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Thread: Trends Over the Last 50 yrs

  1. #1
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Trends Over the Last 50 yrs

    In my 70s
    Started punting in the mid 70s
    Touch of Class set the bench mark
    Others like Tudor Court Golden Apple and Harwood Manor followed
    Mainly Caucasian girls working with shops owned by Caucasians
    All bareback
    The 80s and AIDS put an end to bareback
    Immigration policy changed and more Asian girls began working
    Caucasian owners bailed
    Tudor Court Touch of Class Harwood Manor and Golden all closed for various reasons
    RnT massage parlors started to emerge
    The punting demographic changed from mainly caucasasian to more Asian.Noticed this in the waiting rooms and line ups
    Somewhere in the early 2000s Tokyo cats began.The forerunner to Ginza
    So today the benchmark for asian girls at value is Ginza
    Touch of Class reopened.Stillettos and Liasons for Caucasian
    Some good shops in the burbs
    RnT has spread and grown to cater to budget punters
    The internet has lead to growth in privates and scamming
    Line ups are rare now.BBFS Gone
    But as an older Caucasian punter I find I'm usually surrounded by Asian punters
    The industry is full of deception and I don't book ahead anymore .Just walk in
    Anyway just reminiscing and consider myself lucky to have punted in the 70s.
    No major STIs.Mainly Non Specific Urethritis
    Had a fantastic time and spent in the Vicinity $280000

  2. #2
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Not quite as old as you Farkersfolly, but observed something similar. The mile posts in my experience were mandatory condoms after the early 80s AIDS scare (which seems to be finally dissipating - it’s becoming more common to be asked for a tip with full natural); decriminalisation of sex work; and then, around the same time, the influx of Asian workers. Wilson surfed the tide.
    Good post. And I agree with you that it’s pointless booking now. Best just to walk in.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Farkersfolly View Post
    Somewhere in the early 2000s Tokyo cats began.
    Wow I thought it was more like early 2010s

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Farkersfolly View Post
    Had a fantastic time and spent in the Vicinity $280000
    Also wow.........

  5. #5
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Touch of Class was a destination I took many businessmen to when I drove a taxi at uni. Then I went once and all the girls were Caucasian.
    They also didn’t offer condoms but the girls checked your dick under a bright desk light in each room. When you arrived they kept you in a waiting room for 20 minutes so when the girl squeezed your dick as she inspected it, she looked for any discharge. Those were the days my friend….

    There were always rumours that ToC was owned by premier Neville Wran and his rich mates. NSW Police on the early 1980s was overtly corrupt.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by andrewv View Post
    Touch of Class was a destination I took many businessmen to when I drove a taxi at uni. Then I went once and all the girls were Caucasian.
    They also didn’t offer condoms but the girls checked your dick under a bright desk light in each room. When you arrived they kept you in a waiting room for 20 minutes so when the girl squeezed your dick as she inspected it, she looked for any discharge. Those were the days my friend….

    There were always rumours that ToC was owned by premier Neville Wran and his rich mates. NSW Police on the early 1980s was overtly corrupt.
    I heard the owner of a ToC was a well-known advertising man, radio station owner and race horse owner. He’s still alive so can’t say his name.
    I too used to drop punters off there in my taxi driver days. Tiffanys, at 99, used to accept cheques. So that’s where I went for my first brothel experience (didn’t pay by cheque though).

    Tokyo Cats appeared about 2005. It was also a condom optional joint initially. I’ve never visited Wilson’s Surry Hill shops.

  7. #7
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wayne View Post
    I heard the owner of a ToC was a well-known advertising man, radio station owner and race horse owner. He’s still alive so can’t say his name.
    I too used to drop punters off there in my taxi driver days. Tiffanys, at 99, used to accept cheques. So that’s where I went for my first brothel experience (didn’t pay by cheque though).

    Tokyo Cats appeared about 2005. It was also a condom optional joint initially. I’ve never visited Wilson’s Surry Hill shops.
    You’re right about the other alleged owner of ATOC. His name was all over the rumour mill too.
    From memory, one of the madams of ATOC wrote a book long ago about her years managing the joint.

