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Thread: 143 Marrickville Massage

  1. #1
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    143 Marrickville Massage

    Haha, we finally have the new forum now although I still miss all the conversation in the old forum :P

    Anyway, Billy had some new chick these days but I haven't been there. Has anyone tried?

  2. #2
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Any brother visited this shop recently. Changed open hour time until to 2am Morning

    Any new and good chicks have you tried??????

    So far I knew - Sally, Niko, Cartia, Cindy, Vicky (from Macau) .....

    Any comments to share with....

  3. #3
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Billy's ? I got FS on the table with CIM there a few months back for extra $75. Don't know the name of the girl cos she didn't speak a note of english. I had to point and use silly actions to show her what I wanted. LOL

    I haven't been back, so I guess it wasn't all that memorable.

    As always YMMV with these joints as they have a high turnover of girls.

  4. #4
    Senior Member(無間使者) Steven Seagal's Avatar
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    143 Marrickville Rd.
    Phone: 02 9572 6842

    G’day folks,

    This is a review of Tracey.

    Before I get into the review it is important that I tell you about my two uncles Hezekiah and Mordicai. This will explain an odd occurrence when I enjoyed the pleasures of the flesh with Tracey.

    Uncle Hezekiah was sort of the opposite of Billy Murray in Groundhog Day. In that flick Murray woke up every morning to see that he was stuck in the same day over and over again. Uncle Hezekiah, during his last several years of life, would wake up in a different day each morning ,but treat it like it was the same day over and over. He appeared to relate to the world as he chose it to be rather than how it was.

    My Uncle ‘Mordi’ Mordicai was the consummate bum. Brother of Uncle Hezekiah and my Dad’s eldest brother he was an inveterate moocher. He was always broke and always sticking his hands into the pockets of all around him. I am sure he owed Uncle Hezekiah millions in unpaid loans, but Hezekiah was fixated on one in particular. Toward the end of his life whenever Uncle Hezekiah saw me the following conversation would ensue:

    Hezekiah: Mordi, I want that 250 bucks you owe me.
    Steven: Uncle it’s Stevie here not Uncle Mordi.
    Hezekiah: What kind of racket is this Mordie? You’re nothing but a cut rate chiseller!
    Steven: Uncle I am Stevie!
    Hezekiah: What kind of an idiot are you? Stevenie or Schmackie! I want my 250 smackers.

    I’d get exasperated and retreat into the kitchen where Auntie Sarah would go on and on about how impossible Hezekiah was to deal with. “He goes on and on about nothing and drives me crazy. I hope he roasts in hell!”, she’d whine.

    I finally figured out what I’d do to get this monkey called Uncle Hezekiah off my back. I’d pay him off once and for al time. The next time we met the following conversation ensued.

    Hezekiah: Well Mordi , have you got that money yet?
    Steven: (reaching into my wallet and pulling out bills) Here it is! Every dollar of it.
    Hezekiah: What’s this all about Stevie?
    Steven: I am Mordi and here’s the dough I owe you..
    Hezekiah: You’re not Mordi. What kind of an idiot do you think I am?

    So there you have it. I was sucker punched by my old Uncle Hezekiah who got off taking the micky out of me. In that moment I could have strangled him for the weasel he was.

    Ok, the review.

    When I arrived in at 143, after over a year away, business must be pretty good as dickhead Billy was on holidays and mamasan Jenny was sitting there with a fag hanging out of her gob and the latest IPad in her mitt. She quickly said something in Chinese that probably meant “Who wants to fuck this old fart?’ and a wl appeared. I told Jenny in no uncertain terms I wanted a choice and went to the girls waiting area and selected a rather attractive mid 30’s milf after examining quickly her ample cleavage.

    She led me down the hallway to a room that looked like it was lit with a one watt light globe. I asked for a better lit room as I didn’t want the old swicheroo and wind up with ciggie swallowing Jenny instead.

