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Thread: Do you really believe the ML/WL had an orgasm with you?

  1. #141
    Join Date
    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bravo View Post
    OMG - it's Twister (amongst other handles) reincarnated.

    I was going to reply to your TWISTER offer, but damn, you expired (aka got banned) before I could. Cast into oblivion's darkness, or was that the dustbin of history? I do get those two confused. Just seems that forum life for some is so transitory...

    What a shame

    So I'll reply again:
    1. Anyone so insecure that they need validation of their posts on a forum... that's a hard pass. For most, just the handle itself is enough.

    2. I'm just one of those who believe in the ole cliche, "You are known by the company you keep", so again, that's a hard pass.

    Myself, I take pride in my handle. I've had it for a LONG time and it is known. I'd suggest, if you had any pride in yourself, you'd start a thread (e.g This Is Me Now) where you'd list every new handle you have to use as the old one has gone the way of the dodo (or is that doo-doo?) Must be such a pain to have to reinvent yourself and start from scratch so often. But then again, a clean persona does remove a certain smell, at least for awhile before the stench becomes noticeable AGAIN...

    42? Nah... considering all his handles, it's way more than that, but yet... ALL just blah...blah...blah... white space
    Pride goeth before destruction 11Bravo

    Known by the company one keeps? I’d say being a member here could be construed as guilt by association wouldn’t you? You post enough, how many posts now? Been a member long? Yep, the company one keeps.

    Validation, I call it verification.

    Where is the proof that anything written here on this forum is fact? I was more than happy to verify myself. You were welcome to watch or participate. On the other hand your posts about your deeds are just unverified words. No actual substance, just words.

    The rest of you???


    This is how things will roll. I’ll continue punting and you guys won’t know anything about it. The shops will get my money, the girls will get their bonus. The forum will lose a member and I’ll devote the time I wasted here to now making more money.

    I’m barely even motivated to reply. It’s a bit like losing interest with a regular. Sooner or later you just cannot be bothered and don’t go back. It’s not like you’ve even beaten me in a fight. Now that would have been motivation to stay but it’s soft cock city and that isn’t me.

    Maybe if I can’t get it up when I’m ninety I’ll come back and post but till then there is nothing that interests me here. Besides I’ve learnt all
    I need to know and that’s all yee need to know.

  2. #142
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sammael View Post
    I’ve lost interest in entertaining a lost cause.
    So shall it be written, so shall it be done.
    Yea... Methinks not. That head of yours (and I really don't care which one) is just too big to go long without spewing something that makes people gag.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sammael View Post
    Pride goeth before destruction 11Bravo
    Perhaps the handle Sammael suits you, at least in YOUR opinion. A biblical profit (though as I remember, it's been decades, a rather minor one). I just can't figure out if you're Old testament or New. "You non-believers will be destroyed in the fiery pits of hell" sounds distinctly Old, while the chastising of the doubting Thomas's is definitely New.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sammael View Post
    Validation, I call it verification.

    Where is the proof that anything written here on this forum is fact? I was more than happy to verify myself. You were welcome to watch or participate. On the other hand your posts about your deeds are just unverified words. No actual substance, just words.
    Anyone else here feel the need for validation, verification? Obviously, EVERYTHING here is hearsay. I certainly don't see the need for verification of my posts. You believe, you don't believe, up to you. Makes no difference to me. But then, I don't suffer from insecurities or feelings of inferiority. Agree, disagree, no problem. On the ISG, one scoffs at me for flying half-way around the world to visit MTW. His opinion. Still is my first stop when BOTG. Have never felt the need for verification... now gratification... the reason I'm there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sammael View Post
    Anonymity? Yep, that's why we use handles rather than real names. Any why I rarely meet up with other members. Just because we happen to read the same webpages doesn't make us "bro's". Attitude counts, as defined by posts. Attitudes are like assholes - everybody's got one, just some are more shitty than others.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sammael View Post
    This is how things will roll. I’ll continue punting and you guys won’t know anything about it. The shops will get my money, the girls will get their bonus. The forum will lose a member and I’ll devote the time I wasted here to now making more money.
    OMG, say it ain't so, Joe. Boo-hoo, boo-hoo. Those were my 2 tears for the bucket. But somehow, someway, life will go on, on the forum, in the shops, with the ladies...

    As to your absence, like I said above, methinks not. That doubt will just gnaw away at you until you have to spew off. You just need that forum "shot" for validation. The tree that falls in the forest with no one around doesn't make a sound. But you are the type that just likes to hear yourself, and with no one around, there is the forum.

    You're like that kid from the vacant field where we used to play (yep, I'm old enough, no playgrounds). "If you don't play by MY rules, Ill take my shiny new ball(s) and go home". Bye. Because the games will go on. Members will come (pun intended) and go. Shops will come and go. Girls will come and go. This is the way (sorry, couldn't resist).

    Quote Originally Posted by Sammael View Post
    It’s not like you’ve even beaten me in a fight.
    Really? Let me clue you in. It's NOT a competition. The forum is a means to share info, insights, and yours, quite frankly, are rather lacking... for me, anyway. MY experience, those that feel the need to brag about the money they make, the things they do... just trying to overcome some insecurities. Subtle difference between bragging and "just the facts, Ma'am" (showing my age).

