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Thread: Dating a ML

  1. #241
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoldfishMan View Post
    All products of the same troubled mind. Spanky has been pretty much the only person responding to the garbage coming out of that out and out troll.

    I noticed he always seems to go into this "beergut-mode" when people start ignoring his latest "successfully unbanned" creation.
    Goldfinger. Your PM inbox is full. Why even keep sent or received messages? Why do you always criticise what I post? Aren’t I allowed to put forth a view, an experience? The facts are correct.

    I met a ML, we dated, it’s over.

    It’s like these women are deemed as sacred ink and I’m not allowed to dip my pen into their well of sexual pleasure without paying. I did pay her one way or another, it’s just that the shop never got a cut. Maybe the most antagonistic posters on this thread are shop owners and they don’t like free sex or they think they own the worker? Who knows.

    So I’ll post here my response one last time.

    It Over.

    I’ve liquidated everything, her number, her messages, all her pics and videos. It’s like she never existed.

    How else can i start with the new one and avoid all temptation? Like Adam, Eve and the apple. This ML was forbidden fruit. Most of you guys wouldn’t have taken her on. It was only I, the great, the Big Daddy Spanky that had the balls to take her on, never get anywhere and publicly state that here for all yee to read!

    I tried and failed myself and you my fellow punters!

    Oh I tried, only my close friends offsite know how much I tried. One even said I rang him seven times in one day about her… enough? I wanted it so much to continue. Just the relationship. But a part of me refused to be fucked over and taken for a ride day after goddam day. There was no stopping her lust for material possessions. I had to drawn the line or I’d be very soon thrown away and discarded onto the harsh reality heap of shafted simp losers. So I broke it off. By doing that it made me a winner in my own small mind. By doing that it gave me the courage to continue on life’s journey once again seeking refuge on the bosom of another sex worker.

    Now laugh at me or even with me while I wipe the ML from the backside of my life like a sheep’s dag!

    I’m surprised I haven't been accused of faking the moon landing too?

    Oh and I’m Not Coxswain.


  2. #242
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spanky69 View Post
    Goldfinger. Your PM inbox is full. Why even keep sent or received messages?

    So I’ll post here my response one last time.

    It Over.

    I’ve liquidated everything, her number, her messages, all her pics and videos. It’s like she never existed.

    How else can i start with the new one and avoid all temptation? Like Adam, Eve and the apple. This ML was forbidden fruit. Most of you guys wouldn’t have taken her on. It was only I, the great, the Big Daddy Spanky that had the balls to take her on, never get anywhere and publicly state that here for all yee to read!

    I tried and failed.

    Oh I tried, only my close friends offsite know how much I tried. One even said I rang him seven times in one day about her… enough? I wanted it so much to continue. Just the relationship. But a part of me refused to be fucked over and taken for a ride day after goddam day. There was no stopping her lust for material possessions. I had to drawn the line or I’d be very soon thrown away and discarded onto the harsh reality heap of shafted losers. So I broke it off. By doing that it made me a winner in my own small mind. By doing that it gave me the courage to continue on life’s journey once again seeking refuge on the bosom of another sex worker.

    Now laugh at me or even with me while I wipe the ML from the backside of my life like a sheep’s dag!

    I’m surprised I haven't been accused of faking the moon landing too?

    Oh and I’m Not Coxswain.

    All this over a sex worker that you couldn’t fuck?

    Unfortunately and with all due respect, you sound like the worlds biggest cuck

  3. #243
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    Quote Originally Posted by critical brain mass View Post
    All this over a sex worker that you couldn’t fuck?

    Unfortunately and with all due respect, you sound like the worlds biggest cuck
    Perhaps I was in this instance.

    I had already read her six months ago and yet continued thinking my future with her was my destiny. Why I don’t know but it was a Deja vu like experience. It was as if I had to go through this with her because I had felt it was meant to be. Like a moth to the flame I succumbed. I got a singe but not a full burn. Lucky.

    Effectively four times I broke it off in the last week.

    Enough was enough but my weakness for her kept bringing me back. You try and break off with a beautiful woman who reinforces herself in your mind by sending pics of her body daily.