  8. #8
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Farkersfolly View Post
    In my 70s
    Started punting in the mid 70s
    Touch of Class set the bench mark
    Others like Tudor Court Golden Apple and Harwood Manor followed
    Mainly Caucasian girls working with shops owned by Caucasians
    All bareback
    The 80s and AIDS put an end to bareback
    Immigration policy changed and more Asian girls began working
    Caucasian owners bailed
    Tudor Court Touch of Class Harwood Manor and Golden all closed for various reasons
    RnT massage parlors started to emerge
    The punting demographic changed from mainly caucasasian to more Asian.Noticed this in the waiting rooms and line ups
    Somewhere in the early 2000s Tokyo cats began.The forerunner to Ginza
    So today the benchmark for asian girls at value is Ginza
    Touch of Class reopened.Stillettos and Liasons for Caucasian
    Some good shops in the burbs
    RnT has spread and grown to cater to budget punters
    The internet has lead to growth in privates and scamming
    Line ups are rare now.BBFS Gone
    But as an older Caucasian punter I find I'm usually surrounded by Asian punters
    The industry is full of deception and I don't book ahead anymore .Just walk in
    Anyway just reminiscing and consider myself lucky to have punted in the 70s.
    No major STIs.Mainly Non Specific Urethritis
    Had a fantastic time and spent in the Vicinity $280000
    Made me laugh a little here. We have grown up and lived a remarkably similar life. I stumbled in with the street workers. Riley, Palmer and sometimes even Bayswater Rd. It was a rush back in the 60's and 70's. Once you became known it was just a big party. The weekend would start at Harold Park, then down to the Forbes club till around 2 and hopefully you still had something left for the Cross. Did the respected life till mid 50's then realised where the road was going and here I am again 😎

  9. #9
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    Think late 1970s: Bob Hawke was the boss of the ACTU based and lived in Melbourne. He came to Sydney on regular basis.

    He used to stay at the Boulevard Hotel on William Street as you go towards Kings Cross/Coca-Cola sign.

    He used to go to the rooftop bar and drink with anyone hanging around the bar. He drank and drank and made jokes to entertain all and sundry.

    Then later on, he would ask the barman for the phone (landline, no mobiles in those days), and call A Touch of Class and ask, "It's Bob here. Who is working tonight?" then he would sometimes ask "Is xxx there?" where xxx would be the name of one of his favourite girls.

    He would then say, "OK. send xxxx over. I am in room 999" giving his room number. Then he'd leave the bar to go to his room to wait for the hooker to arrive.

    Don't worry, defamation laws do not apply to dead people. He will not sue me from the grave. Anyway, the above has been seen by many, including journalists.

    If any of you are interested, Kerry Packer for a long time had his own private brothel to entertain his business associates. He had it filled with beautiful young South American models. Read all about it in the Rise and Rise of Kerry Packer book.
    _______stay on topic and we will all enjoy the thread______________

  10. #10
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by trampslikeus55 View Post
    Made me laugh a little here. We have grown up and lived a remarkably similar life. I stumbled in with the street workers. Riley, Palmer and sometimes even Bayswater Rd. It was a rush back in the 60's and 70's. Once you became known it was just a big party. The weekend would start at Harold Park, then down to the Forbes club till around 2 and hopefully you still had something left for the Cross. Did the respected life till mid 50's then realised where the road was going and here I am again
    I salute you both 🫡

  11. #11
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Thank you OP and others for stirring up some great memories. Seems we are a similar vintage

    I reckon we have grown up (if I have ever grown up that is... LOl ) in the best of times.

  12. #12
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wayne View Post
    I heard the owner of a ToC was a well-known advertising man, radio station owner and race horse owner. He’s still alive so can’t say his name.
    I too used to drop punters off there in my taxi driver days. Tiffanys, at 99, used to accept cheques. So that’s where I went for my first brothel experience (didn’t pay by cheque though).

    Tokyo Cats appeared about 2005. It was also a condom optional joint initially. I’ve never visited Wilson’s Surry Hill shops.
    WOW!!! An Aussie taxi driver. Now that's from a bygone era. I'll bet you knew your way around too!!

  13. #13
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Hey, @Farkersfolly. I don't begrudge you spending $280,000 on having fun, but in those old days, this amount could purchase a 2-bedroom unit in a nice suburb, and today it would be worth a million or more—just a thought.
    _______stay on topic and we will all enjoy the thread______________

  14. #14
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Checked out now
    Love is like a flower, you gotta let it grow

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