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Thread: Dating a ML

  1. #261
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zoobender View Post
    She is your daddy. She is in the driver's seat you are just there for the fake ride. Guys how do you block someone on this forum. I don't come here to read fiction.

    You’d never do half the things I do, capere?

    I cannot expect you or the other forum members to believe anything. Nor will I continue to try. The difference between myself and you guys is that even though I failed with her I put it out there for your entertainment and because I was happy to write about my journey.

    She’s unblocked me and is now no doubt reading how I fucked three girls right before our lunch date on Thursday. My mates said don’t tell her. They can go to hell too… yeah I buy them like I buy the women. Great isn’t it.

  2. #262
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotPassingThrough View Post

    There you go mate. You no longer need to read this fantasist bullshit. Credit to Bravo11 obviously
    Scot passing through is like a bowel movement, passing through, yes?

    11Bravo is ok in my books but only just ok.

    He needs help crossing the road. He’s openly stated that a SW did just that. Held his hand as he crossed the road. They even buy him food. Can it get any worse? Yep. Blocking a forum
    Member. Even suggesting such a thing. This forum is slow enough without deliberately gearing it down. Then again if you exhibit signs of old age what more can one expect??? Bet 11Bravo doesn’t like noisy planes, loud cars and motorcycles, parties going on next door or for that matter fast women.

  3. #263
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niceguy11 View Post
    At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what she does for work. I know a lot of girls that work at No 5, 42 Glades, Ginza and a few other shops that have BF's and they do not mind their GF's working in the industry. Honestly, their BF's do not mind their girlfriends are WL's and do normal stuff couples do outside of their workplace. Their BF's accept the fact that their GF's are sucking and fucking cocks each week. For me, I don't give two shits if my GF was a WL because that's her job.

    If I was in your situation, just go for it. Does it really matter what she does for work anyway ? What difference would it make if she was a lawyer ? You wouldn't bat a eye lid. I got grilled a few years ago about my views on dating a WL and of course, we all learn from previous experiences. My views are that if you want to do it, just do it. Any relationship you get into is going to have baggage of some sort weather that is kids, drugs or mental health issues as examples.

    One point to make is that if she is a international visitor or student and does not have PR or citizenship, CUT ALL TIES AND GET RID OF HER ASAP. DO NOT PROCEED. Reason why ? Because I have been there before and it was a fucking nightmare. I have learnt from previous experiences and despite everything that she can offer in terms of sex, money or anything, it is not worth it.

    If she is a citizen/PR: Go for it no problems.
    Wait so why exactly does it matter if the WL is local or not?

  4. #264
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spanky69 View Post
    Well I’ve dumped her once more guys.

    This time it really is over. She’s blocked my messages and quite honestly I just don’t care. I have another WL to add to the current WL and she’s way way better in every shape and form than the ML. For starters she gives me respect. A simple thing but it means a lot.

    Let some other guy waste his time and money trying to have a relationship with someone who just is incapable of doing such.

    For reasons I won’t go into exactly she will never be in any relationship with any guy. A woman yes but not a guy. Some of her butch looking Thai sex worker GFs ward off any guys who come close. She’s told me that several times. In fact they even txt on her behalf. I can tell because all of a sudden the English steps up several notches if I say anything that invokes heated discussion. I’ve also seen several videos of her with girl on girl kissing etc. Almost every video of her with females has kissing. Shes even told me some want to date her. They wear each others clothes etc.

    The guys she’s said were her BFs well who knows, she tells me so many lies I can’t tell fact from fiction. If anything the guys were effeminate looking. They’re Aussie but if I see a guy wearing makeup I’m starting to ask questions and she never answers questions… her game strategy. Never answer.

    So I presume she’s gay, but works. Is happy to date guys if it’s financially beneficial. Will never go further though. Does this make sense? You guys understand I hope. It maybe cost me $10k or more to get to this stage of learning about her.

    She won the game, she didn’t put up.

