Quote Originally Posted by softdrink.pp View Post
Some guys have the "cuckold" (knowing that many guys is using their wife/gf body for sex) and/or the "savior" (I am the one who took her off this life) fantasies. Whatever is your motive, I would advise to enjoy time with her, but don't het emotionally attached.

Women that opt for this kind of work has some emotional/physcological problems and they are not suitable for relationship.
Exactly. Again, exactly ! I have even heard it from a WL who is currently in a relationship with her customer, that they constantly fight and that he wants her out of the industry. I was like ohhh ok, right, I understand. 150% of the time, they have issues. It is complicated, so very complicated with a WL and speaking from experience, its nothing but a mind fuck of a situation.

One of my regulars from a few years finally got out of the industry. She is happily married, has a kid and is working full time in Sydney. It is possible for the happy ever after life but in all honesty, once a WL quits, she will cut all ties from you and other customers. They will literally drop off the face of the planet. Don't be a fuck up like me and keep punting, punting.