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Thread: Diaries of Japan

  1. #1
    Super Fans (忠實Fans) caff3ry's Avatar
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    Diaries of Japan

    Caff3ry's adventures in Japan

    For those of you who dont already know I'm currently taking a holiday in Japan and have been requested by my good friends on the forum to write about the adventures I will have. Now to be quite honest with you all before you read any further I'm not going to guarantee you that it will be filled with women or how to get women. But It has come to my attention that many people on the forum enjoy my writing style so I guess here is diary of my adventures. I hope you enjoy reading it even if it may be at times be boring.

    Day 1

    Well as with any traveling it starts with a journey to the airport. Now the unusual part is that I was actually heading to the domestic airport as opposed to The international one because my flight was actually departing from Melbourne. Why you may ask? Well I had actually booked my fare well in advance due to the price but there's a whole other annoying story that comes with that, which I may speak about later. Anyways so my journey starts off in at Sydney domestic airport where my flight to Melbourne was due to depart at 8:50. At check I was served by a really pretty lady called Rebecca. Now don't get me wrong I'm courteous to everyone but I guess having worked prior in retail and knowing the type of people you can potentially come across I'm extra nice and polite to retail workers as people are always to complain about bad service but never act to say thank you for good service. I mention to her that I had a connecting flight in Melbourne to Tokyo and was wondering if I had enough time to make it. She reassured me that it should be fine and that if there were any issues to notify ground staff immediently and they should be able to help me out. I thanked her for her help with a smile and she actually moved me to the front of the plane in order to help me get off faster. I was supposed to be seated at the back but having her move me to the second row actually helped in disembarking the plane a lot faster.

    After checking in there was no dramas at all, went to the gate and bought some maccas along the way as there would be no food served on the plane cause horray for low cost airlines but I suppose you get what you pay for anyway. This is where dramas started to occur.
    My plane was actually delayed 40 minutes. So when it was suppose to embark at 8:50 we didn't leave the ground till around 9:30. I was starting to get worried again as I've never had to catch a connecting international flight before and really wanted to have more than the 2 hours leeway time to account for mistakes (lucky I booked the 8:50 instead of the 9:50 flight >.>) anyways I was happy to hear that upon boring the captain was saying our eta would be 10:35, I'm assuming that due to delays they are allowed to fly faster as the usual flight time is 1 hour and 35 minutes to Melbourne and this would be 1 hour and 5.
    Arrive at Melbourne and I run for the baggage collection area eagerly waiting for my suit case to come through as I only had 40 minutes until the check in counter closed. Needless to say I ended up making it with 30 minutes to spare phew! A catastrophy avoided but one I'd rather not have again.

    Thus begins our 9.5 hour flight to Tokyo. Lucky for you guys you don't need to sit through it. Fast forward to Tokyo arrival. Damn it's nice to be back upon touch down! Get through immigration and grab my suitcase and now to find our way from Narita to Tokyo. Upon recommendation from my friend I catch the bus as it would be cheaper than the express train. What he didn't tell me was that it would take me 1.5 this point I've travelled nearly 12-13 hours straight. I was so over travelling in vehicles and just wanted to smell fresh air again. Oh well again I guess you get what you pay for.

    Now that I arrived at Tokyo station thanks to google maps i knew how to get to my Airbnb ( no 5 star hotel for me this time as no one to share the cost with). The only problem is, is that the major stations in Tokyo e.g. Shibiya, Shinjuku are a labyrinth in themselves and actually trying to locate your platform can be a nightmare. Fast forward me getting lost multiple times in the station and what not I arrived at my Airbnb which is a cozy little 1 bedroom apartment in Shinjuku. I take a half an hour break followed by a quick shower change of clothes and head out for my first meal. Sandwiches and coffee at the cafe around the corner from me. One thing that I never experienced in Australia that i experienced here was the feeling of being underdressed. After seeing all the pretty ladies dressed up and the guys looking very well dressed as well I said screw this I'm gonna go get changed. After making a few purchases at the 7-11 and bic-camera (electronics store) for a data sim, I headed back to my Airbnb and got changed into what you guys can already imagine (my usual punting gear, blazers, tie, loafers etc).

