View Full Version : General talk Sensational Transformational Budget from Joe Hockey, well done Joe........

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14-05-2014, 12:22 PM
A truly sensational and transformational budget from Joe Hockey, well done Joe.

No more free benefit lunches, no more public servants in meaningless tax-payed jobs,
and reduced tax-payer funding to the ABC and SBS.

And the tiny $7 payment for visiting a doctor will rightly fund medical research.
Well done Joe Hockey, for taking the first courageous step in a very necessary journey.

And you're such a cuddly teddy bear too Joe.

Yeah baby.....

14-05-2014, 02:33 PM
Here here

bring to deficit from 50B to 2B within a few years so we won't collapse like those european countries such as Spain with 25% unemployment. I hope those 18-25 yo girls unemployed can come to sydney and work as WL

14-05-2014, 05:05 PM
I only hope when we are once again in surplus the extra taxes put on to achieve this come off again, dreaming I know but it is the working people that build this country only to have politicians abuse it.

14-05-2014, 05:24 PM
There are no extra taxes the government said they would not increase taxes before they were elected.

So its all in your mind this government would not break a promise that would be the same as accepting a bottle of wine and forgetting all about it!

14-05-2014, 07:12 PM
Here here

bring to deficit from 50B to 2B within a few years so we won't collapse like those european countries such as Spain with 25% unemployment. I hope those 18-25 yo girls unemployed can come to sydney and work as WL

Great minds think alike, I can well imagine there'll be a significant increase in "eager beavers."

14-05-2014, 10:09 PM
After going on about Gillard's broken promise the last few years this budget seems more than a little ridiculous.

"On the eve of the 2013 federal election Tony Abbott promised no cuts to education, health, or the ABC and SBS, and no changes to pensions. Fairfax Media looks at how those promises fared in the Abbott government's first budget.


“...no cuts to the ABC or SBS.” (Tony Abbott, September 2013)
Treasurer Joe Hockey announced $43.5 million in cuts over four years in Tuesday's budget.

Education, health

“No cuts to education, no cuts to health…” (Tony Abbott, September 2013)
Tuesday's budget imposed an $80 billion cut to health and education spending over next decade.

“We are not shutting any Medicare locals.” (Tony Abbott, August 2013)
All 61 Medicare Locals will now be scrapped and replaced with new local health networks.


“No one’s personal tax will go up” (Tony Abbott, March 2012)
The Treasurer confirmed a deficit levy would be imposed on people who earn incomes over $180,000.


"No changes to pensions" (Tony Abbott, September 2013)
Tuesday's budget confirmed age and disability pensions will fall behind wages growth from 2017 after they are instead linked to inflation.

Foreign Aid

“From 2014/15, the $5 billion aid budget will grow each year in line with the Consumer Price Index” (Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, January 2014)
The Treasurer revealed foreign aid would be frozen, leading to a massive $7.6 billion cut over next 5 years.

Indigenous affairs

"The Coalition will continue the current level of funding expended on Closing the Gap activities." (Coalition policy document, September 2013)
Tuesday's budget cut $500 million through the consolidation of 150 programs.


‘‘ARENA will have over $2.5 billion in funds to manage." (Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane, November 2013)
The ARENA (the Australian Reneweable Energy Agency) has been axed.

"The Coalition will promote the use of solar energy by Australian families and households. It will ensure at least one million additional solar homes or community centres by 2020." (Greg Hunt, December 2011)
Tuesday's budget scrapped the government's Direct Action policy to fund rebates for the installation of solar panels and deliver 1 million solar roofs. "

And for all Hockey's talk about how we all have to help with the heavy lifting, it seems that the weakest, oldest and most vulnerable have to help the most.

Even Clive Palmer is against it and hit the nail on the head when he said, "First of all it's based on the fact that they say our debt is out of control. If you get the OECD figures you see Australia has got 12 per cent of its GDP in debt. The average for the OECD of all our advanced economies is 73 per cent.

"There is no debt crisis so this is an excuse to have an ideological budget, one that can hit people that they don't like." And that it's a "cruel & heartless budget.’’

14-05-2014, 11:03 PM
Who cares, at least they will run the country properly. Most people that will pay the $7 don't even pay medicare. It's any wonder why everyone wants to move here because you can be a dole bludger, get a free uni degree and never pay off your debt. The biggest mistake Abbott made was speaking during the election. He didn't need to speak to win that election against that wanker Rudd. It is annoying that people who earn big money pay but someone has to. Way too many people living in this country who don't pay tax and feel that they deserve everything for free.

14-05-2014, 11:09 PM
Which people would they be?

14-05-2014, 11:16 PM
Most people that will pay the $7 don't even pay medicare.

Dude, everybody will pay the $7. Are you saying most people don't pay the Medicare levy?
$7 may be nothing to a lot of us but for people trying to pay for rent, bills, food and kids, that will be enough to stop them seeing a dr. Then their health problems will get worse and end up costing more to treat.
Taxes are the price we pay for civilization. If we don't look out for the weakest and most vulnerable it may as well be every man for himself.

14-05-2014, 11:22 PM
This is probably the budget pain we have to have after 7 years of Labour miss management !

Most of the items will get through the senate, some will be fine tuned and whatever we end up getting, be grateful that this is probably the worst of the next two !

By the time the Australian people get to the polls again we should be in much better shape than the time we kicked out Rudd!

And that will be a good time to look at raising the GST and give the low and middle income earner a decent tax cut!!

There are so many people and companies that pay shit all in tax, only the GST will get something out of this lot and that's a good thing !!

On a punting industry point of point , everytime we pay to get a fuck or RnT , that cash economy and never get taxed, some of the WLs and MLs are also on Centerlink benefits while in fact they earn more money than you and I , so hell yes, let them pay the $7.00 co payment , let them pay more on petrol and better sooner than later let them pay more GST .

And the same can be said to all the tax cheats and dole cheaters!

Just my two cents


15-05-2014, 02:07 AM
Simple answer to this.

in 3 -4 years time

Will you still be employed

Most of you are single so 90% of it won't hurt you.
You don't have dependants or things to pay off. - If you do well your lucky. But look at the other 70% who don't see hookers and are stuck in marriage maybe see 1 hooker a year if they are game.

When it comes in the next few years. Lets see who's still happy and who can still punt flat out because you have plenty of free money to spend?

These budgets never really effect those with enough money to spend on well WL ? In normal situations but then again one global down turn, now a local national one. At least we might get more WL available.

But what about those around you. Agree or Disagree be silly enough to think you will benefit.

I know I won't because I haven't. In fact, unemployed for 2 years. never taken the dole and on Disability insurance.
I got lucky with hard work to have some rich white kid take it from me.
Yeah insurance they want to remove yet they can't because it's before Mr Obarrell fucked it so it I got lucky to point.
But I know they will do there best, to finally remove it and then what well I am semi -set. Even if I could get a job to suit I don't think working till 70 would apply. In fact I don't see the real workers of this country the people getting things done in the real world. Doubt they will work till 70. Nor can you pencil pushers or white collar types. Body is degrading by 60. Some of you might not have had it but you start to going blind at 35.
But enough about those who know they will feel it.

But I put it to you like this. When unemployment Goes up. So does crime and Drug Abuse.
Those most at risk, are the rest who work, and play and well who's first in fire line.
90% of these Brothels are EASY targets, FOR YOU.
So keep it mind.
Some of you are So stupid you drive cars recognizable with custom plates?

You can wear tracksuit pants and look poor but that $300 tag watch with give a quick hit to junky even if does have to stab you.

15-05-2014, 02:56 AM
I'm no economist, but I believe if you think these cutbacks are all good, and they will surely work, you are kidding yourself !

Think about the chain reaction !

With the cutbacks, household expenditure will increase, spending power will decrease. Demands of goods and services will decrease, leading to the increase of unemployment, all sectors will be hurt. All these will lead to the drop of tax revenue. At the same time, they will have to pay unemployment benefits to those extra job loss, including those cutbacks of public servants, 17,000 jobs ? By then, they probably will blame the world's economy for not being able to reach the forecast reduction of the deficit.

After years of neglect, by the time Labour gets back in office, they'll have to fix education, hospitals, infrastructures, etc etc. more importantly, make money, not just save money, it'll start all over again, going in circle ...

15-05-2014, 08:45 AM
Best thread for ages. Didn't know there were thinkers and intellectuals here

15-05-2014, 11:02 AM
Best thread for ages. Didn't know there were thinkers and intellectuals here

At last, the line in the sand has been drawn.
The age of entitlement for every unproductive flag-waving "it's my right" twat is over.
Australia was becoming a hideous "nanny state," and borrowing huge sums of money in the process.
Benefits dependency and induced laziness is now over, and not before time.

Yeah baby......

15-05-2014, 12:10 PM
If you go to school, you pay the school fees.
If you go to see a doctor, you pay the medical bill yourself.
When you retire, you should have set aside money when you were young to fund for your retirement.
Why should the government subsidise all these for you?
Yet, Aussies get all these concessions, benefits and help from the government thinking the government owe them a living. I am not referring to the hardworking Aussies but those lazy ones. Most of these ppl who take advantage of the system are the most unproductive bunch. We should be deploying resources for better usage such as increase marketing to attract tourists, foreign entrepreneurs/investors, build infrastructure etc. instead of directing resources to fund their living.
Ive heard stories whereby some of these ppl work in cash jobs while taking the dole and then they can still go overseas and spend taxpayers money for their holiday.
Ive also heard stories of ppl who pretend to be mentally challenged when they are not, so centrelink will deemed them as not fit to work so they can get the dole to spend on alcohol.
Im gen Y and I see most of the ppl who make the most of the system are the gen X and baby boomers. If this trend of national deficit continues, then we will have nothing but inherit all the debts and pay interests that the older generations have left us.
The financial well being of a country is like the financial statement of a company, if it is in red, it should be brought to black. Otherwise, it is not sustainable and if we go bankrupt, everyone loses.

15-05-2014, 01:51 PM
if you go to school, you pay the school fees.
If you go to see a doctor, you pay the medical bill yourself.
When you retire, you should have set aside money when you were young to fund for your retirement.
Why should the government subsidise all these for you?
Yet, aussies get all these concessions, benefits and help from the government thinking the government owe them a living. I am not referring to the hardworking aussies but those lazy ones. Most of these ppl who take advantage of the system are the most unproductive bunch. We should be deploying resources for better usage such as increase marketing to attract tourists, foreign entrepreneurs/investors, build infrastructure etc. Instead of directing resources to fund their living.
Ive heard stories whereby some of these ppl work in cash jobs while taking the dole and then they can still go overseas and spend taxpayers money for their holiday.
Ive also heard stories of ppl who pretend to be mentally challenged when they are not, so centrelink will deemed them as not fit to work so they can get the dole to spend on alcohol.
Im gen y and i see most of the ppl who make the most of the system are the gen x and baby boomers. If this trend of national deficit continues, then we will have nothing but inherit all the debts and pay interests that the older generations have left us.
The financial well being of a country is like the financial statement of a company, if it is in red, it should be brought to black. Otherwise, it is not sustainable and if we go bankrupt, everyone loses.

Like !!! Like !!! Like !!!

15-05-2014, 03:35 PM
If you go to school, you pay the school fees.
If you go to see a doctor, you pay the medical bill yourself.
When you retire, you should have set aside money when you were young to fund for your retirement.
Why should the government subsidise all these for you?

The government don't subsidize all these for you, it's the social structure and the tax structure of a western country, they come from the tax everybody pays, it's not free !

You're probably too used to the system in Asian countries, they don't have to pay social security, but don't forget, they pay much lower tax !

Any system will be abused by some people, but there are people who genuinely need assistance, people who's been paying tax all their lives !

About unemployment benefits, we are lucky that we don't need it, but think about those who do ! Through no fault of their own, they lost their jobs and with a family to feed ...

I wouldn't say like ! Like ! Like !

15-05-2014, 03:51 PM
Punters having their say at politics makes for entertaining reading!

15-05-2014, 05:32 PM
If you go to school, you pay the school fees.
If you go to see a doctor, you pay the medical bill yourself.
When you retire, you should have set aside money when you were young to fund for your retirement.
Why should the government subsidise all these for you?
Yet, Aussies get all these concessions, benefits and help from the government thinking the government owe them a living. I am not referring to the hardworking Aussies but those lazy ones. Most of these ppl who take advantage of the system are the most unproductive bunch. We should be deploying resources for better usage such as increase marketing to attract tourists, foreign entrepreneurs/investors, build infrastructure etc. instead of directing resources to fund their living.
Ive heard stories whereby some of these ppl work in cash jobs while taking the dole and then they can still go overseas and spend taxpayers money for their holiday.
Ive also heard stories of ppl who pretend to be mentally challenged when they are not, so centrelink will deemed them as not fit to work so they can get the dole to spend on alcohol.
Im gen Y and I see most of the ppl who make the most of the system are the gen X and baby boomers. If this trend of national deficit continues, then we will have nothing but inherit all the debts and pay interests that the older generations have left us.
The financial well being of a country is like the financial statement of a company, if it is in red, it should be brought to black. Otherwise, it is not sustainable and if we go bankrupt, everyone loses.

Yeah baby, come to momma.......

15-05-2014, 05:33 PM
Like !!! Like !!! Like !!!

And you come to momma too, sugar.

15-05-2014, 05:49 PM
The government don't subsidize all these for you, it's the social structure and the tax structure of a western country, they come from the tax everybody pays, it's not free !

You're probably too used to the system in Asian countries, they don't have to pay social security, but don't forget, they pay much lower tax !

Any system will be abused by some people, but there are people who genuinely need assistance, people who's been paying tax all their lives !

About unemployment benefits, we are lucky that we don't need it, but think about those who do ! Through no fault of their own, they lost their jobs and with a family to feed ...

I wouldn't say like ! Like ! Like !

