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Thread: Shops losing their WeChat accounts

  1. #21
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by andrewv View Post
    WeChat is completely and totally controlled by the Chinese government, and uses AI to monitor what is posted.
    Also, everything you do is stored forever, including your IP address and related/linked information that leads to your real name, country, etc.
    If you have any plans to travel to China for business or pleasure, and/or if your work in Australia might one day be of interest to China....... think hard about having a WeChat account.
    Sometimes, what we do today has ramifications in years from now.
    Make sure don't buy BYD EV car/Solar Battery/Robot vacuum/CCTV/phone/TV and others. Oh don't play PRC girls they might get info about you and send back to their master. Too many variables to safeguard

  2. #22
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andrewv View Post
    WeChat is completely and totally controlled by the Chinese government, and uses AI to monitor what is posted.
    Also, everything you do is stored forever, including your IP address and related/linked information that leads to your real name, country, etc.
    If you have any plans to travel to China for business or pleasure, and/or if your work in Australia might one day be of interest to China....... think hard about having a WeChat account.
    Sometimes, what we do today has ramifications in years from now.
    On the other hand, if you're going to travel in China, make sure you have WeChat (similar to travel to Thailand; there make sure you have Line). INVALUABLE for communications while in China. Unfortunately, you can't use WeChat to pay unless you have a linked Chinese bank account, but for general communications, fantastic, as EVERYONE has WeChat. Who knows, you just might be able to hook up with that PRC you knew in SYD and have a personal guide while in the PRC. Of course, if you're an idiot and message derogatory things about the PRC government or leadership, maybe not a good idea. Or if you're a Uigur or a member of Falun Gong. And sure, the PRC government monitors accounts... maybe that's why those cute airport security screeners give me such a big smile as I pass through. 1st hand experience.

  3. #23
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    When politicians, diplomats, business executives and similar go to China they take new iPhones with them without any pre-loaded data or login to cloud services. Then when they arrive back, the handsets are destroyed.

    When passengers land in China, sophisticated equipment connect to their phones and download data from them and upload bugs.

    Only Israel and China have this level of cyber sophistication.

  4. #24
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andrewv View Post
    When politicians, diplomats, business executives and similar go to China they take new iPhones with them without any pre-loaded data or login to cloud services. Then when they arrive back, the handsets are destroyed.

    When passengers land in China, sophisticated equipment connect to their phones and download data from them and upload bugs.

    Only Israel and China have this level of cyber sophistication.
    Given that I'm not a politician, a diplomat (well, an official diplomat because I do believe I am an unofficial representative of my country), nor a business executive, I'm not concerned. And, with your scenario, I figure I AM a counter-intelligence operative, clogging their system with the insignificant crud that's on my phone (well, crud to them, I place great pride on my Harbor Bridge climb photos, family photos, and the always telling Amazon shopping history). You seem to be the tin-foil hat type, so I'd suggest packing plenty of spare flat sheets as, from what I've heard, creases decrease their effectiveness. Personally, I'll stick to my Columbia hiking hat. I know it's safe - made in China... hmmm, maybe there is a reason for all those metal wires inside the brim... antenna?

    And maybe that's why my taxes are so high. New iPhones being destroyed after each trip? Government waste. Sell them as government surplus. I'd buy one, take it to Apple, have them do a reset; good enough FOR ME.

  5. #25
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Well, @11Bravo, you might be surprised to learn that some punters on this forum fill the credentials I listed.

  6. #26
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andrewv View Post
    Well, @11Bravo, you might be surprised to learn that some punters on this forum fill the credentials I listed.
    And those that do, are briefed BEFORE they go. I'd certainly HOPE that they'd know not to be using WeChat, Tik-Tok, etc. on their government supplied equipment. Or to be participating on this site in an active manner - moral turpitude is grounds for termination or removal of government security clearances...

  7. #27
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Sorry to spoil the banter but I seem to remember that the government banned Tik Tok and WeChat for all politicians phones back in 2022. Happy to stand corrected 😎

  8. #28
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trampslikeus55 View Post
    Sorry to spoil the banter but I seem to remember that the government banned Tik Tok and WeChat for all politicians phones back in 2022. Happy to stand corrected ��
    I certainly would believe. There is talk about moving to ban TikTok from all in the US (remove from app stores). While I certainly agree that social media can last forever and have unforeseen consequences on an individual in the future (e.g. job interviews, companies asking for access to social media accounts during employment interviews), it's not unique to WeChat (or Line, etc). I certainly wouldn't be posting on this forum using company equipment, and unless you're WIPING browser history off any device immediately after accessing this forum, there is some risk if access device is seized (with non-zero risk even if you're wiping...)

