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Thread: Try new girl or old favourite

  1. #1
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Try new girl or old favourite

    Does anyone else have this problem ?

    On my budget I can afford to punt maybe once a week. I have a few favourites that my go to rotation that ranges from $150 to 200 per punt. Mainly massage rather than FS.

    The dilemma I always have reading all the reviews is the trade-off between trying someone new for novelty vs going back to one of the 5 ladies that I already know have amazing service.

  2. #2
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Quote Originally Posted by River View Post
    Does anyone else have this problem ?

    On my budget I can afford to punt maybe once a week. I have a few favourites that my go to rotation that ranges from $150 to 200 per punt. Mainly massage rather than FS.

    The dilemma I always have reading all the reviews is the trade-off between trying someone new for novelty vs going back to one of the 5 ladies that I already know have amazing service.
    I think you justed need to ask yourself if you are happy with your regulars. If your answer is yes then you do not have a problem, you are creating a problem. If the answer is no, then you really don't have regulars, just girls you see. And again, you don't have a problem. Just a punting habit 😎

  3. #3
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    This is a question for u to decide, if your mind saying something u like to haven't try then i go for the new girl, it is the saying if you haven't tried you will never know, Fear of the Unknown

    If u prefer a old time favorite then u know it will be same as usually conversation etc etc but there could be some rewards at the end FOC.

    A males mind is full of surprises and curiosity thinking what will happen tomorrow. U could tell yourself you haven't fulfill my ultimate desires and hold a jar full of regrets if u haven't explore the WWW of punting.

    This is my thought

    Go and conquer the WWW of man desire and enjoy the moment

  4. #4
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    This is my never ending struggle.

    Sometimes its wanting the new shiny, other times I want something I know what I am going to get.

    I guess it all comes to personal preference, mix it up. I'd never say stick to the regulars but try what excites you, and if you have a dud you have the regular to fall back on to get the taste out of your mouth.

    Its all a numbers game, lady luck will be with you some days, and others will laugh as a 90yo Grannie wanders out. I'm hoping its not that latter.

  5. #5
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    If your happy with the service from your 5 regulars why change? You may not like the service from another girl as much. Stick to regulars.

  6. #6
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) GoldfishMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by River View Post
    Does anyone else have this problem ?

    On my budget I can afford to punt maybe once a week. I have a few favourites that my go to rotation that ranges from $150 to 200 per punt. Mainly massage rather than FS.

    The dilemma I always have reading all the reviews is the trade-off between trying someone new for novelty vs going back to one of the 5 ladies that I already know have amazing service.
    I too have 5 regulars... On my right hand, lol!

    But seriously, I hear you bro. Sometimes I regret not trying someone new, sometimes I try someone new and regret not sticking to one of my regulars.
    What can you do? Lol...

  7. #7
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by River View Post
    Try new girl or old favourite
    Mix and match. 1 month: 3x1 or 2x2. Just rotate 1 regular out each month for someone new, then a different regular the next month.

  8. #8
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I used to stick to my regular, and then she stopped working and i tried different girls and shops... And then realized how i missed a lot of different girls... Different style, nationality, etc. The key is doing your research and stick to reputable shops. If the girl really good, i usually come back after a while, but not more than 3 times so far...

    Sent from my ELE-L29 using Tapatalk

  9. #9
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I generally find that I will change, even if not simply to find what else is out and around.

    I do have a few regulars but will also explore options as sometimes I find myself getting a little bored or not getting the same level of 'experience' the longer I see the same ML.

    Sometimes the exploration will turn up something worth repeating, other times I ask myself why did I not go to my regular but that is also part of the fun and you may well find a new regular
    Last edited by gco0307; 13-12-2023 at 04:10 PM. Reason: typos

  10. #10
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by River View Post
    Does anyone else have this problem ?

    On my budget I can afford to punt maybe once a week. I have a few favourites that my go to rotation that ranges from $150 to 200 per punt. Mainly massage rather than FS.

    The dilemma I always have reading all the reviews is the trade-off between trying someone new for novelty vs going back to one of the 5 ladies that I already know have amazing service.
    Early signs of the FOMO disease. Increase your rotation count from 5 to 6-7

  11. #11
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    I have old favs I want to see, and new girls I want to try. The problem is not enough time and money.

