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Thread: How badly have I screwed my chances with this girl?

  1. #21
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) CunningLinguist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slangman69 View Post
    Yes, because based on your comments you sounded like one of those pick up artist/male rights lunatics who think and speak about women as if they are mysterious lands to be conquered or video games to be beaten.

    I have no idea what any of that has to do with me having had some fun, exciting and unique experiences with ladyboys while on vacation.
    So based on one comment you jumped to conclusions and decided to be agressive and insulting, you still think I am the one living in a fantasy world ...

    Just to spell it out for you I was juxtaposing your comment about me and your comments about yourself and ladyboys so others could judge who was living in a fantasy world or not. You probably still don't get it ...

  2. #22
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by CunningLinguist View Post
    So based on one comment you jumped to conclusions and decided to be agressive and insulting, you still think I am the one living in a fantasy world ...

    Just to spell it out for you I was juxtaposing your comment about me and your comments about yourself and ladyboys so others could judge who was living in a fantasy world or not. You probably still don't get it ...
    My conclusion was based on the five completely bonkers and misogynistic statements you made in your post. I was not aggressive (funnily enough, you were the one who went out of your way to privately contact me just to let me know that I was on your "fuckwit list"). I just shared my opinion that I feel you are living in a "fantasy world" where women are all demons using their "pussy power" to play with the emotions of men.

    Even with your attempt to kindly spell things out, I have no idea what you are trying to say here...

  3. #23
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Maybe we should put all of this behind us, meet up and engage in some cocksliding with one another? Those gifs make it look like loads of fun!

  4. #24
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) IExperiment's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slangman69 View Post
    My conclusion was based on the five completely bonkers and misogynistic statements you made in your post. I was not aggressive (funnily enough, you were the one who went out of your way to privately contact me just to let me know that I was on your "fuckwit list"). I just shared my opinion that I feel you are living in a "fantasy world" where women are all demons using their "pussy power" to play with the emotions of men.

    Even with your attempt to kindly spell things out, I have no idea what you are trying to say here...

    I actually agree with CL with she is playing the mind games since Rage is not coming forward quick enough.
    Anyway Rage are you ok with serious relationship with her ?? can you actually see her in 20 years time and still find her attractive enough, as she is about your age ???
    Most guys are animal and will always looks for greener pasture so I suggest to marry a girl at least 5 years + younger than you so they can keep up
    Remember once they have kids they drop a few years to their age so can they keep up with you ??
    I dont mean to be bad when you go out do you wanted to look like your going out with your mum ?? this is how the world look at us.

    If you really just wanted to see where the relationship go just wait for her to comeback to you if she dont it mean she found someone else as she already mention her friend or who ever told her she need one ( parent pressure ussually is the case for girls close to 30 find a guy get married.
    I have been in your situation more than 20 years ago and yep she did come back to me

  5. #25
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    You are in a very sticky situation there, but it doesnt mean you have to give up!
    But all the best brother & dont forget that there are many fish in the sea if all doesnt come out planned.

  6. #26
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Man some of you guys here are fucked...Rage face bro, judging by the sound of things she wouldve been interested in you early on however things went stale quick and she eventually lost interest.
    The pen was not too personal, that was fine, but my advice to you is as ahlungor bro said. Ask yourself if you really like this girl. If the answer is yes. Take a step back and give the hoe some space, stop being obsessive. I know its hard but you need to restrain your over excited ass. Give it about a week or 2 then reset and try again but this time dont come across as desperate. Play it casual and cool and get the girl. Just be yourself and be natural.

    Never ever get dating advice from a woman. They are fucked in the head and dont know what theyre talking about half the times. Good luck rage face bro

  7. #27
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    In a galaxy far far away...
    Quote Originally Posted by bfe View Post
    Man some of you guys here are fucked...Rage face bro, judging by the sound of things she wouldve been interested in you early on however things went stale quick and she eventually lost interest.
    The pen was not too personal, that was fine, but my advice to you is as ahlungor bro said. Ask yourself if you really like this girl. If the answer is yes. Take a step back and give the hoe some space, stop being obsessive. I know its hard but you need to restrain your over excited ass. Give it about a week or 2 then reset and try again but this time dont come across as desperate. Play it casual and cool and get the girl. Just be yourself and be natural.

    Never ever get dating advice from a woman. They are fucked in the head and dont know what theyre talking about half the times. Good luck rage face bro
    Best advice given yet.
    May the Force be with you

  8. #28
    Senior Member(無間使者) rage_face's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone for your input.

    Quote Originally Posted by blitz haven't exactly fucked up, but there is no recovery
    2.see no.1
    3.see no.1, it's a nice gift
    5.unless she's really clueless then yes, she knew
    6.friends all along
    Yeah, I kinda figured there's no recovery. I am sure she knew too, or at least had a very good idea. I think it would've been obvious when I first asked her out during one of our study sessions. But then this leads to another question: if she knew ages ago, then why would she still try to be friends?

    Quote Originally Posted by Business Class
    Things can change. Maybe she liked you when you first met but things changed for her, maybe she met someone else, could be any number of reasons. Otherwise the story just does not makes sense.