    She got a small benefit.

    You don’t win them all.

    I’ll never publicly state why it failed.

    My friends offline know the reason.

    Life goes on.

    Big Daddy Spanky has spoken.
    You sure know how to take the piss Li'l Spanky

  5. #265
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zoobender View Post
    She is your daddy. She is in the driver's seat you are just there for the fake ride. Guys how do you block someone on this forum. I don't come here to read fiction.
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotPassingThrough View Post

    There you go mate. You no longer need to read this fantasist bullshit. Credit to Bravo11 obviously
    Thanks, but an easier way's credit goes to rubit moore

    Like an automatic bag for those land mines left on the sidewalk. Your brain will thank you.

  6. #266
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    Quote Originally Posted by Endo123 View Post
    Wait so why exactly does it matter if the WL is local or not?
    She isn’t local and has 18 months mths to go.

    After we had made up for the seventh time all mention of residency and gifts were never mentioned by her again. We dated, I gave her money on the second last date because she said two days that week were very very quiet. She only made $130 one day and $170 on another. These were in the same shop but on two seperate days separated by a day at another shop. No one can live on that so I topped her income back up. The last date everything was fine but no money given. Consider it charity or being a sucker? She went on the piss that night though and wanted me to hang with her and her friends in Thai town but I have a pre programmed work schedule and cannot take time off just like that. She sent me videos of her kissing her SW gf’s etc, just the usual and told me how they blocked guys from hitting her up.

    She now has numerous bruises on her legs above her knees and we all know it’s from heavy handling during sex. She says she cannot remember what happened that night. My mate reckons she has an alcohol problem and I tend to agree on that from my experience with her and the numerous drinking videos she sends. She even drinks at work ffs.

    Quote Originally Posted by ReginaldBubbles View Post
    You sure know how to take the piss Li'l Spanky

    No need to invent anything, my life is as bizarre as it gets. Look this ML is tame but only slightly twisted. Twisted enough that I cannot control her. Like grabbing a greased up pig almost impossible to contain. I may write about her but for a woman to take and take and take and not deliver well sooner or later I’m giving up.

    I’ve given up.

    Besides I now have that other WL the second WL. I just have to see how good she is about playing around on the side. It’ll either be a success or a major SHTF if it comes out she is dating me. I’ve started already, my “one woman” mate reminded me, yeah I’ve started cheating with her, it’s just a matter of where it ends up.

    Things we do because we cannot stop…

    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bravo View Post
    Thanks, but an easier way's credit goes to rubit moore

    Like an automatic bag for those land mines left on the sidewalk. Your brain will thank you.

    11Bravo do you have any gardening tips?

    My rose garden 🌹 needs your help.

    I have problems with female nymphs, they are members of the “small money” sucking variety and part of the sex worker family. Common names include ML and WL, although certain individuals within the species can vary widely in their hunger they all exhibit similar traits.

    The ones I’m experiencing have a very short dating cycle. Should I avoid them all together or is there something else I can do 11Bravo?

  7. #267
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    Quote Originally Posted by ditchtheboss View Post
    There is only 6 years between us so the relationship was quite plausible and we enjoyed each others company immensely, we were very compatible but as it has been said before, most relationships with WLs end up in tears and it is the case for me.

    The best post/advice here is pay, fuck and leave.
    How long did it last and why did it end?

  8. #268
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    Well I deserved it. I reacted to her ignoring my txts. I expected textual courtesy and didn’t get it.

    I cannot burn a person indefinitely either. Trouble was she played me continually. I was prepared to forget about the sex just for her companionship. She was really a pleasant person to hang with. She’d stopped her demands for items.

    But like I’ve said previously we all live on our phones. I’ve seen her so many many times swipe up messages from people obviously ignoring them and she did the same to me.

    As far as I was concerned it was bad manners. All she had to do was txt and say I’m busy. Simple.