  12. #12
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bravo View Post
    Mix and match. 1 month: 3x1 or 2x2. Just rotate 1 regular out each month for someone new, then a different regular the next month.
    I like this post
    Do others also find it gets boring with the same lady if they have no imagination and just go through the same old, same old routine

    But this approach sounds like a good idea

  13. #13
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    I will usually try new girls, although I am usually very picky

  14. #14
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    When you have a regular it is because they either have a set routine that you enjoy coming back for or you just enjoy her body type more than anyone else. I tried mix n match before during the $150/hr days but it starts to get really boring because you'll start liking certain body types than others and you'd wish to keep seeing that one regular.

    Those who need variety are usually those who haven't tried them all yet and are curious. I had a Chinese friend who will only go for Chinese or Korean WLs, he wouldn't even go near a Japanese WL. Really strange but maybe it reminds him more of the girls he's used to, plus speaking the same language and having similar cultures is a preference most guys go to when seeing WLs.

  15. #15
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Checked out now
    Love is like a flower, you gotta let it grow

  16. #16
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    I will stick with my regular thanks. We get along really well & seem to enjoy each other's company. Certainly makes a big difference to this litle black duck...

  17. #17
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    When a regular suddenly stopped working you wonder if you should wait for her or give up.

    Long time ago I had a really good regular who suddenly disappeared from roster and reappeared one year later. She did mention travelling around the world before disappearing first time. Didn't mind it as I wasn't attached to her but when she reappear and totally remembers me and what moves I liked after that whole year disappearing, I wonder if she was waiting for me to pop the serious question... Didn't get the chance as she disappeared again and never returned.

    Then I had another regular from last year. Gave me BBFS for free since our first session, told me she's going to the US for a month before coming back, saw her again as she came back then suddenly disappeared again. I also wondered if she was waiting for me to pop a serious question.

    This year met a really nice girl, we became FWBs and had really great sex each time. Thinking of previous experiences I thought maybe I should pop the question early. She rejected but insisted on maintaining FWB relationship. Now she's disappeared for months without any indication of returning. I'm thinking of giving up looking for her and hopefully she reappears months or a year later.

    At the moment not really sure which girl to choose from when punting. Tried a few 2 months ago, every single one of them suggesting that I should see them regularly for some reason. Feels heavy to comply with their suggestions as the sex isn't as great as with my last FWB and I don't really want to recycle experiences of girls going out of their norm showing me good times then suddenly disappearing.

  18. #18
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by begov94 View Post
    ...and I don't really want to recycle experiences of girls going out of their norm showing me good times then suddenly disappearing.
    Oh, so you don't want her to have her own life, independent of you. Gee, here I though Australia did away with kings... No empathy here.

  19. #19
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by River View Post
    Does anyone else have this problem ?

    On my budget I can afford to punt maybe once a week. I have a few favourites that my go to rotation that ranges from $150 to 200 per punt. Mainly massage rather than FS.

    The dilemma I always have reading all the reviews is the trade-off between trying someone new for novelty vs going back to one of the 5 ladies that I already know have amazing service.
    My question to you is quite simple (though the answer wont be....)


    Answer in a few simple sentences and lets move along from there ...

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bravo View Post
    Oh, so you don't want her to have her own life, independent of you. Gee, here I though Australia did away with kings... No empathy here.
    Sounds more like somebody's happy I didn't go out looking for another regular. Because according to the last 2 months of interaction, even seeing another WL once warranted a big argument.

    Kings? Sounds like someone isn't informed about the sad state of modern day monarchy. Some monarchs are made not just born you know. They have to serve their people unlike politicians who can sit on pedestals for 4 years regardless of whether they fulfill promises or not.

    And what happens if I say she can be independent all she wants? Then suddenly she does a 360° and start guilt tripping me for not caring about her. For not being constantly worried about her wellbeing?

    If you want to have some free time before getting serious, just say so. If I was like every other men you see at work I wouldn't even have this conversation here for the past 2 months.

    P/S: saw you checking out the Regular MLs for 2023 thread. Jealous I was asking about other girls?

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