    Well, she led me to a room at the end of the hall that looked like a broom closet with a shower in it. Her English was hopeless and the following conversation ensued:

    Steven: I am Steven. What’s your name?
    Tracey: Twee-sea.
    Steven: Twee-see.
    Tracey: No, Twee-sea.
    Steven: Tree-see.
    Tracey: No, TWEE-SEA.
    Steven: TRAY-CEE.
    Tracey: Yes, Twee-sea.

    You get the picture I am sure. The English was non-existent and in the new light I was startled as to how much she reminded me of Lisa who works here. I mean the face and breasts and size we so close they could easily be sisters and at one stage I had to say “You look so much like Lisa” and she said “Twee-sea.”

    I suddenly felt like I was Uncle Hezekiah and all the new days had blurred into th old ones.

    Tracey was sweet. She is mid 30’s, a little tummy, but nice full c-cups and a reasonably trimmed pussy. She smiled the whole time and did her level best to please me. Her service was not unlike the Bellevue girls in that she offered potentially dkf, bbj and maybe anal.

    I did not try to push any boundaries and was pretty happy to merely take what she offered. She is service oriented and I think quite pretty. You can do a lot worse than Twee-sea and I certainly have. At $100total for the hour it was excellent value for money.

    I believe whatever plagued Uncle Hezekiah is a pox on the rest of the family. My nephew Efrem Zimbalist Farquar is always getting me to repeat myself over and over. We can go on a punt and a typical conversation is:

    Farquar: I’ll take her. Do you think she’s pretty?
    Steven: She sure is.
    Farquar: She’s pretty.
    Steven: That’s what I said. . . pretty.
    Farquar: Yeah, pretty.

    After the punt the conversation continues with:

    Farquar: Yeah I think she was pretty don’t you?
    Steven: Pretty is the word.
    Farquar: You think so?
    Steven: Yep. Pretty is the word.
    Farquar: I think so too.

    By the way folks,each of you owes me $250!

    Next review is CiCi


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Massage Land
    Bro Steven, you're a f@&!ing comedian. Your story made me laugh and I feel like going to 143 just to say twee sea.

  6. #6
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    tracey provide verry deep and long dragon drill. . to most customers.. i wonder if you would like to dfk or bbbj with her... heheheehee

  7. #7
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    From Sydney CBD to Central
    Great job Brother Steven,

    Very funny indeed,

    Love to see a review from you at 741 George Street though, any chance??


    Without good customer services, there will be no business!!

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  8. #8
    Senior Member(無間使者) Steven Seagal's Avatar
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    I'll get to Snow Lotus soon and write a review.


  9. #9
    Senior Member(無間使者) Steven Seagal's Avatar
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    Hi Ladies and Gents,

    This is a review about Amy.

    I do try to see the best in people. For example, Mussolini’s wife made a great pizza I am told. Also, Emperor Hirohito had a fine set of horses he rode every day, while Richard Nixon wore tasteful Brooks Brother’s suits. I’d even admit Julia Gillard has great hair . . . sorry that’s wrong. Julia Gillard has a great smile . . . not really. Julia Gillard has . . . never mind, you get my point.

    Well I arrived at Billy’s to seen Jenny behind the desk looking vacantly into her IPad 2 with a cigarette dangling from her grotesque lips. She looked up and said:

    Jenny: Oh, you’ve been away a long time!
    Steven: I was here last week. You want me to move in?
    Jenny: I want to know if you pay for half hour or hour.
    Steven: An hour.

    Today Billy arrived and we had the same conversation we’ve had from his old days in Burwood. Out in Burwood he ran another filthy joint full of fat, old Asian milfs and broken down furniture. In those days the Burwood Council was hitting him with fines for everything under the sun to get rid of him. He was literally getting nickeled and dimed to death and finally took his milfs and all the broken furniture and shit and moved it to Marrickville. He got himself a brothel license so that Marrickville Council wouldn’t use standover tactics on him.