    For my first night I just wanted to take it easy, nothing to crazy as I had barely any rest in the last 24 hours, head over to the park Hyatt hotel for dinner followed by drinks at the New York bar on the 52nd floor with a killer view of the Tokyo skyline. Vodka martini a live jazz band and a killer view, it's things like this that really made it a nice night, just a shame no girls to share it with. I stayed at the bar enjoying the music and the alcohol before I left at about 10:30 to head back and rest up for the next day. The bill was 7.5k yen for 2 drinks and the live jazz which is nearly $100 aud. Oh well it is the park Hyatt.

    And that concludes day 1, just finnished day 2 after a crazy night out but you'll get that tomorrow as I'm a little too tired to continue writing.

    Hope you guys enjoyed reading it, caff3ry singing off.

    Day 2

    Sorry for the late post but I've been exhausted at the end of each day and not really having much time to do stuff in terms of even checking the forum but here we are with an update post.

    Woke up at 2pm in the afternoon after virtually no rest on the flight etc. Did some sightseeing at another view in the Tokyo government building. Just roaming the streets of different suburbs in Tokyo is quite interesting. It's like each suburb has its own distinct identity.

    I did some shopping for clothes and went to an international meet up, with Japanese girls and foreigners alike. I guess you could say In a room with expats some a little older than I am some alot older than I am I stood out. Again of course very well dressed Tokyo the only country where I don't feel underdressed. It was a light social gathering with finger food and drinks. The girls were pretty good. Made friends with alot of them and exchanged LINE so we will have another get together soon. It helps going to international meet ups because the Japanese girl English proficiency level is above the average and when I mean above average I mean they can actually hold their own in a conversation. Hit it off really well with a French girl surprinsgly and possibly in store for more with her but again only time will tell.

    Day 3

    Clubbing night.

    After the previous nights drinks again I'm a little tired and decide to wake up late again. Some light sight seeing here and there at yoyogi park. I haven't really dedicated a whole day to any real travel yet as I've been going out quite late each night but I decently will do proper tourist things after I do some more thorough planning by watching a few YouTube videos.

    So clubbing night again the first half is part of an international meet up. So I get in for 1k yen with a free drink which is not bad considering usual entrance fee is 3k... I see a familiar face from last night's meet up and she has a few friends with her this time. Again not really my taste as I'm too young for them and looks wise they were quite average. That being said the fast half of the clubbing night because was international meet up event the girls were quite "meh" not great but not bad I guess. This drastically changed when the club opened for business with the public at around 11-12ish and the quality increased drasticllay, pretty girls EVERYWHERE and I mean EVERYWHERE most of the average girls had gone home and already and all the hardcore party goers like me remained. Apparently this club is one of the more modern and trendy clubs as lady Gaga has been here. Personally it was good cause it wasn't too far from where I'm staying as the cabs here are $$$ but then again what isn't. Stayed till 5am in the morning danced and partied with a lot of amazing looking girls but couldn't seal the deal, again lack of proper "slang/pick up" Japanese conversation skills. Ill admit I was disappointed I didn't want to go home empty handed but I guess we still have time.
    Went to bed at around 7am.

    Day 4.

