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Thread: High lifetime number of sexual partners linked to increased cancer risk

  1. #21
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Its ALWAYS the good things like alcohol or steak or bbq that give you cancer.

    Its NEVER the shit tasting stuff like tofu or kale or green tea.
    My level of sarcasm depends on your level of stupidity.

  2. #22
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by dotcumdotinyou View Post
    Its ALWAYS the good things like alcohol or steak or bbq that give you cancer.

    NEVER the shit tasting stuff like tofu or kale or green tea.
    The Gods Must Be Crazy

  3. #23
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    That s bullshit, I should be dead by now.

  4. #24
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff the playboy View Post
    That s bullshit, I should be dead by now.
    I suggest you should never say that. I worked with a chain smoker who bragged about how he has not taken a day sick in 10 years despite his smoking habit. Then one day he got really ill and died within 30 days. We should all count our lucky stars because in reality it is not all bullshit!!!

  5. #25
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) rooter's Avatar
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    A lot of things will kill you. The moment we are born we begin to die.

  6. #26
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) GoldfishMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dotcumdotinyou View Post
    Its ALWAYS the good things like alcohol or steak or bbq that give you cancer.

    Its NEVER the shit tasting stuff like tofu or kale or green tea.
    Bro, what's wrong with tofu? I love it. Not so much the kale though. Now THAT is shit, lol...

  7. #27
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    The truth of the matter is that 30% of cancers are caused by know things tobacco alcohol genetics etc and the other 70% of cancer is just bad luck and I guess bad fucks

  8. #28
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) rooter's Avatar
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    I think its fair to say that nobody really fully understands cancer.
    If somebody did then we would have a cure by now.
    Clearly we know there is a connection between some things and cancer.
    Sun exposure and skin cancer, smoking and various cancers, alcohol and various cancers, HPV which is sexually transmitted and cervical and oral cancer.
    And I totally agree we should adopt behaviours to try and avoid those cancers.
    But sometimes cancer is just fucken random or genetic or whatever.
    My little brother died of leukemia/blood cancer.
    He was a beautiful boy and I miss him every day of my life.
    My uncle was a crazy cool dude and died of lung cancer and he never smoked a cigarette in his life.
    Shit happens.

  9. #29
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Quote Originally Posted by rooter View Post
    I think its fair to say that nobody really fully understands cancer.
    If somebody did then we would have a cure by now.
    Clearly we know there is a connection between some things and cancer.
    Sun exposure and skin cancer, smoking and various cancers, alcohol and various cancers, HPV which is sexually transmitted and cervical and oral cancer.
    And I totally agree we should adopt behaviours to try and avoid those cancers.
    But sometimes cancer is just fucken random or genetic or whatever.
    My little brother died of leukemia/blood cancer.
    He was a beautiful boy and I miss him every day of my life.
    My uncle was a crazy cool dude and died of lung cancer and he never smoked a cigarette in his life.
    Shit happens.
    Bring the cunt on. Where're my 10 chicks?

    Sent from my SM-S711B using Tapatalk

  10. #30
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by rooter View Post
    I think its fair to say that nobody really fully understands cancer.
    If somebody did then we would have a cure by now.
    Clearly we know there is a connection between some things and cancer.
    Sun exposure and skin cancer, smoking and various cancers, alcohol and various cancers, HPV which is sexually transmitted and cervical and oral cancer.
    And I totally agree we should adopt behaviours to try and avoid those cancers.
    But sometimes cancer is just fucken random or genetic or whatever.
    My little brother died of leukemia/blood cancer.
    He was a beautiful boy and I miss him every day of my life.
    My uncle was a crazy cool dude and died of lung cancer and he never smoked a cigarette in his life.
    Shit happens.
    I don't want to pontificate here about cancer in layman's terms, but here is a brief summary. There are tens of thousands of scientists that understand it. The real issue is "cancer" is parts of the body going haywire and reproducing cells in a strange way (it is a person's own body cells), then these deformed cells grow because they feed on the blood supply from primitive blood vessels that evolve around the cancer cells to feed it. In short, cancer is not a foreign body invading a person's (patient) body.

    The challenge for science is two folds:

    a. understanding the triggers that get cancer started. For example, smoking and alcohol, but this always depends on the quality and health of the body's immune system. In most cases of cancer, it's understood today what the likely triggers are. It is not a mystery. Stress is one cause. Another cause is the microscopic plastics humans eat and inhale because in the West we use a lot of plastics (from food wrappers to containers,..... )

    b. treatment of cancer is complicated because when the genie is out of the bottle, reprogramming the body's processes that create/reproduce cells is very difficult still. Hence why most treatments use the nuclear bomb strategy (chemo and radiation therapies), but gene therapy is evolving.

    Key ways to keep the immune system strong: no alcohol (it's a poison, period), no smoking or other social drugs, no or minimum sugar, and reduced calorie intake of food. People that cut down 30% of their food intake live longer than those who indulge in food.
    _______stay on topic and we will all enjoy the thread______________

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by andrewv View Post
    Key ways to keep the immune system strong: no alcohol (it's a poison, period), no smoking or other social drugs, no or minimum sugar, and reduced calorie intake of food. People that cut down 30% of their food intake live longer than those who indulge in food.
    I don't think I can cut down my food intake by 30%... I don't mind going vegetarian (removing meat but keeping eggs & dairy) but if I don't eat up to 90% capacity I feel like I'm about to die. Maybe it's because of my metabolism and energy needs since I do carry around roughly 100-160kgs of machinery as part of my work. Maybe when I'm retired I'll be able to cut down on my food intake but 30% seems quite a lot.

    I quit smoking more than a decade now, never regretted that moment. Alcohol, I'm restricting myself to once a week not drinking on a weekday. I don't normally consume sugar or junk foods except on certain celebrations.

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