Quote Originally Posted by ReginaldBubbles View Post
It's all very clear.

"Higgins, who was called to give evidence by Ten and Wilkinson as part of their defence to the claim, told the court she received about $1.9 million under a settlement with the Commonwealth finalised in December last year, once legal fees and taxes were subtracted.

The deed breaks down the gross settlement sum into five categories: $400,000 for hurt, distress and humiliation suffered by Higgins arising from alleged conduct during her employment; $1.48 million to cover lost earning capacity; $220,000 for medical expenses; $100,000 for past and future domestic assistance; and $245,000 for her legal costs." SMH

Why you so mad about such an insignificant amount of "taxpayer dollars"? Gerry Harvey got 22 million covid dollars and didn't even get raped.
Yep Labor gave our tax payer money on the untested claim made by Higgins that she won’t be able to work for 40 fucken years! Meanwhile she had a book deal worth 300 thousand dollars before the trial even began. God knows how much speaking engagements and me too rallies she’s been paid for since. How can you look at what she got paid for, using our tax money and think it’s reasonable for nothing more than an allegation?