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Thread: Drug testing for the dole?

  1. #21
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Well even if drugs get detected, they'll be sent to rehab funded by the tax payer ofc to the tune of 50~60k wtf?

  2. #22
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I see a recurring theme that quite a number of replies believe that withholding dole will result in an increase in home invasion.

    But these same ppl still break into homes once they run out of dole and need that fix before the next payout.

    So our tax money not only funds criminal drug cartels but doesn't remove these group resorting to crime. Double negative

  3. #23
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    The latest news is that any person on the dole with a drug problem, the taxpayers are to pay for their drug rehab. This service costs $30 000-$60 000 per person

  4. #24
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Immortal View Post
    There is a lot ignorance being shown here.

    The "dole" is not cut off. When 1 positive test is returned the person is placed on Income Management for 24 months and tested again in 25 days. Trial participants who test positive twice to a testable drug will be referred to a medical professional for treatment.

    Income Management limits the amount of money people can withdraw as cash, with the remaining funds quarantined for the purchase of essentials for themselves and their families – such as rent, childcare, food, school uniforms and household needs. No cash to buy drugs!!

    It only applies to Youth Allowance and Newstart. No other forms of welfare will be affected
    I think that this is a fair method to try to help manage their finances.
    As a tax payer, I am not keen on the income people receive to give them a needed helping hand spend it on currently illegal recreational activities when it is meant to feed & house them & their dependants. Recipients are in a tough t ikme in their life & need a helping hand. In Australia we have a safety net to help those in need but this generosity shouldn't be allowed to be exploited. Cause when will it end?

    I would be quite annoyed if recipients withdrew their funds, spent it on a quick fix of ice or whatever whilst their children went hungry or they didn't pay their rent. That is akin to child neglect & abuse.

    I don't judge anyone for their vices... punting is probably a more expensive recreational activity that I enjoy partaking in & will be doing for many years to come. And my opinion is always that adults are free to make their own decisions how they spend their money but when its money meant to ensure their kids do not starve, is when need to take a look at how can ensure they dont cause deaths of their kids or have them follow in their footsteps and become future recipients.

    Didn't know that other forms of pensions do not have similar restrictions. Interesting that these restrictions only apply to the youth recipients and not elder people receiving pension (do not mean seniors etc) who may have an already established drug habbit. Maybe its an attempt to hit it in the bud early on.

    But there needs to be accountability and the above is coddling people who are caught partaking in illegal activities and still given the money. So they are quite lucky they aren't kicked out of the system.

    Is most likely as other bros have said that if they stop receiving payments will do break-ins etc to fund their vice, so its still tax payers who suffer (whomever is robbed)


  5. #25
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    Ther is a strong social and economic argument to intervene early and provide support and rehab services

    Whilst upfront costs appear eye wateringly sharp the down steam impacts are far reaching in terms Of social family and economic cost

    This applies largely across all facets of health and social care

    I think about how tax payer monies spent rehabilitating and covering treatment costs for smokers

    Same for alcohol abuse etc etc

    Perhaps hearing some of the arguments above, there a case to increase nett welfare payments ?

  6. #26
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by liminal View Post
    Ther is a strong social and economic argument to intervene early and provide support and rehab services

    Whilst upfront costs appear eye wateringly sharp the down steam impacts are far reaching in terms Of social family and economic cost
    You may be right. Spending $60 000 to someone to fund their rehab may be cost effective, but many may doubt this, especially with an ageing population and many other strains on the economy.
    But what isnt effective is giving people on welfare, cash to splash
    If you are going to take welfare for years and years, this is not your money, so a debit card keeps you accountable for what you are doing with other peoples money

  7. #27
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) rooter's Avatar
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    There are lot of fucked up people in society.
    Why are they fucked up?
    Who the fuck knows. So many reasons.
    Some are evil psychopaths, some just got a fucked up DNA mix, some were raised with all sorts of issues going on - domestic violence, drunk violent dads, junkie mums, racially vilified, arrived from a fucked up country.
    And yeah some people are just fucking lazy.
    But a left wing social worker will tell me that that laziness comes from a background of abuse, low self esteem etc.
    But yeah there are some evil greedy fucking arseholes out there like the pricks ripping off the child care system or disability system
    But they are at the bottom end of scum.
    At the top end of scum are people who rarely get busted and are sometimes seen as role models, people like bankers, businessmen etc.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by moz View Post
    Tough one. I'm a firm believer in drug decriminalisation and personal choice.

    However equally I don't want to see welfare (paid for by my tax dollars) to be wasted or used to fund criminal enterprise.
    Even moreso where the recipient has kids and drug use is diverting funds away from them.

    Same reason why I support the welfare cards not being able to be used for booze or cigarettes.. If its your own money do as you will, if its a handout, use it productively.
    The dole is a privilege not a right,be thankful you live in the lucky country, thats why the so called refugees are waiting for the lefties to get in and open the borders so they can abuse our generosity....

  9. #29
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    The drug addicts shld be happy they aren't in the Philippines where the president uses the shotgun as his drug rehabilitation program. But that's also why people elected him, cos years of giving money to the addicts and sending them to the rehab centres when they come out and restart their addiction again cos their lives are just plain shit isn't going to end the cycle.

    When his enforcement team went around with their shotguns. The streets cleaned up quick and ppl had a strong deterence to avoid going back to their old ways.

