there must be positive reinforcing actions that perpetuates the motion.

    This is the reason why many people in the world die single - they destroy all positive karma they have through listening to the wrong relationship advices. Then they wonder why religion or spirituality can't help them. Both religion and spirituality is to cultivate positive behaviours that creates the perpetual positive karma needed to start good things such as good business, good relationship or good grades in studies. You can't use religion, God, spirits etc to make an imaginary wish come true without effort on your side.

    You need to make a quick decision. Even if you stop riling me up there is still a danger of you losing me forever. Not because I'm being unfaithful and not holding to my promise but there is a chance we might get separated again like what happened during the three years of us knowing each other. I've always had feelings for you but somehow it was our karmas that caused the obstacles for us to see each other regularly. The reason why we were able to suddenly start seeing each other weekly since April is because that karma separating us had depleted.

    Right now I accept that there is a karma causing us this separation from 2 months ago. I've been praying to have this karma purified, therefore my only plea is that you don't add more to this karma. If you start considering contacting me and using me as your ear whenever you feel down, you would've been putting a stop to the karma that causes us to separate and increasing the merits for us to have a better relationship than our parents. As you heard it from me, my parents divorced when I was 4 and my life for the next 20 years have been nothing but trauma, but I was able to beat the trauma ten years later.

    Karma is a natural law similar to gravity. No one controls it but people can manipulate karma with consequences. This is why I don't joke with karma and ask people to take karma seriously.

  12. #12
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    Remember - all traumatic events in life stems from bad karma. If you add a pinch of good deeds, good thoughts and good speech you can change your fate.

    Like flying a plane - without landing gears gravity will kill all onboard because gravity is a natural event. Karma works similar to gravity by using common sense - if you don't want to separate from the ONLY person in the world who can accept you for who you are, install that landing gear and start texting that person's number. It is not the person's loyalty you need to be afraid of, it is the karmic consequence of not contacting him as soon as possible that will create some sort of separation. You never know when a disaster may happen that causes you or him to die without achieving your dreams of having kids with the person you love.

    Again this forum isn't the right channel to discuss things such as feelings and relationships. I will stop at this post.

  13. #13
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by todawac View Post
    Thank you for your reply. I just want her to know not to rile someone up if she really cares for him and wants to live the rest of her life with him. At least she should've maintained normal communications even if it takes her days or weeks to reply.
    JJ, is that you? You reincarnated so quickly, but it doesn't seem you've gained any enlightenment. Didn't I read earlier where you said you were going to stop posting, that was it, no more (is that the too personal one you deleted?).

    It's like a drug, isn't it. You just can't stop spewing... Myself, when I have that problem, Imodium is my solution of choice. One of the greatest drugs ever for travel. Immediately stops those blowouts...

    You should re-read Hidden Python's post. At least one of them has returned to reality. And assuming that fact, why would she be reading here? This is PAST history. When someone has moved on with their life, they don't take extra baggage with them.

    On the other hand, I do hope it's JJ. Otherwise, could this be a karma virus spreading...

    Old cliche: Don't try and hold on to the bird in your hand. Let it go. If it comes back, it's yours forever. If not, it was never yours to begin with.

    Quote Originally Posted by todawac View Post
    Remember - all traumatic events in life stems from bad karma.
    Traumatic events are not karma, they're a visit from a B52...

    Quote Originally Posted by todawac View Post
    I will stop at this post.
    One can only hope ... but I am a skeptic.

  14. #14
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    If she was the last hooker in the country I might be upset.

    However seeing as though there is quite a few around there is no need to be.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by todawac View Post
    Again this forum isn't the right channel to discuss things such as feelings and relationships. I will stop at this post.
    Definitely the wrong place for such personal intimate discussions.

    I doubt your person of interest would even read this here much less reply publicly. For your sake, hers and ours, please take your pleading offline and stop as you promise.

    It was doing my noggin in trying to make sense of all that senseless banter between you, jj, hayabi, hayashi, norman, vince888, yonah, penus (or similar who purported to not write proper English) and whoever I've left out that I was dreading visiting this site. Even the sibon warwick raybo stoushes were enjoyable reading by comparison

    I'm glad admin finally came to the party, we had clean air for a short while, please let this last and don't resurface too quickly!!