    For the individual (unless in the stated professions), I don't think these messaging apps, and WeChat in particular, have any dire consequences if used CAREFULLY. I find it quite useful in SYD for contact info with certain business associates. No need to wail the mournful cries of "does anyone know where she is now?" during any gaps in patronage. After the Covid gap of 3 years, I was able to contact several favs to find out where they were working when things opened up. Very easy to find out where she's moved to if she's changed shops during any BOTG absence. Given many shops have WeChat, useful for making bookings with the shop. (The paranoid can hide an app; sms messaging a bit more known to look for...) And, besides business contacts, very useful for civilian ones. WeChat even has a built-in translation capability along with video calls. Just another internet tool that comes with advantages and disadvantages, benefits and risks. But while in China, I've never had a problem. Oh, wait, there's a knock on the door, I'll be back in a min

  9. #29
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Its a sex forum...China doesn't care about what happens here. Unless Mr Ping is looking to make sure his granddaughter isn't working at ginza.
    My level of sarcasm depends on your level of stupidity.

  10. #30
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    It seems that LSM has also lost their wechat account

  11. #31
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    WeChat is like smoking - us users know it’s going to kill us one day, but damn it feels good…

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by andrewv View Post
    When passengers land...
    They walk through a data door 🚪 IMEI, IMSI, MAC, RFID and NFC are collected for starters. Then the rest of the info from the telco. No need to touch a handset.

  13. #33
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    If you’re crossing an international border, you might be shocked by what Customs wants to see on your phone. Watch some episodes of Australian Border Force if you have any doubts.

    Log out of almost all social media, chat apps, cloud file storage, most of your email etc. and delete those apps from your phone.

    Clear your browser history. Or delete your browsers and reinstall the default one on your phone.

    Permanently delete all the deleted photos on your phone, or maybe leave 1-2 innocuous ones.

    With everything in the cloud, you lose nothing, and you can reinstall apps and log in again once you’ve crossed the border. Except in China where they are all blocked anyway.

    Don’t be too clean, but do your best to launder what’s on there.

  14. #34
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by asam46 View Post
    If you’re crossing an international border, you might be shocked by what Customs wants to see on your phone. Watch some episodes of Australian Border Force if you have any doubts.

    Log out of almost all social media, chat apps, cloud file storage, most of your email etc. and delete those apps from your phone.

    Clear your browser history. Or delete your browsers and reinstall the default one on your phone.

    Permanently delete all the deleted photos on your phone, or maybe leave 1-2 innocuous ones.

    With everything in the cloud, you lose nothing, and you can reinstall apps and log in again once you’ve crossed the border. Except in China where they are all blocked anyway.

    Don’t be too clean, but do your best to launder what’s on there.
    Too hard just buy a cheap phone and new sim all clean.

  15. #35
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Why worry about info collected by China they can't even count their population correctly. Over count by over 100 millions and was admitted by their officials. I would have think they know all the numbers of people at their hand.

  16. #36
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    How do you guys find the update WeChat Ids?

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by skylineboy View Post
    PCD lost theirs too
    Yep, just tried that one.

    “Cannot search due to a possibly compromised account” was the answer.

    WeChat lists “lewd content” as one reason.

    Considering we live in a push button society it’s very easy to find a different girl or shop, so it’s obviously costing everyone money.

    Perhaps a perma thread with shop’s WeChat ids?

  18. #38
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Looking like 41 Epping r having issues with their WeChat they r asking to make all bookings for 41 E via the 227 NS WeChat ID which is twinklestar227

  19. #39
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Notice 🚨🚨Our Epping shop WeChat ID is not working !!

    We will temporarily post Epping shop roster in 227 North Strathfield shop Wechat account .

    You can make a booking for Epping shop through this WeChat .

    Sorry for the inconvenience🙇🏻*♀️🙇🏻*♀️

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