We all need to pay taxes and the same rules apply to everyone. Whether you are a student on minimum budget, or you start work earning $35K, or earning 6 digits salary, you just adapt and change your lifestyle accordingly, all these while, you pay tax according to the rules that apply to everyone. I dont think we should adopt a "what do I get in return?" mentality because it is the lifestyle that you choose to live that affects your life. For example, if you arent so well to do, why have so many children and then blame the government for not helping them?
If the social security is there, good; but we should not treat it as a given rather a bonus.
There are ppl who pays their fair share of the tax and there are ppl who dont. There are ppl who abuse the system and there are those who are self-sufficent. We cant say for everyone but at least as an individual we should do the right thing and not become a parasite to the society.

15-05-2014, 06:27 PM
We all need to pay taxes and the same rules apply to everyone. Whether you are a student on minimum budget, or you start work earning $35K, or earning 6 digits salary, you just adapt and change your lifestyle accordingly, all these while, you pay tax according to the rules that apply to everyone. I dont think we should adopt a "what do I get in return?" mentality because it is the lifestyle that you choose to live that affects your life. For example, if you arent so well to do, why have so many children and then blame the government for not helping them?

You've got it all wrong here, That's exactly what I said, we shouldn't think " What do I get in return " ! The Social Security system is there to help those who need it, we all contribute our share in terms of tax to make it work, and we shouldn't wish we can have a piece of the cake back. Hence we shouldn't envy those who receive assistance !

For example, if you arent so well to do, why have so many children and then blame the government for not helping them?
If the social security is there, good; but we should not treat it as a given rather a bonus.
There are ppl who pays their fair share of the tax and there are ppl who dont. There are ppl who abuse the system and there are those who are self-sufficent. We cant say for everyone but at least as an individual we should do the right thing and not become a parasite to the society

Only well to do people can have children ???

What if one only became poor after having children ? And a family in need doesn't have to have many children, a one child family still needs to be fed ! And don't forget, Australia is an aging country, we need young people to keep paying taxes when we get old !

As I said in the above post, all systems are subject to abuse, we can only device a way to deal with those abusers, but we can't abandon the fundamental principles of the social structure !

15-05-2014, 06:49 PM
You've got it all wrong here, That's exactly what I said, we shouldn't think " What do I get in return " ! The Social Security system is there to help those who need it, we all contribute our share in terms of tax to make it work, and we shouldn't wish we can have a piece of the cake back. Hence we shouldn't envy those who receive assistance !

Only well to do people can have children ???

What if one only became poor after having children ? And a family in need doesn't have to have many children, a one child family still need to be fed ! And don't forget, Australia is an aging country, we need young people to keep paying tax when we get old !

As I said in the above post, all systems are subject to abuse, we can only device a way to deal with those abusers, but we can't abandon the fundamental principles of the social structure !

I do believe only well-to do ppl can have children. If you manage to do moderately ok in this life and manage to buy yourself 2 houses; if you got 1 child, that one child inherits your 2 properties. If he does as well as you, then by retirement he has 4 properties, means his standard of living has increased and do not need govt assistance.
Now the problem with too many children, you need to divide your resources with them and when they grow up, they need the money to raise their own family and sometimes you even need to help them buy their properties.
If the one child family is self-sufficient, then there is no need for the system to support them

15-05-2014, 07:02 PM
I do believe only well-to do ppl should have children. If you manage to do moderately ok in this life and manage to buy yourself 2 houses; if you got 1 child, that one child inherits your 2 properties. If he does as well as you, then by retirement he has 4 properties, means his standard of living has increased and do not need govt assistance.
Now the problem with too many children, you need to divide your resources with them and when they grow up, they need the money to raise their own family and sometimes you even need to help them buy their properties.
If the one child family is self-sufficient, then there is no need for the system to support them
Well ! You can go to China, they have or had a one family one child policy there !

But my point is, Social Security is there to help those in need, even a one child family is a family in need. If every citizen waits till he has 2 houses or 4 houses to start having children, we will all be in big trouble ! By then, he might be too old to make baby already ! :miao:

15-05-2014, 07:17 PM
Interesting to read fellow punters thoughts. It's quite entertaining.

Anyways, go Tony Abbott!!
I'm glad the age of entitlement is over for everyone... for the poor. All of us wealthy people only suffer temporary tax hikes, all you poor suckers suffer it permanently. Hahaha.

Fuel hikes, that kinda sucks but at least big business doesn't suffer. They get to keep their fuel excise subsidy because it's a 'business input'.

You can see quite clearly that this is a no broken promises budget. Remember its a damn levy not a tax. No not the same thing because even though they are both collected by tax office. I'm not going to get into the semantics of it all.

They are funding all of the education reforms for 4 years and then after that he will not fund anymore. Remember the states need to grow up and act like adults because our federal leaders are definitely behaving like mature old men. Abbott is the type of person that has values that I aspire too. His daughters have so much sex appeal and every word he says can definitely be trusted cause everything was fully costed before the election.

Luckily I don’t need health care WLs can take care of me just fine.

Young people are also lazy. Its great that they wont get a social safety net for 6 months. When my workplace suffered under the gfc the first that were let go were the young ones. Yes it was hard on them back then but if this policy was in place back then those young people would have grown so much more.

and please don't forget BUDGET EMERGENCY. That's why everyone needs to understand why we as a country need to pull our own weight and companies get a 1.5% tax cut.

15-05-2014, 07:20 PM
But my point is, Social Security is there to help those in need, even a one child family is a family in need.
Sorry mate.
Helping people isn't a part of liberal DNA.

People need to help themselves! !

15-05-2014, 07:49 PM
Three good reasons for drastically reducing ABC funding:

Virginia Trioli, Sarah Ferguson, Leigh Sales....... three gruesome ABC female presenters,

I'm limper than limp just mentioning their names and posting this message.

Yeah baby......(good onya Joe Hockey)

15-05-2014, 08:27 PM
Son, I think you'd be suprised if you knew where the majority of government expenditure ends up.

You sound to me like a bitter blue collar worker, the sort of bloke who spends a lot of time at the local pub drinking cheap beer and complaining to his mates about how much tax he pays and what little he gets in return.

NEWFLASH!!! That public school you snoozed you way through - just who the bloody fuck do you think payed for that? Answer: other tax payers! That shitty TAFE course in landscape gardening of whatever shit you did , who do you think picked up the bill for that??? Thats right punk - other tax payers!!! That single mother pension your old lady collected when you were a kid so she could buy smokes and fill you gut with junk food, who paid for that? You got it - other goddam taxpayers!!!

Wake up sonny boy. You're just another self entitled Centrelink kid who thinks the world owes hin something. Improve yourself. That sort of attitude is just gonna bring you heartache and disspointment

At last, the line in the sand has been drawn.
The age of entitlement for every unproductive flag-waving "it's my right" twat is over.
Australia was becoming a hideous "nanny state," and borrowing huge sums of money in the process.
Benefits dependency and induced laziness is now over, and not before time.

Yeah baby......

15-05-2014, 09:25 PM
Son, I think you'd be suprised if you knew where the majority of government expenditure ends up.

You sound to me like a bitter blue collar worker, the sort of bloke who spends a lot of time at the local pub drinking cheap beer and complaining to his mates about how much tax he pays and what little he gets in return.

NEWFLASH!!! That public school you snoozed you way through - just who the bloody fuck do you think payed for that? Answer: other tax payers! That shitty TAFE course in landscape gardening of whatever shit you did , who do you think picked up the bill for that??? Thats right punk - other tax payers!!! That single mother pension your old lady collected when you were a kid so she could buy smokes and fill you gut with junk food, who paid for that? You got it - other goddam taxpayers!!!

Wake up sonny boy. You're just another self entitled Centrelink kid who thinks the world owes hin something. Improve yourself. That sort of attitude is just gonna bring you heartache and disspointment

Yours is the first low brow post on this interesting thread, and with lousy spelling too, deary me.
So, I take it you don't agree with my view. That's lovely sugarplum.

By the way ignoramus, I don't drink/smoke and I have a post-graduate education, so I'm far removed from your
rather odd stereotypical view of those people who may have, let's say, right-wing socio-political tendencies.
Perhaps you're related to one of those horrible ABC girls, ah yes, that must be what ruffled your feathers. kiss kiss.

15-05-2014, 09:44 PM

15-05-2014, 09:47 PM
i didn't realise they gave out postgraduate degrees in smoking cock these days Chairman Plough!

15-05-2014, 09:58 PM
Sorry mate.
Helping people isn't a part of liberal DNA.

People need to help themselves! !

That's right, well most of it anyway, ie the second part....

15-05-2014, 10:08 PM
Ive heard stories ...
Ive also heard stories ...

And I've heard stories about millionaires paying little to NO tax.

Yet are these the bastards targeted by those dickheads Abbott and Hockey?


Rupert gets a recent gift from the tax office of about a 800 million dollars, in fact.

There are two ways to fix a budget (not that this one needed fixing). Spend less or get more income. If those rich fucks and businesses who currently rort the system (far worse than anyone else) paid their fair share then the "problem" would be solved.

15-05-2014, 10:08 PM
Punters having their say at politics makes for entertaining reading!

Absolutely friend, plenty of very interesting comments here, it's good.

15-05-2014, 10:16 PM
And I've heard stories about millionaires paying little to NO tax.

Yet are these the bastards targeted by those dickheads Abbott and Hockey?


Rupert gets a recent gift from the tax office of about a 800 million dollars, in fact.

There are two ways to fix a budget (not that this one needed fixing). Spend less or get more income. If those rich fucks and businesses who currently rort the system (far worse than anyone else) paid their fair share then the "problem" would be solved.

There is truth in what you say, some large companies pay ridiculously low sums of tax, through legitimate tax avoidance measures.
Something should be done to redress the balance, but you shouldn't over do it, otherwise the companies go elsewhere. If they
stay they are unable to grow and create jobs, so the economy stagnates. I guess it's a question of getting the balance right.

15-05-2014, 10:19 PM
What a detective ! :miao:

15-05-2014, 10:37 PM
No matter how hard CP (SheIsHer) tries he is always found out, he seems to stand out, most trolls do ...
It's been only 3 days sine he was last banned (http://forum.aus99.com/showthread.php?39297-Banned-again-and-again-and-again-and-again-and-again-and-again)!

15-05-2014, 11:01 PM
Best thread for ages. Didn't know there were thinkers and intellectuals here

Well said, it is a good thread.
However, all good threads soon come under attack by the same duo.
Good threads are not permitted on the "forum," you have to talk about......other things shall we say.
How fearful can anyone get? I find their fixation on previous legends to be decidedly strange, yet very revealing.

5,4,3,2,1.......Banned - go on then, I dare you.

15-05-2014, 11:05 PM
Typical self congratulatory blah blah and misrepresentation blah blah and blah blah blah.

Ohh look the troll is back as a woman this time :)

It's your words that get you banned troll ...

15-05-2014, 11:18 PM
Ohh look the troll is back as a woman this time :)

It's your words that get you banned troll ...

Please tell the forum members which words of mine (of mine) require that I should be banned.

15-05-2014, 11:20 PM
Ohh look the troll is back as a woman this time :)

It's your words that get you banned troll ...

Exactly, not the thread, but the words !

15-05-2014, 11:22 PM
About time??? Rich will get richer!

15-05-2014, 11:23 PM
Exactly, not the thread, but the words !

Please tell the forum members which words of mine (of mine) require that I should be banned.

15-05-2014, 11:27 PM
Please tell the forum members which words of mine (of mine) require that I should be banned.
In case you're still reading ... of course you are ! This is one of those words :

Good threads are not permitted on the "forum," you have to talk about......other things shall we say.

Constantly creating unrest, nothing else !

15-05-2014, 11:35 PM
This is probably the budget pain we have to have after 7 years of Labour miss management !

Most of the items will get through the senate, some will be fine tuned and whatever we end up getting, be grateful that this is probably the worst of the next two !
Passing the senate ???? Wait and see... DD is coming... If Joe implement tax reform on negative gearing, super contribution tax, capital gain tax also his budget truly a good budget -fair to all.. (by the way PERSONALLY BENEFITED FROM THESE BENEFITS...)

15-05-2014, 11:45 PM
When you say DD I hope you're referring to a double dissolution rather than a dragon drill (the thought of joe hockey's tongue snaking up my anus causes my penis to retract deep into my pelvis)

Passing the senate ???? Wait and see... DD is coming... If Joe implement tax reform on negative gearing, super contribution tax, capital gain tax also his budget truly a good budget -fair to all.. (by the way PERSONALLY BENEFITED FROM THESE BENEFITS...)

15-05-2014, 11:50 PM
Please tell the forum members which words of mine (of mine) require that I should be banned.

Oh poor little lady pretending to sound all innocent, your words are on the forum under your 15 banned user names, there is plenty on the public record to justify the bannings. I don't think you wil ever grow up ...

16-05-2014, 12:07 AM
Passing the senate ???? Wait and see... DD is coming... If Joe implement tax reform on negative gearing, super contribution tax, capital gain tax also his budget truly a good budget -fair to all.. (by the way PERSONALLY BENEFITED FROM THESE BENEFITS...)

Yes he would've tackled those three things if he was serious about being fair. The wealthy get plenty of welfare like this.
Who are all these bludgers everyone has a chip on their shoulder about? Single mothers? (They are actually the hardest hit in this budget.) But fuck them, what do they do they do for the economy? It's really about making sure children aren't living in poverty and it's called social security for a reason. Expect crime to rise and expensive jails to fill as people get more desperate. We never have 100% employment and people need to be taken care of for all our sakes.
Howard was the one who introduced most middle class welfare with funds from the mining boom. He spent more than Rudd and Gillard because he had massive revenue coming in. We have less revenue atm but still have one of the healthiest economies in the world. We need to start looking at new revenue creation but we are far from a "budget emergency".
The GST (Liberal's big tax on everything) might go up now but it will only replace the 80 billion the federal government is cutting from health and education, we won't get anything new for it but we'll all be paying more for everything.
And anyone who thinks that Abbott didn't break any promises in this budget is kidding themselves.

