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Thread: Asian pickup places in Sydney?

  1. #21
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    I gave a gorgeous sassy African (insert Asian) woman flowers

    Just saw her ahead of me , as, she was headed to her car I dashed round the corner and nabbed flowers out front of the supermarket , went to car , knocked on window , I smiled ,pointed at flowers

    she opened the door

    I said something lame like you are gorgeous and these are for you

    She smiled - polar ice melt

    I walked away , and went to shop paid for the flowers and grabbed a few things

    she sat in the car and as I walked out slowly drove past , stopped , gave me her number

    It does work

    And also doesn’t

    Shirt fronting certainly doesn’t

  2. #22
    Senior Member(無間使者) RoyalFlush's Avatar
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    Initially the approach to lay ratio is not that good. As you get better, you will start to pick up which girl is interested in you, hence your ratio improves. As with anything, humans get better with practice.
    To live in Australia is to win in the game of life.

  3. #23
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    I showed this to my girl friend. She laughed and said: it’s creepy, and pervert. She was in approached by few those ways. What she thinks is uncomfortable. “Stay away from me, pervert or loser”.

    I once went for dinner with my friend in a Thai restaurant and he was single at that time. Pointed out a pretty girl and he asked a waiter to pass her a message that if she gave him her number, he would give her $200 cash, also tipped the waiter $50. Unfortunately, that girl said no.

    My idea: guys should get a bit of photography skills, and of course a reasonable camera. Girls love to have nice pics of them.
    Quote Originally Posted by RoyalFlush View Post
    Anywhere really where you see any pretty girls.

    a) "have you tried one of these kombucha thing?"
    b) choose to line up behind a pretty girl. comment at her shopping basket "hey.. looks like you like eating healthy"

    Train station while waiting for the train
    "Are you excited about the new rail? Do you know when it is going to be operational?"

    Waiting at the traffic light
    "I just had to come up and talk to you, you look really cute, whats your name?"

    a) "That looks good, what did you order?" Ask to point at the menu. "Can I have a try?" Proceed to stealing her food.
    b) Flirty look... stealing glances, smiling... I finished my food first, then went outside to walk a bit and bumped into her again (It was deliberate, I was timing it perfectly) "I saw you at the restaurant, and wanted to talk to you. Where are you going? Can I have 5 mins, lets walk a bit together"
    c) looking at the menu, a cute girl came beside me to inspect the menu together. "do you know you can get 25% off by downloading this app?" Then touch her hand when directing how to download the app. "Are you eating with anyone, wanna eat together?" Instant date
    d) Sit boldly across a girl who isn't sitting with anyone (when there are empty seats available). "I want to sit here, is it ok with you?" Instant date

    Movie theatre
    a) While inspecting the movies, "Have you watched this show?" You can expand a lot and agree to meet up later.
    b) Just talk to the girl beside you, if you are lucky. I always get the aisle seat for this reason.

    Even walking from chinatown to casino. Just talk to anyone.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by storry_teller View Post
    I showed this to my girl friend. She laughed and said: it’s creepy, and pervert. She was in approached by few those ways. What she thinks is uncomfortable. “Stay away from me, pervert or loser”.

    I once went for dinner with my friend in a Thai restaurant and he was single at that time. Pointed out a pretty girl and he asked a waiter to pass her a message that if she gave him her number, he would give her $200 cash, also tipped the waiter $50. Unfortunately, that girl said no.

    My idea: guys should get a bit of photography skills, and of course a reasonable camera. Girls love to have nice pics of them.
    you do realise the irony here? 😊’

  5. #25
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by storry_teller View Post
    I once went for dinner with my friend in a Thai restaurant and he was single at that time. Pointed out a pretty girl and he asked a waiter to pass her a message that if she gave him her number, he would give her $200 cash, also tipped the waiter $50. Unfortunately, that girl said no.
    This reeks of desperation. Good looking women get randomly propositioned at least once every day. You have to be confident, not desperate, and also lucky (if she is single). But offering money for a phone number is very desperate . Offering to take their photo, and keeping a copy on your phone or camera, is very creepy. Only if you use their phone would they even consider this offer

  6. #26
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    No, I mean girls like to take pics so it’s a chance to make friends with them. They, surprisingly don’t think it’s creepy much as long as you don’t take pic of them in bikini or nude, lol. Let them think that they are in your camera by accident.
    True, my friend was desperate at that time because he had bad experience with his ex that made him feel not confident about himself. He, another time tipped a masseuse $100 while I just gave $20 (legit massage) as he wanted to impress her.
    Quote Originally Posted by ellison View Post
    This reeks of desperation. Good looking eomrn get randomly propositioned at least once every day. You have to be confident, not desperate, and lucky if she is single. But offering money for a phone number is very desperate . Offering to take their photo, and keeping a copy on your phone or camera, is very creepy. Only if you use their phone would they even consider this offer

  7. #27
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) Raybo's Avatar
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    I have 2 grown up daughter's and they have had many of their friends over my house over the years. I also have a few close friends of the female variety.

    It would be fair to say that all of them would think it was a bit weird or even creepy if a random guy tried to start some conversation with the intention of getting their number or going on a date, whilst they were out shopping, on public transport or the like. My guess is there is a stranger danger element to it all.