  16. #16
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    4 long posts above, all in a row, clearly going down a rabbit hole…..

    Has only just “joined” the forum

    I hope this ain’t Vincent888 again…

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by RO1312 View Post
    4 long posts above, all in a row, clearly going down a rabbit holeÂ…..

    Has only just “joined” the forum

    I hope this ainÂ’t Vincent888 againÂ…
    Definitely not, and definitely will not join the toxicity.

    I'm done with the arrogance of a girl who can't keep a relationship banter private and rather have it played in public for people to see. When she sees things going south she suddenly announces herself in one form or the other.

    And I'm done with Kim Jin Joo, the nuthead who controls Goldfishman, phobicjohn5, TheBigChungus, AHLUNGOR, Meng, Quad, dotcumdotinyou and several other accounts.

    This time I will create no more new accounts. If banned, I'm forever free. And there's actually another girl interested in me that I'll ask out if M isn't going to show effort in saving the "relationship" by actually texting my number.

    Who is M? The ML who was supposedly "popular" before she "retired". I was about to move on when she rejected my offer the second time, and it was her persuading me to be a FWB and keep chasing her. Now she totally went overboard with such arrogance. She's depleted her good karmas, the only way to save this is for her to bring out her utmost compassion by wrapping this public banter up and start doing things privately - text my number. I won't say it again.

    I'm done. Sorry if I didn't meet your expectations. What you're doing is exactly what causes my first 24 years of life filled with trauma. I thought you would've been better than this. If I don't hear from you by the end of this week, goodbye and apologies.

  18. #18
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    My first 24 years of life was filled with the trauma of empty promises from both parents - they were taking advantage of my kind hearted nature, the same way M is doing right now, using my kindness to bash me online with unkind words of "not being able to move on", "falling in love with the wrong person", "it was only business" etc.

    These are words related to bad speech which in turn creates a lot of unwholesome bad karma. This is why I wrote that 4 "long paragraph". Bad karma from such speech can cause really bad consequences to manifest, and even if I was a high Lama I won't be able to reverse such karma.

    Take the time to think, M. You have until end of this week. I know you have read the reply above. I really like you, don't jinx this up.

    Kim Jin Joo, keep your schizophrenia in check. Take your bloody meds, AUS99 isn't a mental asylum.

  19. #19
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    You're hurt. Do you see now how hurt I am being riled up continuously for the past 2 months?

    It takes such pain for compassion to arise. To be the person who sacrifices his needs for others. Other guys would normally get pissed off within a week, and that's probably why many WL/customer relationships don't last.

    I saw your signal. I knew you wanted me as much as I do for you. But the drivel was just coming from bad advice. That drives an arrogance that is usually non-reversible in many. I understand you may have some of it as part of your actual personality but if you have any regret for causing me hurt I am willing to work with you on a proper response.

    My methods are unconventional. My role model is Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. He's like the sun to me and many monks out there. He doesn't mind being labelled "crazy", "abusive" etc because his love for humanity goes beyond all labels. For me, my motivation is my love for you. The need to care for you, make you feel like a real princess without turning you into a monster princess in the eyes of the public. Your drivels have been pretty much sounding a lot like what monster princesses do, and I don't want you to be like that.

    I'm the only person you knew your whole life who waited for you for years and withstood 2 months of constant drivel. The only person who so far hasn't given up on you. Every other girls have the right to be jealous of you if they're still single.

    I'm no longer putting out a deadline for you. I will definitely wait for you, but I will not entertain over the boundary drivels. I'd like you to be my equal but if you go off the path I'll have to take lead again in my unconventional ways. If you want to maintain constant communication with me then don't make me do things that will cause me to get my account banned.

  20. #20
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    You know what this spam of text remind me of? There's a recent Philion video where he bags out a onlyfan simp who spent 60k on a girls only fans. He then started messaging her on instagram saying how much he loves her lol.

    Literally almost word for word the same shit hayabi is writing.

    Check the video out:

    Go to 9:30 where he started reading out the text messages the simp was writing out lol. It literally sounds very familiar to what hayabi is typing.

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