16-05-2014, 12:53 AM
You can see quite clearly that this is a no broken promises budget. Remember its a damn levy not a tax. No not the same thing because even though they are both collected by tax office. I'm not going to get into the semantics of it all.

John Howard said today that Abbott cutting the family tax benefit amounts to a tax increase because it's not welfare it's a tax cut.
He seemed quite disappointed in his protégés first budget.

16-05-2014, 09:30 AM
John Howard said today that Abbott cutting the family tax benefit amounts to a tax increase because it's not welfare it's a tax cut.
He seemed quite disappointed in his protégés first budget.
Even though the media talk about abbott being the disciple of Howard, he would probably be described more like a popularist authoritarian.
I don't see any of the popular bit about abbott before or after the election.

16-05-2014, 09:44 AM
And anyone who thinks that Abbott didn't break any promises in this budget is kidding themselves.
Of course they didn't break any promises.

These so called 'facts' about him breaking promises are so unfair. We all know that 'facts' has a left bias and talking about it just gets in the way of a good discussion.

For eg. My wife's father's uncles friend's friend friend cousin is a single mum and is a total dole bludger and when these multiple increase in things like going to a doctor, paying more for meds, decrease in assistance, increase in fuel excise all hit her at the same time she obviously needs to harden up and GET A JOB!!

16-05-2014, 11:06 AM
I still think all these measures in the budget are setting up for an increase in the GST in the next election !

It will no doubt be sweetened by reasonable tax cuts to the low and middle income earners and to the pensioners and welfare!

You can not fill those tax cheat black holes until you tax them more when they spend the money !

And GST will be applied to overseas Internet on line shopping which is exempted at the moment !

Mark my words ......


16-05-2014, 11:06 AM
The OP's aim clearly was to wind us up and successful it was too. Great detective work to expose
him so quickly. Yes, yes, yes, a few among us who should know better fell for the 3 card trick.

I imagine there are many members of this forum who came from overseas or whose families came
from overseas, like mine. In the main, the reason was to find a better life. Yet to then support these
Tea Party like views – that are aimed at destroying our social fabric, defy logic. Their goal is to
make us a more uncaring society, everyone for themselves with little or no social security. Isn't
this exactly what our families left behind?

We are on a punters forum and it raises the question. It is a given that the extreme right and their
supporters don't have a compassionate bone in their bodies, so how much respect do they show
to women?

This budget is following the standard Lieberal copybook, these c**** will alienate us in the first
year, charm us in the second year and bribe us in the third year with the view to re-election, then
the cycle repeats. Howard did this term after term until finally we woke up to him. Pray that this
is a one term government or less.

Please don't form an opinion about my political leaning, you might get it wrong.


16-05-2014, 11:18 AM
The OP's aim clearly was to wind us up and successful it was too. Great detective work to expose
him so quickly. Yes, yes, yes, a few among us who should know better fell for the 3 card trick.

I imagine there are many members of this forum who came from overseas or whose families came
from overseas, like mine. In the main, the reason was to find a better life. Yet to then support these
Tea Party like views – that are aimed at destroying our social fabric, defy logic. Their goal is to
make us a more uncaring society, everyone for themselves with little or no social security. Isn't
this exactly what our families left behind?

We are on a punters forum and it raises the question. It is a given that the extreme right and their
supporters don't have a compassionate bone in their bodies, so how much respect do they show
to women?

This budget is following the standard Lieberal copybook, these c**** will alienate us in the first
year, charm us in the second year and bribe us in the third year with the view to re-election, then
the cycle repeats. Howard did this term after term until finally we woke up to him. Pray that this
is a one term government or less.

Please don't form an opinion about my political leaning, you might get it wrong.


Good post, for a wanker. Especially your identification of our purchasing of other human beings to satisfy carnal pleasures. Given the anti-existentialism of the original poster, you are spot on.


16-05-2014, 02:00 PM
How much tax does a dole bludger with 2 kids and a hecs debt pay? Why not slug them $7 to see a doctor? Sadly too many waste the money needed for people in need. Too many Aussies are too proud to take a shit job to make ends meat so they stick their hand out for help and then keep it out for too long. Current society needs adjusting. Go to America if you think $7 is too much to pay to see a doctor and why not get a job paying minimum wage for good measure. Well done Joe.

16-05-2014, 02:52 PM
The current government thinks its a good idea to remove $70 billion from the public health and education system. How will this decision effect the majority of working Australians?

The current government feels that it is acceptable to pay a millionaire investment banker $50,000 in tax dollars while she takes 6 months off work to spit out a baby. Is this a good use of your hard earned dollars? what else could this money be spent on?

16-05-2014, 02:56 PM
How much tax does a dole bludger with 2 kids and a hecs debt pay? Why not slug them $7 to see a doctor? Sadly too many waste the money needed for people in need. Too many Aussies are too proud to take a shit job to make ends meat so they stick their hand out for help and then keep it out for too long. Current society needs adjusting. Go to America if you think $7 is too much to pay to see a doctor and why not get a job paying minimum wage for good measure. Well done Joe.

Well said Henry.....

You know it's a great budget when every lefty twat starts peeing their knickers.

16-05-2014, 03:13 PM
Troll Alert!!

16-05-2014, 03:28 PM
Troll Alert!!
Spot on bro ! ;) ;) ;)

Brother CunningLinguist is probably too busy having a DATY ! ;) ;) ;)

16-05-2014, 05:11 PM
A thought . How much revenue that Tony A could secure if all WL/ML/Shop owners all pay their share of tax?

16-05-2014, 05:16 PM
A thought . How much revenue that Tony A could secure if all WL/ML/Shop owners all pay their share of tax?
It would be disaster ..... for the punters ! ;) ;) ;)

16-05-2014, 05:24 PM
Ooop! know what u mean.. forgot the "Pass On" business trick EOD zero sum game to WL/ML/owners.. Stupid thought

It would be disaster ..... for the punters ! ;) ;) ;)

16-05-2014, 05:30 PM
So much talk about tax cheat and dole cheat, I do have a heart warming story to share:

This morning on my way to the airport, this big Kiwi taxi driver was really a breathe of fresh air:

He is fit for a 60 yo, very friendly , funny and a great embassador for the city of Cairns.

He thought I was an overseas tourists and he started the conversation by thanking me of visiting Cairns:

Good morning sir, so good to have you here in Cairns, thank you for visiting us.

Wow, I thought that's nice, fancy that coming from a taxi driver.

Then we talk some rugby and the All Black, Joe is his name and he came to Australia 40 yr ago with his wife in search of better life, both him and his wife works al their life, never been on welfare and with or with the new rule, happy to work until he is 70!

As we reached the airport , he asks me to come back to Cairns sometimes and bring my family and stay longer to enjoy the reef and everything else , what a nice bloke, he can work for me anytime !

Tipped him a big $7.50! And I usually don't tip taxi driver......lol

Now, if we have more working class people like Joe, wouldn't that be nice ??

And he is not even an Aussie

Just a thought


16-05-2014, 06:03 PM
So much talk about tax cheat and dole cheat, I do have a heart warming story to share:

This morning on my way to the airport, this big Kiwi taxi driver was really a breathe of fresh air:

He is fit for a 60 yo, very friendly , funny and a great embassador for the city of Cairns.

He thought I was an overseas tourists and he started the conversation by thanking me of visiting Cairns:

Good morning sir, so good to have you here in Cairns, thank you for visiting us.

Wow, I thought that's nice, fancy that coming from a taxi driver.

Then we talk some rugby and the All Black, Joe is his name and he came to Australia 40 yr ago with his wife in search of better life, both him and his wife works al their life, never been on welfare and with or with the new rule, happy to work until he is 70!

As we reached the airport , he asks me to come back to Cairns sometimes and bring my family and stay longer to enjoy the reef and everything else , what a nice bloke, he can work for me anytime !

Tipped him a big $7.50! And I usually don't tip taxi driver......lol

Now, if we have more working class people like Joe, wouldn't that be nice ??

And he is not even an Aussie

Just a thought


There are lots of good citizens with this sort of attitude, nothing's new, but it's got nothing to do with Joe Hockey's budget !

16-05-2014, 06:32 PM

I am really surprised how educated we are in this forum. We are not just about pussies and punting but now politics! I am always amaze by this forum.

16-05-2014, 06:45 PM

I am really surprised how educated we are in this forum. We are not just about pussies and punting but now politics! I am always amaze by this forum.

There are exceptions (http://forum.aus99.com/showthread.php?39297-Banned-again-and-again-and-again-and-again-and-again-and-again) though ...

16-05-2014, 06:49 PM
How about fining all the scum that throw cigarette butts on the ground!

16-05-2014, 06:50 PM
Troll Alert!!

You are on the ball!
I've reserved a spot in the table (http://forum.aus99.com/showthread.php?39297-Banned-again-and-again-and-again-and-again-and-again-and-again) for this incarnation ...

16-05-2014, 06:56 PM

I am really surprised how educated we are in this forum. We are not just about pussies and punting but now politics! I am always amaze by this forum.

And checkout what happens to the members who start the interesting threads - they get banned.

16-05-2014, 07:05 PM
And checkout what happens to the members who start the interesting threads - they get banned.

I'm pretty sure a 5 year old would be able to work out what he did wrong if he was in your shoes ...
That reminds me one of your MLs told me a story about you ...

16-05-2014, 07:17 PM
A kiwi in Australia whose never been on welfare? n'ah, I'm gonna call bullshit on that one.

And anyway what the fuck does a chirpy taxi driver have to do with the federal budget??

That guy who said he was suprised at the quality of conversation in this forum must have rocks in his head.

Everyone is talking in vague generalities. No one is discussing the specifics of the budget cuts in an informed manner.

Plebs. Plebs everywhere

So much talk about tax cheat and dole cheat, I do have a heart warming story to share:

This morning on my way to the airport, this big Kiwi taxi driver was really a breathe of fresh air:

He is fit for a 60 yo, very friendly , funny and a great embassador for the city of Cairns.

He thought I was an overseas tourists and he started the conversation by thanking me of visiting Cairns:

Good morning sir, so good to have you here in Cairns, thank you for visiting us.

Wow, I thought that's nice, fancy that coming from a taxi driver.

Then we talk some rugby and the All Black, Joe is his name and he came to Australia 40 yr ago with his wife in search of better life, both him and his wife works al their life, never been on welfare and with or with the new rule, happy to work until he is 70!

As we reached the airport , he asks me to come back to Cairns sometimes and bring my family and stay longer to enjoy the reef and everything else , what a nice bloke, he can work for me anytime !

Tipped him a big $7.50! And I usually don't tip taxi driver......lol

Now, if we have more working class people like Joe, wouldn't that be nice ??

And he is not even an Aussie

Just a thought


16-05-2014, 07:26 PM
There are lots of good citizens with this sort of attitude, nothing's new, but it's got nothing to do with Joe Hockey's budget !

I share my little experiences with Joe with you guys not because it has too much direct relationship to the budget but I was just really impressed with his attitude and out look in life, so proud and positive !

As a Kiwi, he is entitle to welfare in Australia, but he never stops working. So he would have paid his fair share of taxes! And for that guy who said Kiwi not getting welfare in Australia is bull shit, you're the one have rocks in your head! I have known a lot of hard working New Zealand friends who live a honest life and make good contribution to the community. You are either racist or living on welfare yourself !

Now back to Joe, At 60, he could have have start thinking about retirement but seems really enjoying his job and happy to go on for as long as his can !

We need more people like Joe than those lazy dole cheaters who live in Byron Bay eating out from our tax !

16-05-2014, 07:30 PM
Seriously ppl!! I haven't read ALL the input but who gives a fuck!! The government always fucks over the ppl no matter which side of politics they are on!!
Will it effect me? Probably minimally !!
But I still got my few grand a year to spend on WLs to have some fuN so why stress about it!!


16-05-2014, 07:39 PM
I made this point before to that imbecile chairman plough - you might be suprised if you knew where tax dollars ended up.

Do you have children? Do they attend a public school? Do they attend university? Does you family visit the GP or public hospitals? Just who do you think is paying for these things son? A single person on centrelink benefits is probably less of a welfare sponge than the average Australian family.

Do you know who does the real heavy lifting when it comes to filling the public coffers? Its the middle aged, middle class professional singles and couples w/o children.

16-05-2014, 07:58 PM
........Tipped him a big $7.50! And I usually don't tip taxi driver......lol....

Assume the tips will not be claimed as "Business expense" ( trade show 2014 etc). Good on you.. Hope all public servant and business employee will follow suit not to push up government/ company expense - one way to avoid tax hike - government save expense, company earn extra and contribute to 30% company tax when properly report profits (i.e no Transfer Price fixing etc.

16-05-2014, 11:43 PM
A truly magnificent Budget by a courageous Treasurer & Prime Minister.

Hopefully the cuts to the ABC will see the end of Virginia Trioli, Sarah Ferguson & Leigh Sales.
Let the "ladies" journey to the private sector to make their money, rather than just living off tax-payers.

No more free benefit lunches, no more meaningless public service jobs, no more ABC cultivating problems
for the nation (tantamount to treachery).

17-05-2014, 01:59 AM
I made this point before to that imbecile chairman plough - you might be suprised if you knew where tax dollars ended up.

Do you have children? Do they attend a public school? Do they attend university? Does you family visit the GP or public hospitals? Just who do you think is paying for these things son? A single person on centrelink benefits is probably less of a welfare sponge than the average Australian family.

Do you know who does the real heavy lifting when it comes to filling the public coffers? Its the middle aged, middle class professional singles and couples w/o children.

Yes, I am in that middle aged group and a middle class professional . So is Joe the Kiwi taxi driver although he may be a few years more senior than me .

What you said about education and medical services are fine , that's what government is supposed to do, they provide these services to its people and in turns the people works, earn a living and pay tax.

To compare a single centrelink dole receipient to a middle class working family who pay taxes along the way is a bad and twisted example mate !