    Either that, or you misread the signals.
    I think this is most likely the case, that things changed for her. I think maybe I should've made a move on the night we had dinner. I am confident I didn't misread the signals, I have seen her with other guys and she doesn't touch their hands.

    Quote Originally Posted by slagman69
    That is what a smart girl who understands how weird, clingy and obsessive guys can get would do in this situation, however the thing is that girls are often just as awkward and confused as you are and she probably doesn't think you are creepily obsessing over her like you are... She probably thought you were a good dude and enjoyed your company but never saw you as a potential partner, sexual or otherwise.
    Maybe, but I guess this is where guys and girls differ a lot. I reckon maybe only 5% of guys would hang out with a girl on a regular basis one on one without wanting anything more than friendship.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vaders Fist
    Honestly mate, don't dwell on things. It didn't work out, move on. Life's too short to be worried and self-conscious and trying to decipher what's going on in someone else's (let alone a woman's) mind.
    I know, I'm starting to move on, not expecting anything from this. But I do like to think to see where I made mistakes so I can improve.

    Quote Originally Posted by CunningLinguist
    If you suck up to her now she will never respect you.
    I agree, if I make the next contact I will lose face and respect, and that is why I won't.

    Quote Originally Posted by AHLUNGOR
    1. What do you hope to get out from this relationship if you and this girl ends up BF and GF ! Is she potentially some one you can get serious with or even settle down ??
    Yeah, she is definitely I can see being serious with, and she is that type of girl. Very homely and nerdy.

    Quote Originally Posted by TROLL
    Do you just want to bed her and have another notch on the belt or a genuine relationship
    Genuine relationship.

    Quote Originally Posted by IExperiment
    I have been in your situation more than 20 years ago and yep she did come back to me
    Bro I would be very interested to know more about this. Please tell? Or at least pm me? I mean, how did she come back to you? How long did you have to wait?

    Quote Originally Posted by swag
    You are in a very sticky situation there, but it doesnt mean you have to give up!
    Thanks, but what else can I do in my situation other than wait?

    Quote Originally Posted by bfe
    Man some of you guys here are fucked...Rage face bro, judging by the sound of things she wouldve been interested in you early on however things went stale quick and she eventually lost interest.
    The pen was not too personal, that was fine, but my advice to you is as ahlungor bro said. Ask yourself if you really like this girl. If the answer is yes. Take a step back and give the hoe some space, stop being obsessive. I know its hard but you need to restrain your over excited ass. Give it about a week or 2 then reset and try again but this time dont come across as desperate. Play it casual and cool and get the girl. Just be yourself and be natural.

    Never ever get dating advice from a woman. They are fucked in the head and dont know what theyre talking about half the times. Good luck rage face bro
    I think you are spot on. Like I said, I def didn't misread the signs, so I think she was interested in the beginning. I still recall the times she was checking me out. It may sound petty but I remember her turning her head, and brushing her hair back as if it was a reason to turn her head and look at her. She did this like 5 times during the lecture.

    And I guess maybe things went stale for her when I didn't kiss her on dinner night.

    How do you think I should reset and try again? I've already said goodbye to her because I told her I couldn't be friends with someone I like.

    And yes, even though the girl who gave me advice was a good friend, talking to her made me realise they have no idea on what it's like to pursue a girl.

  9. #29
    Senior Member(無間使者) rage_face's Avatar
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    Do you guys think I timed it right to do this now? I mean, if I had not done that, we would just keep going out to lunch again and again. Do some girls like to take it that slow?

  10. #30
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    She was interested. But then lost interest once she got to know you better. It's nothing personal. Time to move on. And when she wasn't interested, seemed like she just wanted to be a friend.

    It's sort of like when you date this hot chick only to find out she's a psycho. Although obviously not this extreme.

  11. #31
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Ask for advice from your male friends. Never ask for advice from females unless they are good friends of your girl of interest.

  12. #32
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    I had a similar experience once back in uni time with girl.. I tried getting her for about 6 months. We would talk, hanged out, movies and travelled together.. Like you I listened to my dumb friend advise and came straight forward. She was surprised with it but she declined.. We remained friends for a while but just fell distances.. I moved on and forget about her started see other girls and hanged out with other people.. We cross path one day when I was with a female friend and at that point she start contacting me.. I got to say she was hot and smart.. But I told her she had her chance.. By the way I'm was still single then. Time goes on and she we start to talk more and more however I just lost interest in her as I knew her more and more.. I'm not that good looking.. A bit chubby.. Well we still friends now and I'm still single..
    End of the day my friend. Like other bros said life to short.. Enjoy yourself and stress less.. Why u have to worry.. When the time comes it comes and you will get a partner who will understands you.. I choose to be single to hanged out with my friends and travel first.. Or screws

  13. #33
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Just like novi bro, similar thing happened to me as well... so it was like 8 yrs ago.
    we were both average look but i really like the way she looked. became freiend study budy and used to chat on MSN (old).
    studied together, talk about really deep feelings ans secrets. preferred to be friends but i was single and wanted to date a girl. So i asked her out and bang her she did not contact me and ignore me.