    Extreme yes. That's why people should be happy they are in AUS instead. Where you can take drugs and drive and kill a family and their kids and just get a light reprimand instead of any jail sentence... What irony

  10. #30
    Senior Member(無間使者) doubles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rooter View Post
    There are lot of fucked up people in society.
    Why are they fucked up?
    Who the fuck knows. So many reasons.
    Some are evil psychopaths, some just got a fucked up DNA mix, some were raised with all sorts of issues going on - domestic violence, drunk violent dads, junkie mums, racially vilified, arrived from a fucked up country.
    And yeah some people are just fucking lazy.
    But a left wing social worker will tell me that that laziness comes from a background of abuse, low self esteem etc.
    But yeah there are some evil greedy fucking arseholes out there like the pricks ripping off the child care system or disability system
    But they are at the bottom end of scum.
    At the top end of scum are people who rarely get busted and are sometimes seen as role models, people like bankers, businessmen etc.
    Yep. Still no pre-dawn raids where the media get tipped-off on bankers.

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by studsg View Post
    The drug addicts shld be happy they aren't in the Philippines where the president uses the shotgun as his drug rehabilitation program. But that's also why people elected him, cos years of giving money to the addicts and sending them to the rehab centres when they come out and restart their addiction again cos their lives are just plain shit isn't going to end the cycle.

    When his enforcement team went around with their shotguns. The streets cleaned up quick and ppl had a strong deterence to avoid going back to their old ways.

    Extreme yes. That's why people should be happy they are in AUS instead. Where you can take drugs and drive and kill a family and their kids and just get a light reprimand instead of any jail sentence... What irony
    Ice absolutely ruins lives. I support the death penalty for drug trafickers. That would drive up the price of drugs too. Today theres an article in the paper of a road rage incident in Sydney. One guy jumped out of his car all aggro. Police were called and found a personal stash of ice in his car. Need I say more

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by murphy View Post
    Ice absolutely ruins lives. I support the death penalty for drug trafickers. That would drive up the price of drugs too. Today theres an article in the paper of a road rage incident in Sydney. One guy jumped out of his car all aggro. Police were called and found a personal stash of ice in his car. Need I say more
    I'm with you there mate. They should really bring back capital punishment. Tax payers are paying for not only drug addicts, but also the paedophiles, rapist, murderers, etc. All so they get to put on a show & get early parole and come out to do it all over again to the very ppl who pays tax to keep them away from society.

    All those money can be better used to pay for more roads, trains, buses, drivers, etc. So we can get to our punts quicker and safer

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by studsg View Post
    I'm with you there mate. They should really bring back capital punishment. Tax payers are paying for not only drug addicts, but also the paedophiles, rapist, murderers, etc. All so they get to put on a show & get early parole and come out to do it all over again to the very ppl who pays tax to keep them away from society.

    All those money can be better used to pay for more roads, trains, buses, drivers, etc. So we can get to our punts quicker and safer
    What was absolutely unbelievable was when the pedophile Guider who abused many women including 10 yo Samantha Knight, was convicted for the abuse of these many children. But the sentence was short because he served the time concurrently. In other words, all the sentences he copped for jail time were allowed to overlap, so instead of serving a long time, he served a shorter time. Truly wtf

  14. #34
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) rooter's Avatar
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    I think they should test people on unemployment benefits for the following products in their system:
    Champion tobacco
    Almond milk
    Jim Beam
    Special K (the breakfast cereal and the drug!)
    Pepsi Max
    TipTop bread
    Eta margarine
    Cottee's jams
    Custard Apples
    Cherry tomatoes

    Anyone who consumes these products has not only forfeited the right to Unemployment Benefits, but also to live in a civilised society.
    They should be rounded up and put before a firing squad.

  15. #35
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    You forgot Krispy creme doughnuts

  16. #36
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    Capital punishment ... fuk me

    for those in support of ... look at the Intl stats on wrongful conviction execution and when a son daughter etc or anyone close to you is on trial and certain state sanctioned death to follow yee haw

    Jesus let’s keep stoning women for sex crimes

    Rooter you forgot peanut butter extra crunchy and M&m’s

  17. #37
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) rooter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by murphy View Post
    You forgot Krispy creme doughnuts
    Quote Originally Posted by liminal View Post
    Rooter you forgot peanut butter extra crunchy and M&m’s
    Fuck yeah! I could I forget those crimes against humanity.

    My bad, mea culpa mea culpa mea maxima culpa

  18. #38
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by liminal View Post
    Capital punishment ... fuk me

    for those in support of ... look at the Intl stats on wrongful conviction execution and when a son daughter etc or anyone close to you is on trial and certain state sanctioned death to follow yee haw

    Jesus let’s keep stoning women for sex crimes

    Rooter you forgot peanut butter extra crunchy and M&m’s
    Anyone who has worked with C levels in strategy know that stats are created to sell a story. How else will those private jail operators earn millions without these stats ?

    People need to look at the victims side of the story as well. Not just go hey their 10 year old kid got raped, surely they won't be scarred for life and it's ok they will get over it. And by the way the girl's parents can also pay for the food & lodging of the rapist for the next 10 years as tax payers, cos surely they don't mind.

    Let's just go with every criminal is someone's family. Let's slap them on the wrist and send them back to the world so they can get high while victimising someone else ?

  19. #39
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by liminal View Post
    Capital punishment ... fuk me

    for those in support of ... look at the Intl stats on wrongful conviction execution and when a son daughter etc or anyone close to you is on trial and certain state sanctioned death to follow yee haw

    Jesus let’s keep stoning women for sex crimes

    Rooter you forgot peanut butter extra crunchy and M&m’s
    More damning stastistics, which are far easier to quantify, are the impacts of criminal drug distribution and the harming of innocent young lives, entire cities, and the costs of law enforcement and gun crime internationally. Organised crime to a large extent is supported by illicit drugs

    A lot of serial killers have faced the electric chair after very compelling evidence, jury trials and several appeals. The death penalty is easily criticised, but in select cases it sure cleans the planet of some absolute scum

  20. #40
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Like many government policies that help the poor etc., they have good intentions but poor results

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