If a family pays say $25,000K in tax a year, it's totally normal if they receive government provided services and facilities like school and hospital to some equivalent amount of may be $10-$15k

This is not the same for a youth unemployed who may be receiving $450 a fortnight but do no work and pay no taxes while still utilise everything be can that are provided by the government .

I think you have some seriously biased opinions in social justice or is that injustice !

17-05-2014, 02:28 AM
Its easy for you to point the finger at others but the fact is your family is probably a bigger drain on the public purse than any of these 'young dole bludgers' Alan Jones / Ray Hadlee tells you about

Did you know it costs $16,000 a year to put a child through just one year of a public secondary school in NSW (https://www.det.nsw.edu.au/media/downloads/about-us/statistics-and-research/key-statistics-and-reports/financial-information/education-cost.pdf) And who do you think picks up the bill to put your kids through school sonny boy? Everybody fucking else - thats fucking who!!!

Stop criticising others for leeching off society. You're sucking on the public teet just as much as anyone kiddo

17-05-2014, 05:17 AM
cowards punch imo

another opportunity for structural reform of the tax system missed. (eg cgt & concessional super contributions, diesel fuel rebate), how many white papers does it need?

new & increased taxes are regressive, (effect poor more than rich) as are most of the spending cuts.

heavy lifting maybe, but not by corporate australia or wealthy.

budget emergency, biggest lie of all. Labor left $55bn deficit,(PEFO) we escaped the GFC (only OECD country to do so) and a much need library or hall in every school. (PEFO - this is treasurys figure not a liberal or labor number), yet hockey's myefo states it as $123b. An increase he blames primarily on $37billion lower tax receipts. Not to mention he gifted the reserve Bank $8b they did not request.

Who do you trust a politician (myefo) or secretary (PEFO) of treasury (public servant)?

defence spending up 6.1% to (2.3b) to 29.3b, rising in real terms 1.7 to 1.8% gdp, rising to 2% by 2018. aside f35 = dud

commission of audit = neocon ideological blueprint

double dissolution, BIO

17-05-2014, 11:04 AM
The current government thinks its a good idea to remove $70 billion from the public health and education system. How will this decision effect the majority of working Australians?

The current government feels that it is acceptable to pay a millionaire investment banker $50,000 in tax dollars while she takes 6 months off work to spit out a baby. Is this a good use of your hard earned dollars? what else could this money be spent on?

Mate if the labor party did such a great job running the country why did they lose the last election? Why does Australia have so much debt? It's all very good giving everyone a tv and deadly pink bats but someone needs to pay for it. Why not give a millionaire banker $50000 in tax payers money to have a baby? How much tax do you think that person has paid throughout her career only for the labor party to just piss it down the drain. The only thing the labor party are good at are thinking up stupid policy on the run with not idea of how to pay for it and of course stabbing each other in the back. Now you have a complete turncoat union puppet as your leader. Hilarious. If the majority of Australians got off their arse, used the generous hecs scheme to better themselves and took a job that may not appeal to them from time to time they may not need a hand out. Too much pride to do a shit job and to much sense of entitlement. Imagine how much debt this country would have if the Howard government didn't leave Rudd a massive surplus?

17-05-2014, 12:24 PM
Mate if the labor party did such a great job running the country why did they lose the last election? Why does Australia have so much debt? It's all very good giving everyone a tv and deadly pink bats but someone needs to pay for it. Why not give a millionaire banker $50000 in tax payers money to have a baby? How much tax do you think that person has paid throughout her career only for the labor party to just piss it down the drain. The only thing the labor party are good at are thinking up stupid policy on the run with not idea of how to pay for it and of course stabbing each other in the back. Now you have a complete turncoat union puppet as your leader. Hilarious. If the majority of Australians got off their arse, used the generous hecs scheme to better themselves and took a job that may not appeal to them from time to time they may not need a hand out. Too much pride to do a shit job and to much sense of entitlement. Imagine how much debt this country would have if the Howard government didn't leave Rudd a massive surplus?

Well said Brother Henry !!



17-05-2014, 01:22 PM
Mate if the labor party did such a great job running the country why did they lose the last election? Why does Australia have so much debt? It's all very good giving everyone a tv and deadly pink bats but someone needs to pay for it. Why not give a millionaire banker $50000 in tax payers money to have a baby? How much tax do you think that person has paid throughout her career only for the labor party to just piss it down the drain. The only thing the labor party are good at are thinking up stupid policy on the run with not idea of how to pay for it and of course stabbing each other in the back. Now you have a complete turncoat union puppet as your leader. Hilarious. If the majority of Australians got off their arse, used the generous hecs scheme to better themselves and took a job that may not appeal to them from time to time they may not need a hand out. Too much pride to do a shit job and to much sense of entitlement. Imagine how much debt this country would have if the Howard government didn't leave Rudd a massive surplus?

Is this true?

Or did you hear it on 2GB.


17-05-2014, 02:49 PM
Rudd's two stimilus spending programs totalled around $50B. To put this amount in perspective, the current annual budget deficit is around $50B and total government debt is $300B

I personally think the stimulus spending was poor economic policy. However, it clearly wasn't a primary contributor to our budget deficit problem

Public spending in general hasn't even been a big factor. Government expenditure (as a proportion of GDP) remained constant throught Howard / Rudd governments.

The reason for the budget deficit is declining revenues, particularly from company taxes, following the GFC and tapering of the mining boom.

I don't disagree that the budget deficit needs to be addressed, but to lay the blame solely at the feet of the previous government is not supported by the facts

17-05-2014, 03:51 PM
I don't disagree that the budget deficit needs to be addressed, but to lay the blame solely at the feet of the previous government is not supported by the facts

Had Labour ever been a successful or responsible economic manager when they are in power.

All I can remember was when we had a Labour government, they rang up huge debts and it was up to the Liberal government to fix the problem and brought us back to surplus. Those are the facts !!

17-05-2014, 04:24 PM
Had Labour ever been a successful or responsible economic manager when they are in power.

All I can remember was when we had a Labour government, they rang up huge debts and it was up to the Liberal government to fix the problem and brought us back to surplus. Those are the facts !!
Part of the reason was Labour had to fix problems left behind from the Libs, cost big money to fix education, hospitals and all others that were in disrepair !

You don't have to service your car it still can run for a couple of years, but when the repair bill comes, it will be big !

17-05-2014, 04:45 PM
Agree wholeheartedly.. Liberal pulled down the social structure then shamelessly claim credit as "prudent financial manager" . At the turn of government Labor act to fix the mess caused by Liberal . During Howard/Costello era no investment made on Infra-structure nor innovative developments while gave away money i.e Baby Bonus etc should be spent to establish more Child Care services center and hospital ! Tony A / Joe H budge item on infra-structure to build more highway without inclusion of nation wide Advanced Rail/ High Speed Train can tell how lazy and short-sighted they are!!!

Only biased minded individuals kept overlooking GFC , the main contributor to deficit if no action taken. Julia G been abused as "LIAR" when she introduced Carbon Tax ( a program to generate revenue and offer a safer environment for out next generations to come). Tony Abott is much worse comparative, guy without integrity and deserved DD to follow .

Part of the reason was Labour had to fix problems left behind from the Libs, cost big money to fix education, hospitals and all others that were in disrepair !

You don't have to service your car it still can run for a couple of years, but when the repair bill comes, it will be big !

17-05-2014, 05:19 PM
There is not a single fact in your post.

Lets cut the bullshit and talk FACTS shall we:

Under the Fraser government (when John Howard was Treasurer) public debt was 10.8% of GDP

Under Hawke / keating it fell to 4% of GDP.

Under the Howard government public debt was paid off. This was achieved through the sale of Telstra.

Under Rudd / Gillard public debt increased to 9.2%. This was due primarily to a large decline in budget revenues following the gfc / tapering of the mining boom.

This level of debt was less than that of the fraser government.

The Abbott government proposes to cut expenditure and bring debt levels down to 7.2%. This is almost twice the level of the hawke / keating government.

Had Labour ever been a successful or responsible economic manager when they are in power.

All I can remember was when we had a Labour government, they rang up huge debts and it was up to the Liberal government to fix the problem and brought us back to surplus. Those are the facts !!

17-05-2014, 06:39 PM
Still remember what was said when Tony A was in Opposition.
No cuts to education, no cuts to health, no change to pensions, no change to the GST and no cuts to the ABC or SBS, No New Tax, No surprises...

Open Minded Ordinary Australia to judge his integrity and how ethical he is !!!!!!...

Look forward to State Premier meeting outcomes tomorrow... Kick the guts out !

17-05-2014, 08:01 PM
"Well, I can understand why just at the moment politicians aren’t much trusted because we’ve had too many politicians who say one thing before an election to win votes and then do the opposite after the election…"
Tony Abbott, Newcastle radio, June 13, 2013.

No cuts to education, no cuts to health, no change to pensions, no change to the GST and no cuts to the ABC or SBS.
Tony Abbott, SBS NEWS – September 6, 2013

" we're not going to raise fees ... I am not even considering it because we promised that we wouldn’t."
Christopher Pyne, Sky News - November 7, 2013

17-05-2014, 08:12 PM
Mr Abbot by his own admission says you can't trust him.

17-05-2014, 08:27 PM
Mr Abbot by his own admission says you can't trust him.

So when you think about it, he's actually a very trustworthy and honest guy.

Here's how it goes...
"Don't believe what I say, I'll do whatever it takes to get the job done!"
"We won't issues any new fees or cut benefits."
"Didn't you hear what I first said?"

And truth to be told... that's the only way to get elected in Australia (or most of the other "democratic" world).

17-05-2014, 09:19 PM
Infamous declaration from Tony A to Tony Winsor in last last election "I will sell my Ass to get into the LODGE"
Anyway LPN a bunch of lair

Christopher "Poodles" Pyne's promise to Sky News on November 7 last year that " we're not going to raise fees ... I am not even considering it because we promised that we wouldn’t."

17-05-2014, 09:50 PM
And truth to be told... that's the only way to get elected in Australia (or most of the other "democratic" world).

And I'm sure you had the same forgiving attitude about Gillard and the carbon tax!
I know Tony did...

17-05-2014, 10:38 PM
I don't know why some people think that GST can fix the tax cheats problems !

GST is paid by consumers, not manufacturers, the amount of tax avoided by buying things without paying GST is trivial comparing to tax avoided by big companies.

By increasing GST and introducing GST to cover some sources of goods can only affect consumers, the little people !

17-05-2014, 10:46 PM
And I'm sure you had the same forgiving attitude about Gillard and the carbon tax!
I know Tony did...

I would not call it forgiving attitude.
I have just given up on the politician all ready (almost). Once in a blue moon one comes up that has some integrity.

Mostly when looking at the interviews before erections (typo is intentional) I just listen and think "okay, so that is definitely NOT going to happen".

17-05-2014, 11:12 PM
Fair enough

17-05-2014, 11:23 PM
'Scratch any cynic and you will find a disappointed idealist' (George Carlin)

I would not call it forgiving attitude.
I have just given up on the politician all ready (almost). Once in a blue moon one comes up that has some integrity.

Mostly when looking at the interviews before erections (typo is intentional) I just listen and think "okay, so that is definitely NOT going to happen".

17-05-2014, 11:39 PM
Hehe, quoting one of my favourite comedians is quite fitting :)

18-05-2014, 02:45 PM
This thread started out as if I was reading some pathetic right wing crap straight out of a Murdoch rag! Thankfully some more balanced comments since. Personally I can hardly wait another 2 year's til we get rid of "one term Tony"

18-05-2014, 03:23 PM
Australians were complacent for too long, due to the mineral bonanza out west.
There has been a creeping laziness and entightlement psyche in recent times.

The current state of affairs cannot be sustained over time, unless you advocate massive debt for
an economic policy. The budget was necessary - it was the wake up call Australia had to have.

Also, Australia is transitioning from a western European style democracy to an Asian Command economy.
With this kind of change, there are bound to be significant problems along the way, not simply economic.

18-05-2014, 04:24 PM
Tony Abbott on ABC Insiders: “ Voters should have expected my budget's sweeping cuts.”

This is a post from another forum:

“Agreed. He is a sociopathic, compulsive liar.

He lies, then he blames you if you believed him.

He was the one who blatantly, flagrantly lied about the 'budget emergency', then promised no cuts
or changes to health, education, pensions, petrol prices, and the ABC.

Now says we should have expected sweeping cuts.

So that means he's saying we shouldn't have believed a word that he said, because he told us there
would be no cuts.

You heard it Australia. Tony Abbott says we must never believe a word that comes out of his mouth.
He admits it, he lies about everything.

OK Tony. Perhaps those who voted for you might do well to remember this mantra; Fool me once,
shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.”

Credit to the poster (not me).

Tony Abbott: “Voters should have expected my budget's sweeping cuts."

Yes I did, which is exactly why I didn't vote for you.


18-05-2014, 06:38 PM
Australia is transitioning from a western European style democracy to an Asian Command economy.
With this kind of change, there are bound to be significant problems along the way, not simply economic.

Most, if not all of the social policy benefits Australia has gained from its Euriopean heritage will continue to be eroded,
as the transition from democratic free market to Asian command economy is completed.

It is ironic that the old white/european Australia policy, that many commentators now hate with a vengeance, provided
Australia with its democratic market economy & society, including all the social policy benefits. And now that the transition
to Asian/Multi-Cultural Australia continues at great pace, the same commentators are upset that this transition also requires
an erosion of those social policy benefits they had become so accustomed to.

In a nutshell, the end of European Australia, applauded by so many, ultimately meant the end of social democratic Australia.
The Asia-Pacific region is not renowned for its social democratic principles or ethics. As Australia continues its rapid
transition to Asian/Multi-Cultural Australia, the old social democratic policies & services will be left far behind.

Welcome to the Asian century.

18-05-2014, 07:25 PM
I believe the budget will not be passed in current form. If they don't back down and call a DD election, very good chance they will loose the election - as Abbott will loose all credibility and budget will have pushed many middle-ground people like myself to the labour camp.