    Well a hard night of clubbing and drinking where too much money was spent...well where to do we go from here? MORE MONEY SPENT! Slept till about 4pm, did some more exploring of the city, and went to my third meet up in a row. All new faces this time, unfortunately still the same issue girls are a little too mature for my taste. Although a fun time socialising and interacting nonetheless. Decide to go back home to drop my stuff off. I get a wechat from a Chinese girl saying if I want her for 20k for 3 hours and 30k overnight. Feeling horny form last night's no catch and tonight's disappointment I decide to humour her request. I'll keep it brief but the conversation was normal until I had to add her "brother" I assumed she worked free lance but apparently not she had a "boss" he speaks to me in Chinese through the voice message and again everything was all good till we got to payment. I didn't quite understand what he said but his accent was quite heavy. So he told me to follow the girls instructions. Its only then I realised this was one of those scams I heard about. Where they get you to purchase a electronic gift card of sorts to settle as payment. Being no fool I told them "I've heard of this game before, no thanks I'm not interested" then come the threats saying they'd find me with gangsters and stuff. First off we're in Tokyo not China, no yakuza in their right mind would work with Chinese. Second of all I see this coming a mile away as I've read about these scams before. Not too worried as I'm staying at a apartment with a security door and literally police patrolling down stairs 24/7 so I just delete them from wechat and move on. Feeling a little let down with no action I remember reading tigercats post and decide well I already withdrew the money...and I'm in Japan...I guess it would make a good story to write. So I decided to take a REAL punt. Now let me start off by saying under normal circumstances I would not punt in Japan purely cause in Sydney everything is MUCH better as I've now learned. But I was thinking with my dick instead of my brain so I get what's called a "deri health". Meaning delivery health. That's what they call out call here. Now bear in mind, a deri health is like a RNT delivered to you without the massage so only HE. Again this didn't bother me at the moment as I just wanted release. So anyway I call up the provider "JKstyle" and order a pretty girl by the name of Chinami. The photo is VERY accurate and she's exactly as I expect. Very cute and pretty and young as well my age in fact. I guess this is weer things go downhill. How much did this cost? 25k which at the rate is $312 AUD I could have gone to any FS place at that price in Syd. Btw deri health no sex is offered well technically speaking FS isn't offered anywhere in Japan but can be "implied" depending on what you buy e.g. Soapland. In the case of deri health like I said it's more RNT to order to home. We skipped the shower phase as I didn't want to waste time especislly at 25k so she started with a cat bath and removed her lingerie slowly. On goes the Dom and starts off with a CBJ. The problem here is that there is not enough excitement for me and I guess the service level from her end just wasn't good enough especislly cause I've experienced some damn good service in Sydney. Shes young and new to the industry hence inexperienced. All in all my mistake was probably choosing a girl my age and should have gone with someone more experienced/mature. She tried to Finnish me with a HJ again not much technique which was the same as her CBJ not much technique at all which is why I was disappointed. The problem was she tried to HJ with a condom on. Good thing I asked to remove it otherwise that thing was staying on for the duration. So my motto has always been the more excited I can get the girl the more excited I'll get. We switch to 69 and I'm happy to say she taste really really nice. She takes a break from sucking me as her jaw is tired understandable but still pretty amateur of you ask me. She tried to HJ me again and I stop her after 5 minutes through out the session she has only managed to get me maybe 70% of the way which I can finish at if I put my mind to it but I hold out to see what this girl could do. Again my mistake I should have came when I had the chance at the beginning but I held on for too long and the service started rolling down hill. I figure how can I get her more into this? So I tell her to change position with me as she's lieing down on the bed and it's my turn to service her between the legs, again the more excited the girl gets the more likely I am to reciprocate. I DATY until she starts locking my head with her thighs and starts bucking up and down. Thank goodness she tasted good it was the one redeeming thing about the night. She catches her breath and tells me to stop as i was ready to keep pushing orgasms out of her. She goes back to CBJing me and HJ again after 2-3 minutes I tell her to stop this really isn't working for me. Switch again and I want to make her go crazy. Down between her legs again this time go on the aggressive from the start. I had her cumming in 5 minutes she gripped my head like a vice with her thighs and I glad I made her cum cause I tell you what she couldn't do the same for me. All in all I literally paid someone to service them. Thats the part that let me down the most. I made her cum twice in the space of 20 minutes but she couldn't do the same for me In an hour. It was a 1 hour session so in the middle of her second orgasm the alarm on her phone was going off So I knew my time was up already.
    So there you tigercat I punted in Tokyo to bring you guys this "AR" I guess. Again Tokyo sucks for punting IMO, super super super expensive compared to Sydney the girls are better looking plus you get a genuine Japanese girl but again I can't say I enjoyed my punting in Japan that much. Hopefully I can master how to pick up in Japanese in the remaining time I have left. I definetly do not want to go home empty handed without having banged at least one Japanese girl. Another thing as well I asked Chinami of i was her first foreinger. She said yes I guess it's to be expected as you can't punt here if your Japanese is 0%. Most places don't want to deal with the language barrier and complications that may arise due to miscommunication or foreigners not understanding the rules. Back to Chinami though, as she is new to the industry she was blessed to have had me as a customer, no local customer she will have in the future will be able to DATY at my level. Seriously twice in 20 minutes and I'm still learning what makes a girl tick down there imagine my skill level in the future? Anyways again like I said she's lucky to have me as a customer a perfect gentleman who helped her get dressed and showed her a little western chivalry. Something most Japanese men don't quite understand and lack. She commented I was the perfect gentleman, but of course she would say that given the amount I just paid her and the pleasure I had just given her.