    They may feel a bit different about it if they were at a pub/bar/club or a concert or rave/dance party but this is also where the real whackjobs think they can ply their 'trade' as well, and girls do have a knack for sensing this.

    Most of them have been on dating apps and have met guys this way. I guess that it is the accepted way to meet new potential partners or suitable casual relationships these days.

  8. #28
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    For those that dont know, there has been a growing 'pick up' community online. The largest group is RSD (Real Social Dynamics). These groups hold international meetings which teach single men how to approach women. A cold approach is where you talk to a random woman on the street or in shops or where they work
    Its probably creepy and now with dating apps and messaging apps, women probably have little patience or need to be approached randomly. The problem is that many men are more brazen now, and will start randomly talking to many women in an afternoon. As a result, women are now getting sick of all the unwanted approaches
    Of course if you are tall and good looking, then go ahead and chat up women. Women do respond, but more women don't like it

    Punting is great. You can ease your bodily needs to the extent you dont need to feel or act desperate. You become more confident and appealing to women as a result

  9. #29
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    The VAST majority of women still don't get approached.

    Women generally don't mind being approached, assuming she finds him attractive, she is available and their is a genuine and fun interaction. If a girl is attracted to a guy she will stare and make very deliberate eye contact, flick her hair quite aggressively or even smile back if you smile at her. She wants you to approach!

    This is where going to gym consistently over many years working on getting wider shoulders, small waist (six pack) and strong legs and glutes, basically an athletic build. A good diet, clothes that fit and good posture will all help with initial attraction then good banter/emotional connection usually does the rest.

    Also approaching girls that are age appropriate. So best not to be a 40 year old hitting on a 20 year old lol.

  10. #30
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) rooter's Avatar
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    Asking guys who pay for sex for tips on picking up women?
    It's like asking someone who orders take-away for cooking recipes
    There are reasons why punters are punters.
    Most are either too old, or too ugly, or too shy, or too creepy, or too lazy to pick up pretty girls. Or some or all of the above.
    Me, I am too old, too ugly, too lazy.

  11. #31
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) Raybo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamez11 View Post
    This is where going to gym consistently over many years working on getting wider shoulders, small waist (six pack) and strong legs and glutes, basically an athletic build. A good diet, clothes that fit and good posture will all help with initial attraction then good banter/emotional connection usually does the rest.
    Unfortunately for the women I know that have met a lot of these guys due to the initial attraction, the good banter and emotional connection is sadly lacking because the guys are so into themselves! 🤣🤣🤣

  12. #32
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) Raybo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rooter View Post
    Asking guys who pay for sex for tips on picking up women?
    It's like asking someone who orders take-away for cooking recipes
    I haven't got a clue about picking up girls, only what girls and to some extent some guys tell me. It would have to be 20 years since i picked up a girl!

    I wouldn't say I can cook either, which is why I follow recipes!

  13. #33
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    No such thing as creeps or perverts. Only uglies.

  14. #34
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    Im reminded of the time my past girlfriend had gone to the local council swimming pool for a swim. She told me when she got home, that a guy with a child randomly approached her next to the pool, and she felt strange. Women are getting approached all the time. She asked me was this normal, and I told her that this situation was creepy

  15. #35
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    The moral of the story is if you’re handsome and have a good body then go for it. It may come off as weird but not creepy.

    If you’re a 40-50 year old balding fat old man approaching a a girl half your age then it’s creepy. Unless of course you have money.

    Stick to dating apps and punting guys.

  16. #36
    Senior Member(無間使者) RoyalFlush's Avatar
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    Im really LOLing myself here. If you ask a girl if she likes to be approached, of course the answer is going to be No! It's common sense. Do you expect her to say I like to be approached? She might as well say Im easy, Im a slut.
    Just think about it for a sec, all courtships are initially approaches right? A man has been in his social circle for a while, he finally picks up his courage to ask the girl out for a date (approach). A guy and a girl got some chemistry going on in a friend's birthday party. Guy decides to risk it and ask for the girl's number (approach). The difference is speed with pick ups.

    Women tend to compartmentalise a lot of their emotions. For example, if you ask a woman how many ex-bfs did she have, she is going discount the guy who fucked and dumped her as one night stand encounter as never being happened. Similarly, a princess who got picked up by a charming prince on a horse is going to say "he is the man of my dreams, this is all FATE, we are DESTINED to be together from the start." When actually it is another kind of pick up.

    Then you get women groaning and complaining about their singlehood status, "oh no men has never made a move.." or "if only he talks to me.."

    As a man, just go and get what you want. Isn't that what being a man is all about?
    To live in Australia is to win in the game of life.

  17. #37
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    girls know how much they are worth.
    looks aren't that important these days.
    if you are loaded, should be easy, otherwise, good luck finding a free fuck.

  18. #38
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    This is hilarious .. mostly ... and exposes the furphy and flatulence that inhabits the mores and excesses of our febrile minds...

    presume less... try more ..

    I do not see any moral to this tale , excepting the majority of comments here are by guys who do not , or cannot , or have not

    No offense meant ,

    Carry on

  19. #39
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    They say you learn something new everyday, I had no idea furphy and mores were even words yet alone what they meant.

    I guess I'm +1, and the day is still young.

  20. #40
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Quote Originally Posted by rooter View Post
    Asking guys who pay for sex for tips on picking up women?
    It's like asking someone who orders take-away for cooking recipes
    Hahahaha agreed

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