18-05-2014, 09:05 PM
Australia is transitioning from a western European style democracy to an Asian Command economy.
With this kind of change, there are bound to be significant problems along the way, not simply economic.

Most, if not all of the social policy benefits Australia has gained from its Euriopean heritage will continue to be eroded,
as the transition from democratic free market to Asian command economy is completed.

It is ironic that the old white/european Australia policy, that many commentators now hate with a vengeance, provided
Australia with its democratic market economy & society, including all the social policy benefits. And now that the transition
to Asian/Multi-Cultural Australia continues at great pace, the same commentators are upset that this transition also requires
an erosion of those social policy benefits they had become so accustomed to.

In a nutshell, the end of European Australia, applauded by so many, ultimately meant the end of social democratic Australia.
The Asia-Pacific region is not renowned for its social democratic principles or ethics. As Australia continues its rapid
transition to Asian/Multi-Cultural Australia, the old social democratic policies & services will be left far behind.

Welcome to the Asian century.

Please explain how Australia is moving towards a command economy? Are we becoming communists?

And to credit the white Australia policy with providing current social policy benefits is laughable. Multiculturalism is to blame for Abbot's budget cuts?

Would love a factual explanation with examples, quotes or links.

18-05-2014, 09:17 PM
Please explain how Australia is moving towards a command economy? Are we becoming communists?

And to credit the white Australia policy with providing current social policy benefits is laughable. Multiculturalism is to blame for Abbot's budget cuts?

Would love a factual explanation with examples, quotes or links.

Sorry I should have mentioned this earlier to save everyone time. The SmilingGiraffe is a fool and a troll, he has been banned 17 times.
Read this for some background on him before you take his posts seriously. (http://forum.aus99.com/showthread.php?39297-Banned-again-and-again-and-again-and-again-and-again-and-again)

18-05-2014, 09:30 PM
Please explain how Australia is moving towards a command economy? Are we becoming communists?

And to credit the white Australia policy with providing current social policy benefits is laughable. Multiculturalism is to blame for Abbot's budget cuts?

Would love a factual explanation with examples, quotes or links.

Chinese State Owned Enterpises have already bought significant parts of Australia's economic assets, most recently the Newcastle / Hunter docks for a couple of billion dollars. (It was on the news recently - NSW Govt selling off assets). Other Chinese companies that claim they are not SOEs almost certainly are, and could very quickly be nationlised by CCP if necessary. As more and more economic assets are sold, Australia's economy will continue to become more command based and centralised, like China - the Asianisation of Australia.

It is beyond question that Australia's current social policy, political and economic system is based on its European western democratic heritage. Asianisation and muti-culturalism (particularly Asianisation) is transforming Australia in every way, including its social democratic heritage. As the culture changes, so is the economy and social policy expectations, in order to fit better within the Asia-Pacific region. And it's happening at an ever increasing rate. This is irrefutable - look around and you will see.

18-05-2014, 09:39 PM
No idea where you get your theory from. The budget problem is simply because too many baby boomers are now retiring, not enough working people supporting the old farts. With white Australia policy, the problem would have been a lot worse

18-05-2014, 09:41 PM
Chinese State Owned Enterpises have already bought significant parts of Australia's economic assets, most recently the Newcastle / Hunter docks for a couple of billion dollars. (It was on the news recently - NSW Govt selling off assets). Other Chinese companies that claim they are not SOEs almost certainly are, and could very quickly be nationlised by CCP if necessary. As more and more economic assets are sold, Australia's economy will continue to become more command based and centralised, like China - the Asianisation of Australia.

It is beyond question that Australia's current social policy, political and economic system is based on its European western democratic heritage. Asianisation and muti-culturalism (particularly Asianisation) is transforming Australia in every way, including its social democratic heritage. As the culture changes, so is the economy and social policy expectations, in order to fit better within the Asia-Pacific region. And it's happening at an ever increasing rate. This is irrefutable - look around and you will see.

Oh well, thanks for confirming you're a simplistic xenophobe.

Btw I don't think irrefutable means what you think it means...

18-05-2014, 10:14 PM
Oh well, thanks for confirming you're a simplistic xenophobe.

Btw I don't think irrefutable means what you think it means...

Being aware of what is going on in the world does not make me a xenophobe, I regret that you so quickly draw the racist card.
However, it no doubt reflects your inability to make, or pursue, any particular point in a civil manner.
And "irrefutable" means exactly what I know it to mean - ie. impossible to deny.

You and I have different opinions, and that's perfectly fine. Unfortunately, you quickly resort to insult, whereas, you will notice, I do not.
I supect I'm the democrat here and you perhaps something else.

Look around young man, "you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind's blowing."

18-05-2014, 10:25 PM
You are obviously racist like Germany trying to blame the Jews for its problems previously. You can not blame the GFC on the Asians, cannot blame the neglect and incompetency from the governments Labour and Liberal on the Asians, and you can not blame the fact that your population is growing old fast on the asians. Get it thru your thick head, these are factors causing the budget problems.

18-05-2014, 10:26 PM
No idea where you get your theory from. The budget problem is simply because too many baby boomers are now retiring, not enough working people supporting the old farts. With white Australia policy, the problem would have been a lot worse

I don't "get" my theories from anywhere; I look, I read, I think, I see and then I derive my own informed view.
You shouldn't wait around for someone who you regard to be an authority figure, to bestow upon you the theory or the perspective
that you must then dutifully take on board and adhere to. Powerful folk have been getting away with that for centuries.

18-05-2014, 10:39 PM
This is probably the budget pain we have to have after 7 years of Labour miss management !

Most of the items will get through the senate, some will be fine tuned and whatever we end up getting, be grateful that this is probably the worst of the next two !

By the time the Australian people get to the polls again we should be in much better shape than the time we kicked out Rudd!

And that will be a good time to look at raising the GST and give the low and middle income earner a decent tax cut!!

There are so many people and companies that pay shit all in tax, only the GST will get something out of this lot and that's a good thing !!

On a punting industry point of point , everytime we pay to get a fuck or RnT , that cash economy and never get taxed, some of the WLs and MLs are also on Centerlink benefits while in fact they earn more money than you and I , so hell yes, let them pay the $7.00 co payment , let them pay more on petrol and better sooner than later let them pay more GST .

And the same can be said to all the tax cheats and dole cheaters!

Just my two cents


Labor's mismanagement kept Australia out of recession and people in jobs during the GFC.
Howard is recognized as the highest spending government ever when it comes to spending as a percentage of GDP, not to mentioned he created the middle class entitlements that are now being cut back and not to mention squandering most of the benefits of the mining boom with those entitlements.

18-05-2014, 10:57 PM
You are obviously racist like Germany trying to blame the Jews for its problems previously. You can not blame the GFC on the Asians, cannot blame the neglect and incompetency from the governments Labour and Liberal on the Asians, and you can not blame the fact that your population is growing old fast on the asians. Get it thru your thick head, these are factors causing the budget problems.

My dear fellow, you have abandoned yourself to fanciful rhetoric.
I do not blame the GFC on Asians, nor domestic government neglect on Asians, nor our
aging European population on Asians. I have not said any of these things in my posts.
It's very strange that you would suggest I have. Btw "thru" is incorrect spelling for "through."
Though I have not measured my head in detail, I suspect my highly convoluted brain does
in fact require a thick skull to protect it. And a thick skin to further protect that. So, to that extent,
you could possibly say I have a thick head. Take care sugarplum.

18-05-2014, 10:58 PM
Had Labour ever been a successful or responsible economic manager when they are in power.

All I can remember was when we had a Labour government, they rang up huge debts and it was up to the Liberal government to fix the problem and brought us back to surplus. Those are the facts !!

The Hawke and Keating governments. They transformed the Australian economy with their macro and micro reforms. Now the only reason Keating left a budget deficit was due to the recession we had to have in the early 90s.

18-05-2014, 11:11 PM
The Hawke and Keating governments. They transformed the Australian economy with their macro and micro reforms. Now the only reason Keating left a budget deficit was due to the recession we had to have in the early 90s.

It's easy to get lost in the detail on these matters. If economics was piece of cake, there'd be no problems anywhere.
"You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing" and Australia is in a bit of trouble right now.
Things have been masked by the mining bonanza out west, but the economy is not in great shape, and the age of
benefit entitlement has long since past its use by date. Things had to change and the budget was the first important step.
But there's still a lot more to do. And, no doubt, some fine tuning of policies along the way will probably be involved.
That is the democratic way, right?

18-05-2014, 11:24 PM
Totally agree, but is it not a bit sad that after all these years we still can only recall Hawke/Keating as a competent government.

19-05-2014, 12:19 AM
"you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind's blowing."

Unfortunately, you need a weatherman to tell you where the wind is blowing.
It is ironic when you propose the theory that Australia is moving towards asian-styled command economy, focusing the blame on the chinese, while lauding the white policy supremacy, and then to quickly turnaround to suggest it is the very same culprit who steered Australia away from recession through the mining boom.
So what if you have mining assets but no customers to buy from it? It would be worthless. If Australia do not sell the assets, either piecemeal or the whole thing at once, can you guarantee that it will be sold in the future? The chinese will just continue to buy from their south american vendors, then Aust would have nothing and we would be in deep recession then.

Another problem is Aust is finding it increasingly hard to obtain additional revenue stream because we are just not competitive enough. If you increase company tax, it will just make things worse, and more companies will flee offshore. So what do you do? Cut costs domestically.

19-05-2014, 12:49 AM
Unfortunately, you need a weatherman to tell you where the wind is blowing.
It is ironic when you propose the theory that Australia is moving towards asian-styled command economy, focusing the blame on the chinese, while lauding the white policy supremacy, and then to quickly turnaround to suggest it is the very same culprit who steered Australia away from recession through the mining boom.
So what if you have mining assets but no customers to buy from it? It would be worthless. If Australia do not sell the assets, either piecemeal or the whole thing at once, can you guarantee that it will be sold in the future? The chinese will just continue to buy from their south american vendors, then Aust would have nothing and we would be in deep recession then.

My dear fellow, you too have abandoned yourself to fanciful rhetoric.
I do not blame Chinese/Asians for any of Australia's problems. If blame is to be apportioned,
then it should be placed at the door of successive governments who have failed to show true
leadership in Australia, and merely pandered to every passing socio-political trend that gets
spewed out in the age of global media dictatorship. True leadership is sadly lacking in the
technological era, because leadership requires courage, and few people have that courage
in the face of the overwhelming power of global media. But, I live in hope, there's always hope.

19-05-2014, 01:07 AM
Totally agree, but is it not a bit sad that after all these years we still can only recall Hawke/Keating as a competent government.

I think you make a very good point here. Hawke and Keating ran highly competent governments.
But they operated before the full onset of the domination of global media in the technological era.
However, Keating, in particular, would not have pandered to the media like the current political elites.
I'm of the "right-wing" but I recognize a great mind when I see or hear one, irrespective of "left or right."
Keating had a very good mind, and he knew all about power & leadership. And he still does.

But current governments operate in a very different global media environment, where they are constantly
distracted, diverted and bombarded by the pervasive and immensely powerful media/internet, that promotes
the break-up of community, family, traditions and institutions that have served us so very well.
Divide and conquer is the modus operandi of the global media dictatorship. It is not easy to govern in this era.

19-05-2014, 09:28 AM
One other problem we are facing is the interest rate !

We are current paying over 4% for our government debts because we borrowed from the international market !

England and Italy are also very heavily in debt but they borrowed from within on their own country men's savings and super and only pay around 2.5% interest.

What this mean is, if there is another GFC, Australia is a lot more vulnerable than our western trading partners !

So we must clear the debts level ASAP !

Go Anthony and Joseph !!

Cut, cut, cut !

Just my two cents !


19-05-2014, 10:43 AM
well judging from the gallop opinion poll this morning you are in the minority. people seemed to think the budget is unfair and bad for australia. worse for abbott, people dont believe him anymore, his credibility is in tatters. once the public lose faith it is very difficult to regain their trust. one term toney? looking increasingly likely!

19-05-2014, 11:02 AM
well judging from the gallop opinion poll this morning you are in the minority. people seemed to think the budget is unfair and bad for australia. worse for abbott, people dont believe him anymore, his credibility is in tatters. once the public lose faith it is very difficult to regain their trust. one term toney? looking increasingly likely!

What can I say, the Australian people always deserved the government they voted in !!

Rain, hails or shine !!

19-05-2014, 11:13 AM
Well, there was a reason why I didn't expect intelligent political discourse on a site dedicated to finding customers for (mostly illegal) knocking shops and to sharing stories of fucking girls... the thing about average intelligence is that most people are average...

19-05-2014, 11:18 AM
Labor's mismanagement kept Australia out of recession and people in jobs during the GFC.
Howard is recognized as the highest spending government ever when it comes to spending as a percentage of GDP, not to mentioned he created the middle class entitlements that are now being cut back and not to mention squandering most of the benefits of the mining boom with those entitlements.

Should I post a "LIKE!! LIKE!! LIKE!!" in big coloured letters, or would that be perceived as being crass?


19-05-2014, 11:27 AM
Should I post a "LIKE!! LIKE!! LIKE!!" in big coloured letters, or would that be perceived as being crass?


Do you remember that old John Lennon song? A Working Crass Hero... "...a working crass hero is something to be...."
It's a funny old world, one must always maintain a sense of humour, in the face of all the slings and arrows.

19-05-2014, 11:40 AM
Well, there was a reason why I didn't expect intelligent political discourse on a site dedicated to finding customers for (mostly illegal) knocking shops and to sharing stories of fucking girls... the thing about average intelligence is that most people are average...

What happened to all those colourful descriptions you put on for our last 5/6 Prime Ministers ??

And everything else were gone between now and 1901 ??

19-05-2014, 12:49 PM
What can I say, the Australian people always deserved the government they voted in !!

Rain, hails or shine !!

Mr Abbott said on Sunday that he had let voters know what was coming before the election.

''You might remember the mantra - it was stop the boats, repeal the carbon tax, build the roads of the 21st century, and get the budget back under control,'' he told the ABC's Insiders program.