    So I activated another SW via a single txt. Admittedly she had my number but we never chatted previously. How easy was that? She’s an entirely different person and we’re getting on like a house on fire.

    No need to go on about this ML anymore.

  9. #269
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    Get a small glass jar and fill it with vinegar. Cut off your dick with some sharp secateurs. Put dick in jar of vinegar. Present to ML and shut the fuck up.

  10. #270
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReginaldBubbles View Post
    Get a small glass jar and fill it with vinegar. Cut off your dick with some sharp secateurs. Put dick in jar of vinegar. Present to ML and shut the fuck up.
    Reggie it’s literally over, not figuratively.

    I never even got a sympathy emoji from any of my fellow punters! Anyway she is real and she’s not responding to my message and it’s sitting there with one tick against the message which means not delivered. Baht never mind, the new WL is using the same app and I have a plethora of messages from her so all is good, my mind is 99% distracted now.

    The ML is no doubt working today and quite possibly depending on which shop she is at could be suffering financially again like last week. It’s her loss. She was on easy street if only she put up. Her long term game was pointless. Talking to someone last night he says the economy is slowing down. I’d have never noticed. One of my insurance premiums just went up 25% for no reason other than greed so I guess the corporate sector is hurting?

    Getting back to her, two days later and my message hasn’t been looked at…

    It’s a meh moment.

  11. #271
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Here's on for you vinnie

    Poor snookums

    I hope that makes you feel better
    My level of sarcasm depends on your level of stupidity.

  12. #272
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    Quote Originally Posted by dotcumdotinyou View Post
    Here's on for you vinnie

    Poor snookums

    I hope that makes you feel better
    It’s the thought that counts, now considering you’re a thoughtless person towards me most of the time I’m shocked.

    Like sand through the hourglass so are the punts of our lives…

  13. #273
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    Someone should start a thread about being the only one person able to exclusively FS an ML...

  14. #274
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    Quote Originally Posted by kayofa View Post
    Someone should start a thread about being the only one person able to exclusively FS an ML...
    Great idea.

    Getting back to the current ex ML.

    Perhaps and it’s a very big perhaps, she may come back. I sent her a text last night and she responded. Not a good response but a response. I still don’t know why this one went topsy turvey. My WL relationships are quite steady, perhaps two crazy people cannot get along? Plus I refuse to be played. That’s probably the main reason now that I think of it. Now it’s become a battle of the wills. Interesting.

  15. #275
    Super Fans (忠實Fans) Niceguy11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Endo123 View Post
    Wait so why exactly does it matter if the WL is local or not?
    Because 99.999% of WL's that are not permanent residents will date a customer purely for permanent residency. Been there, done that. Do not do it.

  16. #276
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    My regular already has a PR so no issues there...

  17. #277
    Super Fans (忠實Fans) Niceguy11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by schloong View Post
    My regular already has a PR so no issues there...
    Mine also has PR. All previous regulars of mine were not permanent residents.

  18. #278
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    I’m thinking why bother chasing her. There never will be sex. It’s just a game now. To see how many times I can reel her back in. Maybe I will maybe I won’t.

  19. #279
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niceguy11 View Post
    Because 99.999% of WL's that are not permanent residents will date a customer purely for permanent residency. Been there, done that. Do not do it.
    Yep. Not worth the time, emotional content and money. Plus there’s a risk that’ll she’ll jump ship after she obtains PR.

  20. #280
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spanky69 View Post
    Yep. Not worth the time, emotional content and money. Plus there’s a risk that’ll she’ll jump ship after she obtains PR.
    Telltale signs she'll jump ship:

    She announces it as a "joke"
    She's super rude and is on an emotional rollercoaster (blocking & unblocking several cycles)
    Only offers hot sex when you give her expensive gifts/restaurant degustation
    Disrespects you and mocks you openly
    Always rejects certain pleas and requests you have for her, guising it under "play hard to get"
    Doesn't communicate directly, always super "wishy-washy"

    Sounds familiar?

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