    I think I did well. I haven’t mentioned her name to my friends today which is a good thing.

    Now I just have to stop posting about her here.

  4. #244
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Lesson for Today

    Quote Originally Posted by Spanky69 View Post
    Perhaps I was in this instance.

    I had already read her six months ago and yet continued thinking my future with her was my destiny. Why I don’t know but it was a Deja vu like experience. It was as if I had to go through this with her because I had felt it was meant to be. Like a moth to the flame I succumbed. I got a singe but not a full burn. Lucky.

    Effectively four times I broke it off in the last week.

    Enough was enough but my weakness for her kept bringing me back. You try and break off with a beautiful woman who reinforces herself in your mind by sending pics of her body daily.

    I think I did well. I haven’t mentioned her name to my friends today which is a good thing.

    Now I just have to stop posting about her here.
    SpankMe, I'm so disappointed. Have you already forgotten your exact quote, "Anyway she’s gone as of today and the thread is over as far as I’m concerned." Seems it's not, you just can't get over the fact that she said "no" to you. WHAT?, Bravo, what heresy is this?

    Lesson for Newbees: If she gives you an OTT price, it's her polite way of saying "No" (without saying "no"), she's NOT interested in your company, but... she would make an exception if you met her OTT price. I'm always grateful as she's saving us BOTH from wasting time; just say "No Thank you" and walk away. It's NOT a breakup, it's just merely a polite "no", giving those with fragile egos a way out rather than the more direct "NO".

    So, SpankMe, when she asked for, to quote you again, "She wanted a Cartier bracelet she picked out for $8000, a $3000 matching ring, a wedding for 50 people, a European holiday, a condo and to make sure I married her before I died.", she's not greedy, not, quote again, "Part Ferengi, part Gold digging Goblin and part Siren", (and I will readily admit I did have to Google "Ferengi"), that's just HER price* for HER company for YOU. And given your actions (see below), I think she's a very SMART ML, and that was a generous offer. And if this lasted 6 months, she must have the patience of a Saint.

    You really should learn how to read the room. It was a FINANCIAL relationship, NOT emotional, at least for one party (the one who was never named...)

    Quote Originally Posted by Spanky69 View Post
    Another lunch another lady.
    That’s what happens when the current ML didn’t reply to my messages and left me hanging for 18 hours. She missed the boat, well the waterfront restaurant…Busy place even in the rain. Took a few pics to send to the ML to rub it in. Yes I’m a cunt and if she’d have provided hers she wouldn’t be on the receiving end of another lesson.
    Quote Originally Posted by Spanky69 View Post
    Well she still wants me. The 24 hour burn worked. Now I have a ML and the new WL. Anything is possible if you try.
    But I will say, this does make me laugh, and when I see it again, it does make me smile. Yes, you really taught her, that "burn" really worked... Just shows that sometime a "free" lunch really isn't worth it...

    Wow, her sin of not responding "quickly"... (why I like messaging, it's just a "pending" until the person takes the time to respond, not disturbing them when they're busy with something (or somebody) else). And sending her photos of her "mistake"? By definition, LITERALLY, sophomoric.

    *And I figure THAT action probably upped her quote by several thousand dollars
    Attached Images Attached Images

  5. #245
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    Looks like he striked on another forum thinking he's Andy Lau. Another user caught him out using ChatGPT Chinese version writing an article claiming he's dating a Ginza girl and has all her personal info. Even trying to sell his "skills" of how to ask a WL for her private details as if it's as hard as GETTING A PROPER JOB INSTEAD OF BEING STUCK AT HOME WRITING BS.

    News flash: COVID-19 is no longer a threat, stop fantasizing about splurging a gazillion dollars and get a job at Macca's or something.

  6. #246
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    Quote Originally Posted by kayofa View Post
    Looks like he striked on another forum thinking he's Andy Lau. Another user caught him out using ChatGPT Chinese version writing an article claiming he's dating a Ginza girl and has all her personal info. Even trying to sell his "skills" of how to ask a WL for her private details as if it's as hard as GETTING A PROPER JOB INSTEAD OF BEING STUCK AT HOME WRITING BS.