    Quote Originally Posted by Sammael View Post
    Maybe if I can’t get it up when I’m ninety I’ll come back and post but till then there is nothing that interests me here. Besides I’ve learnt all
    I need to know and that’s all yee need to know.
    Good for you, I'm glad that this forum has contributed in some way to your education.

    But you have brought a smile to my face, using my imagination:

    You, walking into a shop: "It's Twister, prepare to be blown away". The mamasan and girls screaming their appreciation.

    A month later, you walk into the shop: "It's Sammael, it will be biblical". The mamasan and girls looking somewhat confused, "Aren't you Twister?" "Begone yee heretics or I will turn yee into pillars of salt; it is I, Sammael, the all knowing seer"... for awhile at least. "Oh, OK, whatever..." (said with that valley-girl accent).

    Well, the oven has rung, I've killed enough time, lunch is ready, I've just received notice that a Thai classic has posted a new TikTok, and with SongKran soon upon us, greetings to be written. See, those classic cars... there are reasons why they are classic... Have fun in your world as we will in ours.
    He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
    And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
    But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,

  3. #143
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    !!!!…..Wtf……………. !!!!

  4. #144
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I’m old enough to be embarrassed to admit that I’ve only witnessed what I think was real orgasm by two ladies, one Korean WL and one Japanese ML. Prior to this, I was a selfish lover and never put too much effort for my partners. These experience in the last few years as a punter was a bit of an eye opener. Korean WL prob got a little underwhelmed by my performance and when I finished CFS, she asked if I wanted to see her come. She made me use my hand, my position was such that I had to use my weak left hand which made it tricky but I got her over the line. I saw with my own eyes her pussy spasm and fill with more fluid. She made me feel her heartbeat. I was kinda blown away seeing it the first time. My other experience with the Japanese ML was great because I think we kinda connected at some level and she was very open with me in terms of what she liked and what I should do. I got her over with DATY, her clit was swollen twice the normal size and she was trembling and spasming like nothing I’ve ever seen! She’d get too sensitive after her orgasm that I couldn’t touch her for a few minutes until she recovered. Man.. she was so clean with great hygiene and smell, and the taste.. I can’t never forget! I missed her and those experience I had with her. I know there are doubters but I have to believe what I saw was real!

  5. #145
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Thanks for sharing, nice stories
    Some ml like to get off too, more so if they are the kind that dont get tired after cumming. One my first experiences of a ml cumming was a Jap ml too, at Ryde192 named Erika, I laid her down with the pretense of giving her a massage, and went about fingering and flicking her clit, as she got more into it she took my hand and directed it to where she liked it rubbed. I rem it too like 15 mins to get her to have a convulsing, squirming one!

  6. #146
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sammael View Post
    Think whatever you want and believe whatever makes you happy. I punt all the time. In fact there are some well known places I’ve been to recently but simply don’t post about it.

    There’s no use writing anything up due to forum jealousy. So what if I bang four WL’s at once, or three or two, or I punt numerous times a week. I’m doing it for my pleasure. The moment I write a review I’m targeted. Why even have a forum? I wonder what the shops think when you guys target a well paying customer of theirs? I already know what some of the girls think.

    It’s a shame really because you guys are actually hindering reviews being written. This site suffers and the shops suffer. It’s like a dog biting the hand that feeds it. Sooner of later it just doesn’t get fed. The reviews just don’t get written.

    I’ve lost interest in entertaining a lost cause.

    You people will never do what I do.

    You’re happy with your lot and so be it.

    Stay where you are and enjoy your normality.

    So shall it be written, so shall it be done.

    What a window licker.

  7. #147
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by andrewv View Post
    Most men pride themselves about their prowess to get the woman they fuck to have an orgasm, one way or the other.

    However, we all know from the media that when girls talk to each other they disclose they often fake it to please the man or to get him to finish. In fact, About 10% to 15% of women have never had an orgasm.

    Now, the question for you fellow punters who have FS or DATY, how much do you believe the ML/WL did in fact have an orgasm with you? And oh yes, I know, that we men often judge their orgasm by how they cry out they have cum, or how they tense their bodies, or how we feel them spasming... all of which can easily be faked.

    Some references:
    ** Orgasmic dysfunction in women: About 10% to 15% of women have never had an orgasm.
    ** Only 10% of women easily climax, and many find they don't orgasm at all during vaginal sex
    and might be disappointing to many, the wetness new punters may be feeling is gel WL put before session... sorry for those who think they make them wet

  8. #148
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    but at the same time, some hormonaly charged very young guns may get easily wet as well....

  9. #149
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    one time with an Irish ML with the aid of a vibrator (her own) .

  10. #150
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    west side brothels
    Why do women take longer to cum than men? Who fucking cares lads and ladettes, were here to pay for a service . Rub, bone , jizz , hot towel, tip here if she rocked you not the other way around and then leave. Someone once said we pay these women so they leave or in our cases so we can leave.

  11. #151
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    I did have a couple of asian WLs who had orgasm with me in the past.
    How did I know if it was fake or real? You can tell and feel it if you're experienced. Also, there is a clear difference in their expression when they really have orgasm and often it gets quite wet.
    It requires some effort though, you need to treat them well and make them feel comfortable so that they can be relaxed. Foreplay is important as well, so you should not rush but try to gradually reach your climax at the same time while monitoring your partner's body language.
    You will feel incredible climax if both you and your partner cum at the same time.

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