''So people, I think, were on notice that we were going to do what was necessary to ensure that we were not being a burden on our children and grandchildren.''

I guess this is the difference between core promises/mantra and non core which can be broken. He is very disillusioned.

19-05-2014, 01:19 PM
I loved this exchange on Budget night with Hockey and Ferguson on ABC...it might as well on been an Abbott and Costello skit...

SARAH FERGUSON: Now, two of the more controversial tax hikes in this picture, that's the deficit levy and the Medicare co-payment...

JOE HOCKEY: More controversial? There are only two tax adjustments of any substance...

SARAH FERGUSON: Adjustments? Is that what we're going to call them now?

JOE HOCKEY: Well, of any substance, so any tax changes if you like, or whatever you'd like to call it.


JOE HOCKEY: But whatever you'd like to call it, there's two. You know, there's actually fewer than any of the previous Budgets from the previous government. So that's a good sign.

SARAH FERGUSON: They're still taxes. I don't need to teach you, Treasurer, what a tax is. You know that a co-payment, a levy and a tax are all taxes by any other name. Am I correct?

JOE HOCKEY: Of course they are. Yes.

SARAH FERGUSON: So there are new taxes in your Budget?

JOE HOCKEY: There are increases in taxes.

19-05-2014, 01:55 PM
captain plough - of all the discussion on this thread yours is the least insightful, the least intellectual and also the most banal.

I remember you from an earlier thread. You are an uneducated right wing conspiracy theorist. You live in your own schitozphrenic reality and you understand nothing at all about politics or economics

Do you remember that old John Lennon song? A Working Crass Hero... "...a working crass hero is something to be...."
It's a funny old world, one must always maintain a sense of humour, in the face of all the slings and arrows.

19-05-2014, 03:25 PM
One other problem we are facing is the interest rate !

We are current paying over 4% for our government debts because we borrowed from the international market !

England and Italy are also very heavily in debt but they borrowed from within on their own country men's savings and super and only pay around 2.5% interest.

What this mean is, if there is another GFC, Australia is a lot more vulnerable than our western trading partners !

So we must clear the debts level ASAP !

Go Anthony and Joseph !!

Cut, cut, cut !

Just my two cents !


mate, I love your reviews and the vibe you give the forum on sex matters. But mate, I am afraid you really don't know the first thing about economics. I won't give a lecture - I've given plenty in the past - but I will say you ought to broaden your research from News Corp and listen to others than a few shockjocks. Hadley, Jones, Bolt et al are stirrers: pure an simple. They have zero intellectual credibility and wouldn't know an argument from a polemic, a debate from an agitation. It is the base tactic of the rightwing: divide. By labelling and putting people and ideas into little boxes, categories, it is easy to generalise and diminish those ideas. By ignoring nuanced reasoning and refusing to acknowledge the logic of premises, it is easy to establish an antithesis. But impossible to give a logical thesis. And that is the point. Abbott, and who he represents, do not respect logical thinking. His economics are deeply flawed. We know he is a religious nutter and has no idea about science. His four year election campaign was based on emotional slogans. All pretty clear indicators that he is not a rational man. And me, for one, would rather be governed by rationality than the ideological hogwash he comes out with and that you - I am afraid to say - you are regurgitating.

19-05-2014, 03:27 PM
captain plough - of all the discussion on this thread yours is the least insightful, the least intellectual and also the most banal.

I remember you from an earlier thread. You are an uneducated right wing conspiracy theorist. You live in your own schitozphrenic reality and you understand nothing at all about politics or economics

Dear fellow, if you can't make a civil contribution to the discussion why do you visit this thread. Perhaps you might start your own thread.
You sound very familiar, like someone else who prefers to spread vitriol rather than simply discuss matters - nudge nudge wink wink, say no more!

Not that it matters one iota, but in response to your comments - I'm well educated and, much more importantly, I'm well read across many fields.
Bear in mind, I don't care whether you, or anyone else, is "educated," or "intellectual" - this is rather insignificant terminology in the current era.

What matters is whether or not you still think about what's going on around you, and then derive your own particular view,
or whether you simply absorb the media misinformation, and then spew it all back out again as your opinion.

Perhaps you need some antacid tablets.

19-05-2014, 04:08 PM
mate, I love your reviews and the vibe you give the forum on sex matters. But mate, I am afraid you really don't know the first thing about economics. I won't give a lecture - I've given plenty in the past - but I will say you ought to broaden your research from News Corp and listen to others than a few shockjocks. Hadley, Jones, Bolt et al are stirrers: pure an simple. They have zero intellectual credibility and wouldn't know an argument from a polemic, a debate from an agitation. It is the base tactic of the rightwing: divide. By labelling and putting people and ideas into little boxes, categories, it is easy to generalise and diminish those ideas. By ignoring nuanced reasoning and refusing to acknowledge the logic of premises, it is easy to establish an antithesis. But impossible to give a logical thesis. And that is the point. Abbott, and who he represents, do not respect logical thinking. His economics are deeply flawed. We know he is a religious nutter and has no idea about science. His four year election campaign was based on emotional slogans. All pretty clear indicators that he is not a rational man. And me, for one, would rather be governed by rationality than the ideological hogwash he comes out with and that you - I am afraid to say - you are regurgitating.

You are quick to call Abbott a "religious nutter" and say he has "no idea about science."
Yet, he successfully won a general election from opposition, and he is a rhodes scholar.
He has already done more in his life than you will ever do in yours. You wear your logic,
rational, atheist hat with an ironically religious fervour, causing you to quickly ridicule those
who have a different view from your own - in this ugly approach are the seeds of totalitarianism.
You demonstrate very clearly why scientists and rationalists should never be in any position of power.

19-05-2014, 04:49 PM
You are quick to call Abbott a "religious nutter" and say he has "no idea about science."
Yet, he successfully won a general election from opposition, and he is a rhodes scholar.
He has already done more in his life than you will ever do in yours. You wear your logic,
rational, atheist hat with an ironically religious fervour, causing you to quickly ridicule those
who have a different view from your own - in this ugly approach are the seeds of totalitarianism.
You demonstrate very clearly why scientists and rationalists should never be in any position of power.

um, really. You rather prove my point.

19-05-2014, 04:51 PM
And me, for one, would rather be governed by rationality than the ideological hogwash he comes out with and that you - I am afraid to say - you are regurgitating.

Haha, Master Wayne,

Thanks for the education and lesson in the English language, I'm afraid to read through your post, I have to refer to my desktop Collins like half a dozen times !!

REGURGITATING - Wow, what a word, I would have no idea !!

1. to surge or rush back, as liquids, gases, or undigested food.
2. to vomit.
3. to give back or repeat, esp. something not fully understood or assimilated: to regurgitate a teacher's lectures.

Learn something new everyday.



19-05-2014, 04:59 PM
Hadley, Jones, Bolt et al are stirrers: pure an simple. They have zero intellectual credibility and wouldn't know an argument from a polemic, a debate from an agitation. ....................and that you - I am afraid to say - you are regurgitating.

BTW, you are actually right, the 4% and 2.5% interest rates I mentioned in my post I heard from Alan Jones this morning, which I'm sure he has done his research on that or the programmers has, so now that I know what "regurgitating" means, yes, I was repeating what I heard from the radio.

But so did you right ??

If you didn't listen to the same program, how do you know I was repeating ??

And if you do listen to Jones every morning, may be he is Not half as bad as you made him out to be !

Just wondering.

19-05-2014, 05:31 PM
BTW, you are actually right, the 4% and 2.5% interest rates I mentioned in my post I heard from Alan Jones this morning, which I'm sure he has done his research on that or the programmers has, so now that I know what "regurgitating" means, yes, I was repeating what I heard from the radio.

But so did you right ??

If you didn't listen to the same program, how do you know I was repeating ??

And if you do listen to Jones every morning, may be he is Not half as bad as you made him out to be !

Just wondering.

I like what your saying Ahlungor....nice one.

19-05-2014, 06:11 PM
To beat the enemy you have to know the enemy. Not surprise people turn in to listen to shock jock programs.

Regarding accuracy .. people remember 2012 18 October 2012 Australian Communication and Media Authority agreement with 2GB


19-05-2014, 06:24 PM
Haha, Master Wayne,

Thanks for the education and lesson in the English language, I'm afraid to read through your post, I have to refer to my desktop Collins like half a dozen times !!

REGURGITATING - Wow, what a word, I would have no idea !!

1. to surge or rush back, as liquids, gases, or undigested food.
2. to vomit.
3. to give back or repeat, esp. something not fully understood or assimilated: to regurgitate a teacher's lectures.

Learn something new everyday.



Always happy to oblige. But really, you should broaden the base of your reading and listening. No, I don't listen to Jones but sometimes - its usually in a taxi - I have the misfortune to hear some of his rants. He is very good at arguing black is white. Just wish he would frequent zebra crossings.

19-05-2014, 06:53 PM
You wear your logic,
rational, atheist hat with an ironically religious fervour, causing you to quickly ridicule those
who have a different view from your own - in this ugly approach are the seeds of totalitarianism.
You demonstrate very clearly why scientists and rationalists should never be in any position of power.
I agree with you. Those stupid people using their 'facts' and so called scientific evidence to try and decide what's best for everybody. I can feel the terrorism right there.

No one with any sense of reason would be using that.

I use rhetoric and my own ideas to judge what is best. And you're right, scientists should have no place in society to make decisions based on their so called 'evidence' bs. As if that's based on anything.

19-05-2014, 06:55 PM
To beat the enemy you have to know the enemy. Not surprise people turn in to listen to shock jock programs.

Regarding accuracy .. people remember 2012 18 October 2012 Australian Communication and Media Authority agreement with 2GB



Unfortunately, like most decisions made by ACMA this one has not been enforced and will never be. We need a media regulator with real teeth :(

19-05-2014, 07:06 PM
I don't believe 2gb has as much influence as Alan Jones wants us to believe. He's probably able to stay on the air because he probably owns a stake in 2gb.

Anyways rumour has it that he is gay. Just sayin...

19-05-2014, 07:09 PM
I agree with you. Those stupid people using their 'facts' and so called scientific evidence to try and decide what's best for everybody. I can feel the terrorism right there.

No one with any sense of reason would be using that.

I use rhetoric and my own ideas to judge what is best. And you're right, scientists should have no place in society to make decisions based on their so called 'evidence' bs. As if that's based on anything.

um, err, are you using a computer? Who developed the mathematics behind the programming that runs the software? Who experimented, recorded and developed the metallurgy that made the hardware? Some of this science was developed 3,000 years ago - that's hard long the principles of theorising, experimenting and developing processes take? Do you fly in airplanes? Do you watch television? Do you take medicines when you are ill? Do you eat food bought in a supermarket?

Oh right, scientists should have no place in our society. Here is an idea: let's put Tony Abbott's church back in charge of things. They did a sterling job back before they were sidelined, burning scientists who dared argue that the earth is not flat. Good one mate.

19-05-2014, 07:11 PM
I don't believe 2gb has as much influence as Alan Jones wants us to believe. He's probably able to stay on the air because he probably owns a stake in 2gb.

Anyways rumour has it that he is gay. Just sayin...

He stays because he speaks to his audience which is old old old rusted on righties... And he owns a stake in the station ;)

As to him being gay, what the hell does that have to do with anything?

He is an asshole who peddles rumours, insults, half-truths, selected titbits and outright lies. These are then spread to the wider community by the lazy hacks that we call journalists nowadays. And he is allowed to do so with absolute abandon by his bosses and the regulator. That is what makes him dangerous, not that he is gay. His sexual orientation is totally beside the point.

19-05-2014, 07:13 PM
um, err, are you using a computer? Who developed the mathematics behind the programming that runs the software? Who experimented, recorded and developed the metallurgy that made the hardware? Some of this science was developed 3,000 years ago - that's hard long the principles of theorising, experimenting and developing processes take? Do you fly in airplanes? Do you watch television? Do you take medicines when you are ill? Do you eat food bought in a supermarket?

Oh right, scientists should have no place in our society. Here is an idea: let's put Tony Abbott's church back in charge of things. They did a sterling job back before they were sidelined, burning scientists who dared argue that the earth is not flat. Good one mate.

Ummmm... I actually read dohdoe's post as sarcasm?

Perhaps I was wrong.:grimace:

19-05-2014, 07:19 PM
Ummmm... I actually read dohdoe's post as sarcasm?

Perhaps I was wrong.:grimace:

oh sorry, I can be really dim sometimes. It is just that there is so much ill-informed stuff written here that I just reacted. Should just keep out of it.

19-05-2014, 07:19 PM
Ummmm... I actually read dohdoe's post as sarcasm?

Perhaps I was wrong.:grimace:

I believe it's sarcasm !

19-05-2014, 07:30 PM
oh sorry, I can be really dim sometimes. It is just that there is so much ill-informed stuff written here that I just reacted. Should just keep out of it.

Not at all Wayne, there is no emotion in type, so it can be really difficult to tell and mistakes will be made. Who knows, as I already said, I could be wrong myself :D

19-05-2014, 07:35 PM
Chinese State Owned Enterpises have already bought significant parts of Australia's economic assets, most recently the Newcastle / Hunter docks for a couple of billion dollars. (It was on the news recently - NSW Govt selling off assets). Other Chinese companies that claim they are not SOEs almost certainly are, and could very quickly be nationlised by CCP if necessary. As more and more economic assets are sold, Australia's economy will continue to become more command based and centralised, like China - the Asianisation of Australia.

It is beyond question that Australia's current social policy, political and economic system is based on its European western democratic heritage. Asianisation and muti-culturalism (particularly Asianisation) is transforming Australia in every way, including its social democratic heritage. As the culture changes, so is the economy and social policy expectations, in order to fit better within the Asia-Pacific region. And it's happening at an ever increasing rate. This is irrefutable - look around and you will see.

You need to quote your 'significant parts of Australian economic assets' you are talking about rather that broad, blue style fanciful statements on Chinese investment.