    Anyways that's it for now caff3ry signing off, wish me luck on scoring please gents.

  2. #2
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    Thanks for sharing brother Caff!

    Very nice job and interesting read again !

    Just curious and if you don't mind me asking:

    1. Sounds like you have been to Japan before and this is a return trip. Did you live there or just visiting?

    2. You mentioned that this is a holiday but you were traveling alone . Please explain ? Unless you have friends or family to meet up?

    Anyway, please don't feel that you are obligated to get into any action because you are posting your travel diary on a punting forum. Happy to breathe some fresh air once in a while , but it could be kind of hard for you over in Tokyo........haha

  3. #3
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    Did you fly Jetstar and if so, how would you rate the airline's service to Japan?

    Weren't there any lovely ladies at the bar?

  4. #4
    Senior Member(無間使者) tigercat's Avatar
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    previous few times when i was there i didn't get any action too. all blatantly do not serve non-japanese. what a waste. i was standing in front of a soapland joint and there were a few amazing JAV looking girl walking in starting their shift.
    and when i finally did get some, it was some chinese lady pretend to be japanese. btw, the chinese there speak fluent jap so it was hard to tell untill i heard she talks to another ML in chinese. wtf. so good luck brother caff3ry. the only way to get in was possibly with some local or you speak fluent japanese and tried to sneak in as japanese.

    anyone have a better encounter?

  5. #5
    Super Fans (忠實Fans) caff3ry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AHLUNGOR View Post
    Thanks for sharing brother Caff!
    Very nice job and interesting read again !

    Just curious and if you don't mind me asking:

    1. Sounds like you have been to Japan before and this is a return trip. Did you live there or just visiting?

    2. You mentioned that this is a holiday but you were traveling alone . Please explain ? Unless you have friends or family to meet up?

    Anyway, please don't feel that you are obligated to get into any action because you are posting your travel diary on a punting forum. Happy to breathe some fresh air once in a while , but it could be kind of hard for you over in Tokyo........haha
    Return trip for me I went in january, going back because airfare was cheap and I needed a holiday.
    I prefer to travel alone most of time but the special moments I like to share. I enjoy meeting new people in foreign countries it's part of the experience of traveling. I've made a few friends here from previous visits as well as other international trips. Plus it's easier to get a girl into your new when you are traveling alone haha

  6. #6
    Super Fans (忠實Fans) caff3ry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cuteguy View Post
    Did you fly Jetstar and if so, how would you rate the airline's service to Japan?

    Weren't there any lovely ladies at the bar?
    I flew jetstars new 787 a nice aircraft I have to say. Service is as I expected for a low cost carrier. Although I don't like how the back galley is closed off, I enjoy talking to the stewardesses haha.
    Plenty of lovely ladies at the bar, but it was a international social gathering not really a pick up sort of event. I'm going to a international meet up party/club tonight so hopefully we get some action tonight. Last night was fun as a social gathering made a lot of friends which we will see again soon and hopefully we can make things happen when I get to talk to a few of them in a more private setting after a few drinks haha, there was a pretty cute French student I hit it off with pretty well and she's keen to party.