    News flash: COVID-19 is no longer a threat, stop fantasizing about splurging a gazillion dollars and get a job at Macca's or something.
    What’s this got to do with my thread? Let’s see, nothing. Cut back on something you’re taking or go get your eyes tested.

    Andy Lau. Never heard of him but then again I don’t watch media of any sort. So I googled him up. He’s good looking though. We have a few similarities coincidentally.
    I’ll do some research on him when I can be bothered. Thx.

  7. #247
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    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bravo View Post
    SpankMe, I'm so disappointed. Have you already forgotten your exact quote, "Anyway she’s gone as of today and the thread is over as far as I’m concerned." Seems it's not, you just can't get over the fact that she said "no" to you. WHAT?, Bravo, what heresy is this?

    Lesson for Newbees: If she gives you an OTT price, it's her polite way of saying "No" (without saying "no"), she's NOT interested in your company, but... she would make an exception if you met her OTT price. I'm always grateful as she's saving us BOTH from wasting time; just say "No Thank you" and walk away. It's NOT a breakup, it's just merely a polite "no", giving those with fragile egos a way out rather than the more direct "NO".

    You really should learn how to read the room. It was a FINANCIAL relationship, NOT emotional, at least for one party (the one who was never named...)

    But I will say, this does make me laugh, and when I see it again, it does make me smile. Yes, you really taught her, that "burn" really worked... Just shows that sometime a "free" lunch really isn't worth it...

    Wow, her sin of not responding "quickly"... (why I like messaging, it's just a "pending" until the person takes the time to respond, not disturbing them when they're busy with something (or somebody) else). And sending her photos of her "mistake"? By definition, LITERALLY, sophomoric.

    *And I figure THAT action probably upped her quote by several thousand dollars
    Look 11Bravo, the relationship never got to home base and I had other options like I have always done my entire life. The sex was neither here nor there as far as I was concerned and there was always a concern that she wouldn’t be enough sexually anyway. I had mentioned that to her also as I was just stating a fact.

    I was prepared to spend whatever financially if I thought she was genuine. She’s a nice girl with a nice nature and I wish her all the best. Maybe the age gap and maybe her maturity were contributing factors. Maybe my OTT attitude was also a problem.

    They’re no need to dissect the breakup as the full story will never get out.

    I hope she finds her dreams.

  8. #248
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    Who is the more foolish, the punter or the ML who still wants him?

  9. #249
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    I’m thinking her want to stay here will never be fulfilled as she doesn’t comprehend what is required. It’s all about the marriage she thinks. If things were that easy she’d have done that already with someone else before I met her.

    You can’t just marry a guy and get instant citizenship, correct? Her push for marriage is absurd. I’ve never met anyone ask so hard.

    I’ve already seen that as a red flag and there won’t be a chequered flag. I think she’s dreaming. Everyone is entitled to dream though.

  10. #250
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  11. #251
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    Have a fish with sibon

  12. #252
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spanky69 View Post
    I’m thinking her want to stay here will never be fulfilled as she doesn’t comprehend what is required. It’s all about the marriage she thinks. If things were that easy she’d have done that already with someone else before I met her.

    You can’t just marry a guy and get instant citizenship, correct? Her push for marriage is absurd. I’ve never met anyone ask so hard.

    I’ve already seen that as a red flag and there won’t be a chequered flag. I think she’s dreaming. Everyone is entitled to dream though.
    Does this girl work in Liverpool by any chance?

  13. #253
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    Quote Originally Posted by Babewatch View Post
    Does this girl work in Liverpool by any chance?
    Not in the last six months no. I don’t know about before that. It’s becoming a lost cause. Unless she shows me some respect and consistency regarding returning messages and not leaving me hanging then I’m ready to throw the towel in once again.

    I know I burnt her and she said I broke the relationship but I fully expected her to forgive and forget. I can guarantee she’s dating other guys as they’re infatuated with her. I’ve seen their messages. I just think it’s bad manners not to say I’ll get back to you in a certain period of time. Like “I’m busy tonight can I txt you in the morning”, that kind of thing. That’s all.