As of 2011 investment in Australian projects in that year China as 3.5% of the total with USA, UK, Japan, Germany far far in front of Chinese investment.

This is irrefutable - look around and you will see.

19-05-2014, 07:54 PM
And here is 2013 direct from AusTrade website.


19-05-2014, 08:01 PM
As to him being gay, what the hell does that have to do with anything?

He is an asshole who peddles rumours, insults, half-truths, selected titbits and outright lies.

His sexual orientation is totally beside the point.

Oh him being potentially gay means everything...to his audience. It needs to be answered!!! Much like how Julia was a woman and why doesn't she have kids!!!

19-05-2014, 08:19 PM
You need to quote your 'significant parts of Australian economic assets' you are talking about rather that broad, blue style fanciful statements on Chinese investment.

As of 2011 investment in Australian projects in that year China as 3.5% of the total with USA, UK, Japan, Germany far far in front of Chinese investment.

This is irrefutable - look around and you will see.

My previous post clearly states the very recent acquisition of Newcastle/Hunter docks by Chinese State Owned Enterprise for about $2Billion.
That's a hard cold fact, nothing fanciful about that statement - it was widely reported on national news and is obviously verifiable.
And not so very long ago (2years) the Chinese SOEs were trying to get involved with the national broadband / communications infrastructure
project - the Huawei company was passed over for any significant contracts on the project, due to their links with the CCP. They tried to make
a stink about it, but it was clearly the right decision. The idea that you would have an asian foreign company (with CCP connections) get involved
with your country's communications infrastructure is totally ridiculous. Your other stats are well-dated by now, and were questionable in their day.

19-05-2014, 08:21 PM
Here is an idea: let's put Tony Abbott's church back in charge of things.

He did. Csiro gets 100m funding cut because science is so overrated. I'm not going to get into arguments like them developing wifi through their astronomy program.

National school chaplaincy program gets another 200m because chaplains do a better job than horrible lefty secular based professional councillors. Councilors and their 'education' and the whole evidence based 'research'. Whatever!! I'd rather my kids be taken care of by Church priests.

19-05-2014, 08:26 PM
See Wayne?

Sarcasm :D

19-05-2014, 08:31 PM
Who would have thought that a thread started as a shit-stir by some alleged dickhead troll would
have so much interest? Feelings are running high on this issue, and not only on this forum. I'm
changing tack slightly, have a look at this -

This is interesting, it might make you chuckle, it might bring a tear to your eye.

“The age of entitlement is over.”

Says our government through the treasurer Sloppy Joe. Well yes if you are poor, if you are

Check the link, it's the Parliament House Dining Room Menu (http://www.parliamenthousecateringbyihg.com.au/wp-content/uploads/parcat/2014/02/2014BanquetMenus-WEBSITE.pdf).

Right wing philosophy, “If you don't have a seat at the table, you are on the menu.”


19-05-2014, 08:31 PM
My previous post clearly states the very recent acquisition of Newcastle/Hunter docks by Chinese State Owned Enterprise for about $2Billion.
That's a hard cold fact, nothing fanciful about that statement - it was widely reported on national news and is obviously verifiable.
And not so very long ago (2years) the Chinese SOEs were trying to get involved with the national broadband / communications infrastructure
project - the Huawei company was passed over for any significant contracts on the project, due to their links with the CCP. They tried to make
a stink about it, but it was clearly the right decision. The idea that you would have an asian foreign company (with CCP connections) get involved
with your country's communications infrastructure is totally ridiculous. Your other stats are well-dated by now, and were questionable in their day.

You state that there is 'significant investment' which is 'hard cold facts' INCORRECT!

Get off the Chinese bashing as you clearly have little knowledge of anything.

19-05-2014, 08:32 PM
This is a democracy, everyone is entitled to his own view. I am more interested in the future. I think the only honorable thing for Abbott to do now is to tough it out, and if necessary call an early DD election and let the people decide. If he backs down, he is damaged goods, only delaying his execution till next election.

19-05-2014, 08:34 PM
Who would have thought that a thread started as a shit-stir by some alleged dickhead troll would
have so much interest? Feelings are running high on this issue, and not only on this forum. I'm
changing tack slightly, have a look at this -

This is interesting, it might make you chuckle, it might bring a tear to your eye.

“The age of entitlement is over.”

Says our government through the treasurer Sloppy Joe. Well yes if you are poor, if you are

Check the link, it's the Parliament House Dining Room Menu (http://www.parliamenthousecateringbyihg.com.au/wp-content/uploads/parcat/2014/02/2014BanquetMenus-WEBSITE.pdf).

Right wing philosophy, “If you don't have a seat at the table, you are on the menu.”


Minimum 20 for the buffet???

Well that is Joe and Clive taken care of ;)

19-05-2014, 08:36 PM
This is a democracy, everyone is entitled to his own view. I am more interested in the future. I think the only honorable thing for Abbott to do now is to tough it out, and if necessary call an early DD election and let the people decide. If he backs down, he is damaged goods, only delaying his execution till next election.

He won't. He most certainly does not have the balls for that.

He will wait for the senate to do the heavy lifting for him. This will enable him to go to his rich bosses and say that he tried but the poor meanie ol' senate wouldn't let him play with his ball(s).

19-05-2014, 09:02 PM
He did. Csiro gets 100m funding cut because science is so overrated. I'm not going to get into arguments like them developing wifi through their astronomy program.

National school chaplaincy program gets another 200m because chaplains do a better job than horrible lefty secular based professional councillors. Councilors and their 'education' and the whole evidence based 'research'. Whatever!! I'd rather my kids be taken care of by Church priests.

It has become very "trendy" for the lefty media ideologues to badger, hector and ridicule anyone with a traditonal Christian view.
They don't ridicule the muslims too much, they are scared to do that for various reasons. And they don't ridicule the Hindus.
And they certainly don't ridicule the Jewish faith. Modern Australia was very largely created by people with traditional christian
values and ethics. Post-European Australia is trying to rapidly distance itself from the institutions and traditions that are its heritage.
Essentially, the global media dictatorship is subverting traditonal western democratic society: dividing it with excessive multi-culturalism,
breaking it down by erasing the family unit and revising gender roles, and then promoting any and all diverse ethnic groups of
non-european heritage. As modern Australia becomes less european and more Asian/multi-cultural, market expectations of social policy
and associated welfare services are rapidly changing, ie. reducing. The values & ethics of Australia's future social policy are becoming more
in line with those prevalent in the wider Asia-Pacific region. Australia is becoming an Asian country, in the Asian region, of the Asian century.
There will be many varied problems along the road of transition - the recent budget has concentrated the national psyche on these changing

19-05-2014, 09:03 PM
This is interesting, it might make you chuckle, it might bring a tear to your eye.

“The age of entitlement is over.”

All hail the new age!!

What once was a merely a dream, the libertarian mastabatory fantasy, has finally arrived

19-05-2014, 09:05 PM
well judging from the gallop opinion poll this morning you are in the minority. people seemed to think the budget is unfair and bad for australia. worse for abbott, people dont believe him anymore, his credibility is in tatters. once the public lose faith it is very difficult to regain their trust. one term toney? looking increasingly likely!

Once you have lost your mojo it is hard to get it back ...
Hang on he never had one!

19-05-2014, 10:05 PM
It was a very low act when the guy made sick joke vs "Dead" fellow. Why there are people still "Quoted" him ? something in common . .?

He stays because he speaks to his audience which is old old old rusted on righties... And he owns a stake in the station ;)

As to him being gay, what the hell does that have to do with anything?

He is an asshole who peddles rumours, insults, half-truths, selected titbits and outright lies. These are then spread to the wider community by the lazy hacks that we call journalists nowadays. And he is allowed to do so with absolute abandon by his bosses and the regulator. That is what makes him dangerous, not that he is gay. His sexual orientation is totally beside the point.

19-05-2014, 11:33 PM
Joe Hockey has the intestinal fortitude to front up on live TV tonight and tell the QandA audience & Australia,
that the Budget is entirely necessary. Good onya Joe. He grows in stature with every response to the audience.
Without action now, he knows Australia will be in significant trouble, he knows many people will regard the economic
medicine as a very bitter pill, he knows the whining lefty ideologues and media will exaggerate the community pain for political gain,
but he also knows the nation needs a swift kick up the derriere, in order for it to wake up to the brave new Asian century, and he is doing it.

Well done Joe....you're well on your way to legendary national political status. (I'll send you some cigars :smile:).

19-05-2014, 11:55 PM
Seriously! Joe Hockey isn't the sharpest tack in the pack, have you actually listened to him much ...

19-05-2014, 11:57 PM
aha, you get your information from Alan Jones? Ok. I now understand why you say the things you say...

In regard to the whole Alan Jones homosexuality thing. I honestly don't think anyone cares that Alan Jones enjoys cock. I don't even think most people would be bothered by the fact that he was apprehended by English police sucking another man's cock in a London public toilet.

I think what bothers many people is that this guy, who is known to frequent gay beat spots and to suck off random homosexual men in urine drenched dunnys, is so quick to claim the moral high ground and cast his judgement on others

BTW, you are actually right, the 4% and 2.5% interest rates I mentioned in my post I heard from Alan Jones this morning, which I'm sure he has done his research on that or the programmers has, so now that I know what "regurgitating" means, yes, I was repeating what I heard from the radio.

But so did you right ??

If you didn't listen to the same program, how do you know I was repeating ??

And if you do listen to Jones every morning, may be he is Not half as bad as you made him out to be !

Just wondering.

19-05-2014, 11:57 PM
Seriously! Joe Hockey isn't the sharpest tack in the pack, have you actually listened to him much ...
And you take his post seriously ???

20-05-2014, 02:07 AM
I watched nearly two thirds of the Q&A tonight with Joe Hockey facing the public of the West in the Penrith Club.

I think he did a good job in selling the new budget and answering many of the questions which reveals a lot of the finer details of the co payment, six month waiting periods of the unemployed , university fees and many other points!

I must say I am a lot more comfortable and convinced about the new measures and if they further reduce the threshold on the paid maternity leave , I'm happy to give the budget a pass !

But that's just me. What do I know right !


20-05-2014, 02:13 AM
Seriously! Joe Hockey isn't the sharpest tack in the pack, have you actually listened to him much ...

I have listened to Joe quite a bit. He has grown in stature over the last couple of years.
But the good thing about Joe is that he is "a well-rounded" individual: a family man, loves his kids,
believes in hard work, and believes in saying what he thinks, regardless of what others might say.
We need more people in government with well-rounded upbringing who understands the importance
of preserving the best traditions and values that made Australia a success. This is even more important
now that Australia is heading for stormy economic and cultural waters.

20-05-2014, 10:28 AM
Now it looks like your Super is in their sights. Better be prepared.


Pussy HUnter
20-05-2014, 10:42 AM
Joe Hockey has the intestinal fortitude to front up on live TV tonight and tell the QandA audience & Australia,
that the Budget is entirely necessary. Good onya Joe. He grows in stature with every response to the audience.
Without action now, he knows Australia will be in significant trouble, he knows many people will regard the economic
medicine as a very bitter pill, he knows the whining lefty ideologues and media will exaggerate the community pain for political gain,
but he also knows the nation needs a swift kick up the derriere, in order for it to wake up to the brave new Asian century, and he is doing it.

Well done Joe....you're well on your way to legendary national political status. (I'll send you some cigars :smile:).

I caught Joe on Q&A while channel surfing and yes I too thought he did pretty good job of explaining the budget rationale. Really cool under a lot of stress. I do think the Libs have done a dreadful job of actually selling the need for such drastic action.

20-05-2014, 01:23 PM
I caught Joe on Q&A while channel surfing and yes I too thought he did pretty good job of explaining the budget rationale. Really cool under a lot of stress. I do think the Libs have done a dreadful job of actually selling the need for such drastic action.

Really? I saw it and thought he struggled with delivering the message. He pretty much disagreed with everyone and persisted that no promises have been broken. You could see he was uncomfortable and squirming in his chair.

20-05-2014, 01:31 PM
Really? I saw it and thought he struggled with delivering the message. He pretty much disagreed with everyone and persisted that no promises have been broken. You could see he was uncomfortable and squirming in his chair.

I don't think any former Treasurer could have done a better job last night, considering the unpopularity of the budget. Everyone in the audience last night wanted a piece of Joe.

20-05-2014, 02:13 PM
I don't think any former Treasurer could have done a better job last night, considering the unpopularity of the budget. Everyone in the audience last night wanted a piece of Joe.

Joe's "the man" now, he's growing in stature by the minute, and we are looking at the next great leader in Australian political life.
Shorten and Tanya "the Pleb" will probably get replaced before the next general election - they have no leadership ability whatsoever.
Joe will replace Tony in a very amicable transfer of power after the next election, which Tony will win.

Good onya Joe......(and Tony)

20-05-2014, 02:17 PM
Joe's "the man" now, he's growing in stature by the minute, and we are looking at the next great leader in Australian political life.
Shorten and Tanya "the Pleb" will probably get replaced before the next general election - they have no leadership ability whatsoever.
Joe will replace Tony in a very amicable transfer of power after the next election, which Tony will win.

Good onya Joe......(and Tony)

I think Julia Bishop could be the next Prime Minister !!

Another Julia one may say, but a far better Julia in my book

just a thought

20-05-2014, 02:24 PM
Joe's "the man" now, he's growing in stature by the minute, and we are looking at the next great leader in Australian political life.
Shorten and Tanya "the Pleb" will probably get replaced before the next general election - they have no leadership ability whatsoever.
Joe will replace Tony in a very amicable transfer of power after the next election, which Tony will win.

Good onya Joe......(and Tony)

There is a wonderful old aussie expression: shit stirrer. The urban dictionary defines it thus: "one who manipulates events to cause trouble for other people for their own amusement." I would add that shit stirrers get off by making statements provoking emotive responses; making polarising comments to deliberately divide opinion. Abbott is a shit stirrer. So too are you.