  7. #7
    Super Fans (忠實Fans) caff3ry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tigercat View Post
    previous few times when i was there i didn't get any action too. all blatantly do not serve non-japanese. what a waste. i was standing in front of a soapland joint and there were a few amazing JAV looking girl walking in starting their shift.
    and when i finally did get some, it was some chinese lady pretend to be japanese. btw, the chinese there speak fluent jap so it was hard to tell untill i heard she talks to another ML in chinese. wtf. so good luck brother caff3ry. the only way to get in was possibly with some local or you speak fluent japanese and tried to sneak in as japanese.

    anyone have a better encounter?
    I speak passable Japanese but not enough to do punting. That being said I'm not looking to punt in Japan it so fucking expensive.

  8. #8
    Super Fans (忠實Fans) caff3ry's Avatar
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    Updated guys enjoy.

  9. #9
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    Nice works again brother Caff, I meant the works you did on the girl .........haha!

    Two unrelated points from me:

    1. You don't have to go back and updated your OP, simply starts a new post for a new day and we can follow.

    2. Please hit that return key a few more time during the lonnnnnnng paragraph bro , very tiring for an old man you know !

    Jokes aside, thanks for taking one for the team !

    The only thing I would do differently , if ever I was in that similar position is that, I will definitely order a busty girl with big big tits ! As even when all fails, there are still big tits to fuck and Spanish and she doesn't need any skills as brother Ahlungor knows!

    And you mentioned briefly that there was to be a shower or bath together ? Won't miss that bit myself either, got you into the slippery mood for sure.......haha

    Last but not least, I will definitely try to punt in the soapland places rather than home delivery !

    Better luck next time mate, BTW, how about the food ??

  10. #10
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    Hey, where is my cameo role as usual? I thought we contact everyday, lol. Anyway, enjoy your time in Japan with new friends. Update this one later when you go back here.

  11. #11
    Super Fans (忠實Fans) caff3ry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Babycat View Post
    Hey, where is my cameo role as usual? I thought we contact everyday, lol. Anyway, enjoy your time in Japan with new friends. Update this one later when you go back here.
    You want everyone to know we talk to each other everyday? LOL ok up to you la. I'll give you a cameo role next update.

  12. #12
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by caff3ry View Post
    You want everyone to know we talk to each other everyday? LOL ok up to you la. I'll give you a cameo role next update.
    Hey you two, get a room la ..........haha

  13. #13
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    (my usual punting gear, blazers, tie, loafers etc).

    LOL. They probably thought you were on an all-boys private school trip to Japan.

    Seriously man, that is a terrible look.

    Throw out your loafers and NEVER WEAR THEM AGAIN. Not even to the yacht club or country club or wherever loafers might be considered 'dapper'. Probably same advice for most blazers, especially paired with tan coloured chinos.

    At least you learnt (the hard way) not to punt in Japan. Pick up, don't punt.

  14. #14
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    I think brother Caff could be saving himself for some big punts back in Sydney ??

  15. #15
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Sounds like a nice relaxing trip. Thanks for sharing your adventures. It was nice to read. Pity about the punt but at least you had an attempt in Japan and reported back.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by blas View Post
    At least you learnt (the hard way) not to punt in Japan. Pick up, don't punt.

    I learnt the hard way about punting, with a belly full of vodka redbull. If you go to shibuya and walk up the hill from the station take the left fork up to uniqlo and find strawberry jam. A good bet for foreigners

    I found pick up difficult from night clubs. Maybe loud music and my 0 japanese skill. Bars were better

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by blas View Post
    (my usual punting gear, blazers, tie, loafers etc).

    LOL. They probably thought you were on an all-boys private school trip to Japan.
    Lol this.

    Although OP did say he combined it with a tie, which meant he was wearing a proper collared shirt and not the dreaded blazer + t shirt + rolled up blazer sleeves look.

    I had no problem picking up at gigs/shisha joints/bars in Shibuya with my highly refined, boat house and golf club ready attire of nikes, skinny jeans and Carhartt shirts and beanies.

    Still, sounds like OP had a solid adventure! All experience gained in the end.

    Also, for delivery health, Tokyo Hentai Club is best for foreigners. Some absolute stunners and while FS isn't allowed, what happens between two consenting adults in the privacy of their hotel room is another story, know what I'm saying?

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