    Then Billy says:

    Billy: Where you been man?
    Steven: Around.
    Billy: You ain’t been around here!
    Steven: My birth certificate doesn’t say on it I’m supposed to please you.
    Billy: Your bad attitude means you don’t have friends.
    Steven: I don’t see a crowd hanging around you either

    Anyway, I go into the front room and see several women of various shapes and sizes whose average age is about the same as the number of points the Melbourne Storm would get against Parramatta Eels.

    I chose Amy. Amy is mid 30’s, short, very petite, A cups, plain face with not the greatest teeth and a trimmed puss. Most of what you guys might want to know what was on the menu if you wanted it e.g. dfk, daty, bbj, sex in every contorted position possible etc.

    There were two things about her that I noticed. The first was she had a very attractive pornststar thing going on. I can’t explain it. There was a look on her face as if she was going into a sexy trance. She moved around like in an erotic haze and it was very sexy indeed. When coupled with the fact that I mentioned my name only once and she used it a lot it was quite erotic. For example, while doing her in mish she’d say things like “Do you like Amy, Steven?” And the tone would be very seductive.

    The second thing I noted was she is cunning. I wanted a bbj with a cim and she manipulated me very astutely into a handjob and knocked me off. She subtly exerted control of the interaction without seeming to.

    I felt annoyed with myself because I let her control the action when I wanted to. Part of me wants to see her again for that rather hypnotic look she gets once undressed and another part of me prefers to move on and try others.

    English may be limited, but cunning Amy knows how to use it to perfection.

    As I left I went to say goodbye to Jenny and Billy, I found Jenny behind the desk with a fresh cigarette poked into her hideous gob with clouds of smoke filling the room.

    Steven: What happened to Billy?
    Jenny: Who cares?
    Steven: My words exactly.

    Till we meet again.


  10. #10
    99 God Member (神級會員) wilisno's Avatar
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    Excellent report, love it !
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  11. #11
    Senior Member(無間使者) Steven Seagal's Avatar
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    Hi Mrcookieman,,

    Yes it is fun to say Twee-sea.

    So, on the count of three let's all say it.

    One... two . ..three. Twee-sea!

    Great feeling isn't it?


  12. #12
    99 King Member (帝皇會員)
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    Eastern suburbs Sydney
    Quote Originally Posted by Steven Seagal View Post

    I'll get to Snow Lotus soon and write a review.

    Would you be able to cope with a girl under 30 who speaks reasonable english ?? LOL

  13. #13
    Senior Member(無間使者) Steven Seagal's Avatar
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    One who speaks English??

    I can cope if her name is Twee-sea.


  14. #14
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) Travelmate's Avatar
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    Steven brother. Can you still sitting opposite 501 coffee shop on Saturday mornings?

  15. #15
    Senior Member(無間使者) Steven Seagal's Avatar
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    I haven't been there for the past 3 weeks, but will return soon.


  16. #16
    Senior Member(無間使者) Steven Seagal's Avatar
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    G’day mates,

    This is a review of Ci-Ci.

    Before I give you the review you need to understand my perspective and behaviour to see how much of this will fit you.

    I must confess I am not an assertive guy. I am very passive and do not like to intrude upon others. Even within my family I tried to take an agreeable and non confronting attitude. For example, when I was 7 years old I noticed a crease in the carpet of our living room and got out an iron to iron it out. I failed in the attempt and went on to more interesting things while leaving the iron on with its heat place flush against the carpet. Needless to say it burnt a mark in the shape of the iron on the carpet right in the middle of the room and when my Dad saw it he hit the roof. The following ensued:

    Dad: What’s your problem? Didn’t you go to school stupid?
    Steven: Yeah and I came out the same way.

    At school I was also passive. I’d only raise my hand half way up to answer questions and never got picked. I always failed in being able to show off my encyclopaedic knowledge. Mr. Dansky in social studies had me pegged and would ignore my hand raising and only address himself to me when I obviously didn’t know the answer. We had hundreds of conversations that included:

    Mr. Dansky; So, what do you think Steven?
    Steven: I try not to think Mr. Dansky. It gives me headaches.