    She wants but doesn’t give. She’s stopped kissing for example. Well that’s a big no no in my book. I have other women choking me with their DFK’s and I’ve told her that too. As to be expected that didn’t go down well. She doesn’t want to be compared to my other women. Well darling it’s put up or bye bye once again.

    Ive always considered this a transactional relationship due to our vast age difference and she even referred to me as a Sugar Daddy to one of her other guys she sees. I’ve read that message too as she showed me. I’m happy with that arrangement but she has to deliver and she’s not delivering.

    Doesn’t respond back, doesn’t kiss, doesn’t provide pussy and wants everything. She’s a total loss situation. Doesn’t bring anything to the table except her looks.

    Sooner or later I will just lose interest.

  14. #254
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    Haven't been keeping up with this thread but have you banged yet?

  15. #255
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    Stop responding to this made up thread. Can’t believe it’s still going. Allow this fantasy to just die already.

  16. #256
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny77 View Post
    Stop responding to this made up thread. Can’t believe it’s still going. Allow this fantasy to just die already.

    It’s not made up. It’s almost a Shakespearean tragedy where the punter is hoist by his own petard!

    Quote Originally Posted by tcrawford View Post
    Haven't been keeping up with this thread but have you banged yet?

    I wanted to bang bang long time but she said it’d be a long time before I get to bang bang. Perhaps something was lost in the google translate function?

    Johny77 I’m almost cumpletly over everything if you get what I mean. My blue balls are hanging so low they sound and feel like two big maracas swinging against my knees. Now envisage that!

    I need this to be over before I becum over emoted. She doesn’t care. She doesn’t have a set of maracas so it’s not her worry. Her only worry is being beautiful she says!

  17. #257
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    Hmm well it’s back on again and lunch today was at one of our fav restaurants.

    Once I realised I had to slow down and enjoy the ride, behave myself, respect her, withdraw every form of bad behaviour I exhibited previously everything is fine.

    It was a combination of reading the responses to this thread and input from my non forum friends. Hence my personality change.

    She knows it and yes she truly looked beautiful today. Miniskirt, G string, lower arse cheeks on show even though it was cooler weather, those breasts, long legs, beautiful makeup and her smile.

    Yep, she’s still most definitely worth the wait.

  18. #258
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    Well I’ve dumped her once more guys.

    This time it really is over. She’s blocked my messages and quite honestly I just don’t care. I have another WL to add to the current WL and she’s way way better in every shape and form than the ML. For starters she gives me respect. A simple thing but it means a lot.

    Let some other guy waste his time and money trying to have a relationship with someone who just is incapable of doing such.

    For reasons I won’t go into exactly she will never be in any relationship with any guy. A woman yes but not a guy. Some of her butch looking Thai sex worker GFs ward off any guys who come close. She’s told me that several times. In fact they even txt on her behalf. I can tell because all of a sudden the English steps up several notches if I say anything that invokes heated discussion. I’ve also seen several videos of her with girl on girl kissing etc. Almost every video of her with females has kissing. Shes even told me some want to date her. They wear each others clothes etc.

    The guys she’s said were her BFs well who knows, she tells me so many lies I can’t tell fact from fiction. If anything the guys were effeminate looking. They’re Aussie but if I see a guy wearing makeup I’m starting to ask questions and she never answers questions… her game strategy. Never answer.

    So I presume she’s gay, but works. Is happy to date guys if it’s financially beneficial. Will never go further though. Does this make sense? You guys understand I hope. It maybe cost me $10k or more to get to this stage of learning about her.

    She won the game, she didn’t put up.

    She got a small benefit.

    You don’t win them all.

    I’ll never publicly state why it failed.

    My friends offline know the reason.

    Life goes on.

    Big Daddy Spanky has spoken.

  19. #259
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    She is your daddy. She is in the driver's seat you are just there for the fake ride. Guys how do you block someone on this forum. I don't come here to read fiction.

  20. #260
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    There you go mate. You no longer need to read this fantasist bullshit. Credit to Bravo11 obviously

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