    Lesson I learned.
    1. I really never know wot female want.
    2. since than i never make a first move

    After this incident, i hooked up with couple of wl and ml coz i never make first move. sometimes it is right to be make a first move sometimes it isn't. I will never know. but im happy to be a friend and never make first move.

    Wotever advice you get there isn't right or wrong advice. Just follow your head not your heart.

  14. #34
    Senior Member(無間使者) RoyalFlush's Avatar
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    hey rage, I agree you have to back off for a while with this one. The more pressure you apply on her, the more likely she is to take flight. Just cut all contacts for 2 weeks to increase her interest level again. She will probably initiate contact at some point, trying to fish for your validation, even so, ignore her for a full day at least, then explain to her you've been busy and then schedule another date with her.
    Try not to put too much effort when pursuing a girl. Avoid buying girls flowers and gifts during the pursuing stage, (in fact I only buy them after the relationship commence, even so very seldom). Keep some mystery and let the girl guess longer if you like her or not.
    Dont force yourself in front of her when she didnt invite you to. Quit calling her and persist in meeting her even when she tell you dont. It's a big no-no. For me, I always sms the girl which is a good enough medium to contact her because it is non invasive and gives her a lot of room to contact you WHEN SHE WANTS TO. As you progress further into the relationship, she will be the one to call you, believe me.
    Actually, being a nice guy is detrimental to getting the girl. During the pursuing process, you need to be an asshole, but after the relationship, you become the nice guy. She will be addicted to you.
    Another thing is that you shouldnt exhibit too much efforts in front of her. For example, try to reply to her text as long as she reply to you. She should always be the last one to end the conversation. You should be texting as much as her, if not less. You know.. those stuff. She should be putting in some efforts as well so it gives her the thrill to chase you as well, then it's fun for her.

    I like IE's advice, always make the girl love you more than you love the girl. I think the reason why IE's wive gave him so many chances is because he has a lot of power in the relationship. You want to become that sort of guy.

  15. #35
    Senior Member(無間使者) Mozilla's Avatar
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    downtown to chinatown
    1. Stalk her.
    2. sabotage her current relationship
    3. be there to clean up and offer her your rod

    do what forest gump did.. he didnt mind the left overs.
    behind every good man, is a strong women.
    behind her is his wife..............................

  16. #36
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    One for thing I learnt from a friend experience.. Do not go overboard.. Otherwise u might in trouble with the law if she think your crazy. Lol

  17. #37
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    Jesus Rage Face this thread made me cringe so hard

    So let me get this right, a girl glances at you in a lecture hall and you pop a woody and start imaging a life together. You misinterpret her guestures of friendship and act like a possessive creep. When she rejects your advances you try to emotionally blackmail her into being with you! oh boy

    I could give you a 1000 reasons why you fucked up bro but I'm gonna just distill it down to this comment you made:

    Quote Originally Posted by rage_face View Post
    Maybe, but I guess this is where guys and girls differ a lot. I reckon maybe only 5% of guys would hang out with a girl on a regular basis one on one without wanting anything more than friendship.
    This is absolute bullshit. Being able to manage a platonic non-sexual relationship with a member of the opposite sex is a sign of maturity. Stop acting like a needy kid who only sees women as fuck holes and be an adult.

    Also, take any advice you receive from this forum with a grain of salt. Never forget what everyone on this site has in common.

  18. #38
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    Oh and one more thing.

    Ignore blowhards like this guy. Just by the way he talks I can guarantee he has ZERO experience with real women (ie. the ones you dont have to pay for)

    ignore all of that bullshit about 'pussy power' and 'game' strategy. Instead just associate with women whose company you enjoy and allow any relationship to develop naturally over time.

    With all due respect bro you sound like a very intense sexually frustrated teenager. Girls can smell desperation and its a huge turn off for them

    Quote Originally Posted by CunningLinguist View Post
    She might be just playing with you to impress her friends or boost her ego.
    The mixed signals game is a great way for her to exercise pussy power.
    If you suck up to her now she will never respect you.
    If you want to play her stupid game you need to let her see you with a girl who is better looking then her.
    My advice find another girl who is more genuine.

  19. #39
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) CunningLinguist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leonard View Post
    monsense from a previously banned member
    You have so much credibility, joining today just to say this ...
    Won't be long before you are banned again loser.

  20. #40
    Super Fans (忠實Fans) cato's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum Leonard, slangman and whoever else you were yesterday and will be tomorrow...
    (how is that for living in a fantasy world...)

    "....Girls can smell desperation and it's a huge turn off for them..."

    Yes I agree, but how does one define desperation?

    How about haunting a hooker forum with dozens of usernames and getting banned regularly but still coming back day after day??

    Perhaps that's a different kind of desperation, maybe the kind that actually turns women on...

    Who knows... They might be lining up for you in droves...

    Free tip: don't talk about fantasy worlds and desperation, you'll only embarrass yourself (if you're capable of being embarrassed at all)

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