    Even when I did two tours in Vietnam with the Army I was still passive. I only tended to react when somebody, in a very determined fashion, would try to blow my brains out. Then, and only then, would I respond with the moderate, defensive, ballistic behaviour that I felt entitled to exhibit. All in all I was too passive to even get around to being a pacifist.

    I did develop an urge for an ideology to justify my passivity. After reading Jack Kerouac’s The Dharma Bums, I developed an interest in Buddhism. Here I found a spiritual home for myself and got kudos for adopting it. I would have great talks with monks in Thailand where conversations like the following would occur:

    Monk: Do you know the sound of one hand clapping?
    Steven: I sure do?
    Monk: And what is it?
    Steven: (waving one hand around in the air) Woosh!
    Monk: Far out!

    II remember reading in one of the Buddhist sutras where Buddha was purported to have said, “Take what’s offered and let that be enough” and saying to myself “Yep, that’s me to a tee!”

    So, when I walked into Billy’s I decided to simple take what was thrown at me and he threw Ci-Ci.

    First the good news:

    • She is reasonably young i.e. under 30.
    • She has a pretty face.
    • She is reasonably tall and slim.
    • She seems a nice enough lady.

    Next, the bad news:

    • Service is sedate for this joint.
    • She is full of FOAM 'fake orgasm and moaning'. (Others would call it shit!)
    • She is a gob wiper. (She wipes her mouth non-stop.)
    • Her English is dodgy.
    • She bilked me out of 15 minutes of an hour session.

    Well initially when Billy threw hr at me I was pleased. There she was with her cute face, thin torso and A Cups smiling at me and I thought to myself; “This young man might be good!”.
    I didn’t think that for long after we arrived in the room.

    She started by placing a box of tissues right next to the table and then telling me “Oh your cock is so big!” I have learned wl’s tell you this so that they can get out of you thrusting it in them with any gusto and for dummies like me it’s supposed to make me think “Hey, I’ve got the goods here! I’m the ants pants and wish I was a woman so I could fight over me!”

    Duh! My prick is the butt of locker room jocularity.

    Once we got started a number of things were apparent. There would be only light kissing and she was a consummate gob wiper. Sometimes after a kiss she would stop and wipe her gob with a tissue. She did do a bbj, but it too was accompanied by a gob wipe after every third suck and also a wipe of the head before proceeding.

    Pencilled in the middle of the above tragedy was FOAM laid on with a trowel. FOAM as you know stands for Fake Orgasm and Moaning. The FOAM, plus the gob wiping did not boost my ego, but deflated it great speed.

    Even though she was saying things like “I like you fuck me!” When she was in mish she looked at the ceiling like she was remembering the thoughts of Chairman Mao.

    I’d had been jerked off enough and got her to jerk me off by hand.

    I showered and she’d disappeared. Huh? I still had 15 minutes left. We met in the hallway as I walked toward Billy’s desk. The following conversation ensued:

    Ci-Ci: Are you happy?
    Steven: Ecstatic!
    Ci-Ci: What?
    Steven: (Makes noises that sound like FOAM.)

    Buddha was wrong. I took what was offered and it wasn’t enough.

    Next time I’ll revisit Twee-sea.

    Until we meet again folks,


  17. #17
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    Haha, brother Steven,

    Another pearler of a review, great entertainment on a boring train ride to work this morning.

    What can i say, every time you posted one of these top of the shelf reviews with a less than satisfactory results i asked you to try Vicky's shop, and she is happy to wait for her turns, afterall, there are only so many shops you could visit before you finally hit 741!!

    But now that you mentioned this particular Cici, it prompted me to asked you once again, try Cici at 741 and thou shalt no need to look any further. Cici only works Saturday, she deserves to be tested, do yourself a favour OK? Brother Steven

    Have a no more FOAM day......haha


  18. #18
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) Travelmate's Avatar
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    FOAM is SUX.
    There is another CiCi in your other favorite shop, very good massage, no FOAM. But only working on Thursday

  19. #19
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Argh nothing worse than FOAM. (OK maybe starfish and bad attitude).

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