20-05-2014, 02:31 PM
There is a wonderful old aussie expression: shit stirrer. The urban dictionary defines it thus: "one who manipulates events to cause trouble for other people for their own amusement." I would add that shit stirrers get off by making statements provoking emotive responses; making polarising comments to deliberately divide opinion. Abbott is a shit stirrer. So too are you.
Otherwise why do you think he was banned for 17 times Wayne ?

20-05-2014, 02:35 PM
Otherwise why do you think he was banned for 17 times Wayne ?

Oh I get so tired of his antics that I don't bother counting how many times he gets booted. I think the best method of dealing with him is just ignore his comments. Unfortunately it takes a while to realise it is the same twerp time and time again.

20-05-2014, 02:40 PM
I think Julia Bishop could be the next Prime Minister !!

Another Julia one may say, but a far better Julia in my book

just a thought

Ms. Bishop is looking hot these days, I like her new hairstyle, very slinky and sexy....
I would.....

20-05-2014, 03:00 PM
There is a wonderful old aussie expression: shit stirrer.....Abbott is a shit stirrer. So too are you.

The Romans used to say "grow and live, stagnate and die" or words to that effect. I think there is some real truth in this view.
It is vibrant, exciting, stimulating to live in a growing world or environment. Sometimes things naturally plateau and that's ok
for a while. But most reasonable people don't want to live in a stagnating environment or world for too long. "Variety is the spice of life."
And open discussion of various interesting viewpoints is worthwhile for all concerned.

20-05-2014, 03:04 PM
Bishop and Joe will sink or swim with Abbott. The one I am worry about if I was a Labor strategist is Turnbull. He is far superior to these three, and I doubt if he would have shown such serious lack of judgment and compassion.

20-05-2014, 03:06 PM
Ms. Bishop is looking hot these days, I like her new hairstyle, very slinky and sexy....
I would.....

You should turn your attention to this lady instead:

Yingluck Shinawatra - Prime Minister of Thailand - aka, the most beautiful female politician !!



And she's got Obama behaving like a little school boy :


20-05-2014, 03:08 PM
You should turn your attention to this lady instead:

Yingluck Shinawatra - Prime Minister of Thailand - aka, the most beautiful female politician !!



And she's got Obama behaving like a little school boy :

This is your most eloquent post on this thread ! ;) ;) ;)

20-05-2014, 03:11 PM
This is your most eloquent post on this thread ! ;) ;) ;)
Agree. Unfortunately she is an ex - the monarchy conspired with the courts to dismiss her on a trumped up charge. Now the military have taken over. Yingluck will be imprisoned within the week.

20-05-2014, 03:17 PM
This is your most eloquent post on this thread ! ;) ;) ;)

I can do better !!

How about the First Lady from China !!



20-05-2014, 03:24 PM
You should turn your attention to this lady instead:

Yingluck Shinawatra - Prime Minister of Thailand - aka, the most beautiful female politician !!


I'd be "in like Flyn"....."like rat up a drain pipe"....."like ferret down a rabbit hole"........yeah baby she's a cutey.

20-05-2014, 03:37 PM
I can do better !!

How about the First Lady from China !!


Nah ! The Thai is a better MILF ! ;) ;) ;)

20-05-2014, 04:33 PM
The funniest post by AHL was "cut ! cut ! cut !" I literally facepalm-ed, lol. But it was good to have you on the same team buddy.

Im not sure what the history is with the animal dude (giraffe, lion, monkey et al.), but I think he's alrite mate!

20-05-2014, 04:46 PM
Joe H sweat badly during Q&A.. "Why, he knew he was defending lies. What a performance!

Paul Keating on Tony Abbort around June 2012 - "If the public takes him they will get a large kick in the bum and they will deserve it." . If the stick hit everyone then it is fair!!!

20-05-2014, 05:11 PM
The funniest post by AHL was "cut ! cut ! cut !" I literally facepalm-ed, lol. But it was good to have you on the same team buddy.

Im not sure what the history is with the animal dude (giraffe, lion, monkey et al.), but I think he's alrite mate!

You go and read the front page on the Fin review today, we are in risk of losing our AAA rating by S&P if we don't get our budget back in order, the S&P assessors are not interested in how, they only want to see results or face down grading, so may be the ALP. the bloody greens and the newbie PUP can pull their heads out of the sands and face the music, we must cut spendings, as simple as that,



20-05-2014, 05:17 PM
You go and read the front page on the Fin review today, we are in risk of losing our AAA rating by S&P if we don't get our budget back in order, the S&P assessors are not interested in how, they only want to see results or face down grading, so may be the ALP. the bloody greens and the newbie PUP can pull their heads out of the sands and face the music, we must cut spendings, as simple as that,


Yep ! This budget will expedite the process of losing the AAA rating, you'll see !

20-05-2014, 06:14 PM
Quote - Standard and Poor's Credit Rating Agency.

"Standard and Poor's has rejected Fairfax media's suggestions that Australia's AAA credit rating is at risk."

The Financial Review suggests the country's top rating could be jeopardised if the Government's budget measures to rein in the deficit do not clear the Senate.

"As we said last week, we have a stable outlook on the rating, which means a less than one-in-three chance that we'll change the rating over the next couple of years."

Craig Michaels.
Standard and Poor's.


A media beat up? Some people will believe anything.


20-05-2014, 06:28 PM
You go and read the front page on the Fin review today, we are in risk of losing our AAA rating by S&P if we don't get our budget back in order, the S&P assessors are not interested in how, they only want to see results or face down grading, so may be the ALP. the bloody greens and the newbie PUP can pull their heads out of the sands and face the music, we must cut spendings, as simple as that,



A Credit Rating is an assessment of the credit worthiness of a borrower.

So are you concerned that if our credit rating (already AAA, the highest level thanks to prudent
policies of the previous government) drops then we might have trouble borrowing more? So you
don't really believe we are already in debt too much after all?

It was Hockey that more than doubled our debt ceiling you know.


20-05-2014, 06:45 PM
Thanks for pointing that iut. How despicable these conservative media - using lies to support their agenda. Then people treating what they read or heard from these media as gospel.

20-05-2014, 07:03 PM
A Credit Rating is an assessment of the credit worthiness of a borrower.

So are you concerned that if our credit rating (already AAA, the highest level thanks to prudent
policies of the previous government) drops then we might have trouble borrowing more? So you
don't really believe we are already in debt too much after all?

It was Hockey that more than doubled our debt ceiling you know.


There is no budget emergency. We have the lowest net debt to GDP of all OECD countries.

20-05-2014, 07:11 PM
A Credit Rating is an assessment of the credit worthiness of a borrower.

So are you concerned that if our credit rating (already AAA, the highest level thanks to prudent
policies of the previous government) drops then we might have trouble borrowing more? So you
don't really believe we are already in debt too much after all?

It was Hockey that more than doubled our debt ceiling you know.


I suspect no matter how much reason you use there is little likelihood of getting through to these rusted-on Abbott supporters. Abbott represents ignorance, greed and self-absorption. All qualities some find attractive. There is no reason for such like to listen to rational argument.

20-05-2014, 07:11 PM
The Australian. 20-05-2014


Tony Abbott’s charge that Labor is threatening Australia’s AAA credit rating has been discredited, after a leading ratings agency rejected claims it was poised to review the nation’s credit score.

The Prime Minister this morning seized on a media report of comments by a Standard & Poors sovereign analyst, Craig Michaels, that the nation’s prized credit rating could be reviewed if parliament fails to approve significant budget cuts.

Mr Abbott used the Australian Financial Review report – titled “AAA credit rating at risk” – to repeatedly attack Labor today, urging the opposition to pass his government’s first budget through the Senate.

However Mr Michaels has told The Australian “there is no immediate risk to the AAA credit rating”.

“We have a stable outlook on the AAA rating, which means we think there’s a less than one-in-three chance of a change to the next couple of years,” Mr Michaels said this afternoon.


And The Australian is about as conservative as you can get.

Abbott lies to cover his lies. The man's a sociopath.


20-05-2014, 07:13 PM
I'm no economist, but I believe if you think these cutbacks are all good, and they will surely work, you are kidding yourself !

Think about the chain reaction !

With the cutbacks, household expenditure will increase, spending power will decrease. Demands of goods and services will decrease, leading to the increase of unemployment, all sectors will be hurt. All these will lead to the drop of tax revenue. At the same time, they will have to pay unemployment benefits to those extra job loss, including those cutbacks of public servants, 17,000 jobs ? By then, they probably will blame the world's economy for not being able to reach the forecast reduction of the deficit.

After years of neglect, by the time Labour gets back in office, they'll have to fix education, hospitals, infrastructures, etc etc. more importantly, make money, not just save money, it'll start all over again, going in circle ...

Further to my post, the ANZ survey today states that consumer confidence has dropped 14% since the election !

20-05-2014, 07:39 PM
I'm no economist, but I believe if you think these cutbacks are all good, and they will surely work, you are kidding yourself !

Think about the chain reaction !

With the cutbacks, household expenditure will increase, spending power will decrease. Demands of goods and services will decrease, leading to the increase of unemployment, all sectors will be hurt. All these will lead to the drop of tax revenue. At the same time, they will have to pay unemployment benefits to those extra job loss, including those cutbacks of public servants, 17,000 jobs ? By then, they probably will blame the world's economy for not being able to reach the forecast reduction of the deficit.

After years of neglect, by the time Labour gets back in office, they'll have to fix education, hospitals, infrastructures, etc etc. more importantly, make money, not just save money, it'll start all over again, going in circle ...

You're on the money Wilisno,

Consumer confidence drops because the government has frightened the bejesus out of the plebs. They tighten their wallets,
business cashflow stalls, they have to cut staff, so more unemployed and less spending money available, so cashflow tightens
more, so..... . It is an ever-decreasing circle until it dissappears up it's own arse ie. a recession.

Takes years to fix that.


20-05-2014, 08:01 PM
Sure, there's no debt crisis at the moment but if current trends continue we are definitely heading in that direction.

Maybe Abbott is trying to do too much too soon. Maybe the costs and sacrifices aren't being distributed evenly. But overall I agree theres a need to address the debt issue now while something can still be done rather than sticking our heads in the sand and letting the situation worsen.

My main complaint about Abott is that he blatantly lied to the electorate and theres no getting around that. I will never vote for a government I don't trust. I voted for the coalition in the last federal election but I won't vote for them next time.

20-05-2014, 08:06 PM
Are you a Keynesian? I suppose your solution to government debt is for the government to borrow and spend more money? Thats crazy. These sort of fiscal stimulus strategies are usually advocated by vested interests and captains of industry who always end up cashing in. Bad economics. Bad public policy.

You're on the money Wilisno,

Consumer confidence drops because the government has frightened the bejesus out of the plebs. They tighten their wallets,
business cashflow stalls, they have to cut staff, so more unemployed and less spending money available, so cashflow tightens
more, so..... . It is an ever-decreasing circle until it dissappears up it's own arse ie. a recession.

Takes years to fix that.


20-05-2014, 08:19 PM
Are you a Keynesian? I suppose your solution to government debt is for the government to borrow and spend more money? Thats crazy. These sort of fiscal stimulus strategies are usually advocated by vested interests and captains of industry who always end up cashing in. Bad economics. Bad public policy.

What is an economy? It is a collection of people going about their daily business. And what governs their decisions? A complex interplay of social, psychological and material conditions. The point? Economics is about sentiment. It is not real, in precisely the same way money is not real - it simply represents the value people place on a good or a service at a particular point of time and place. My point? The premise of your scorn is ill-founded. Good economic policy is when people are assured, when they feel comfortable in their decisions and positive with their future. Bad economic policy is the reverse: when one is insecure, worried about future prospects, concerned about their children et al. This clown of a PM we have at the moment, with his risible sidekick of a treasurer are the worst possible economic managers. They sow fear.

20-05-2014, 08:33 PM
Tony Abbott, and the government, is heavily criticised in the media by many people,
it has become a trend in both social media circles and mainstream media like the ABC. This is because
the forces that control the media are diametrically opposed to everything the Abbott government represents.

Fortunately, for Australia, the Abbott government was elected by a very significant majority. The government
has great support in the community, but more limited support in the media, especially the ABC. You will
obviously be aware that no one at the ABC has been elected to their position. They do not represent the
Australia people, they don't represent Australia.

The unelected, tax-funded ABC has betrayed Australia by cultivating all the recent troubles associated with the
routine spying that was undertaken by secret services for the previous Labour government. And they have betrayed Australia
by attempting to give people smugglers as much information as possible about the Abbott Government's border control procedures.

These betrayals are far worse than anything contained in the current Budget announced by Joe Hockey.

Even though the boats have essentially been stopped by the Abbot's/Morrison's policy, you won't hear any praise from the ABC.
Hockey has already announced the pending closure of several asylum centres because the demand has dropped, thus saving a lot of money.
But again, you won't hear any praise from the ABC.

The ABC wants to create problems for the Abbott government, they don't want successes.

The ABC should be completely overhauled, and the senior management should be held account for their treachery.

20-05-2014, 08:34 PM
I think Julia Bishop could be the next Prime Minister !!

Another Julia one may say, but a far better Julia in my book

just a thought

Now I know you are on crack ...

20-05-2014, 08:39 PM
Bishop and Joe will sink or swim with Abbott. The one I am worry about if I was a Labor strategist is Turnbull. He is far superior to these three, and I doubt if he would have shown such serious lack of judgment and compassion.

Unfortunately Turnbull is not a contender since he did show a lack of judgement on a grand scale, but I agree I reckon he is their biggest talent.

20-05-2014, 08:40 PM
No one recommends borrowing, no one even said all the borrowing Labour had done were justified. But when borrowing is necessary, it must be done. I can not imagine any big company in the world without debts, without borrowing, that's just not a smart way to do business ! And borrowing was what got us out of the GFC !

More importantly, this is not the debate about borrowing. It's the debate about Cut ! Cut ! Cut !

20-05-2014, 08:43 PM
Turnbull polls well in inner city electorates but doesnt do well in regional / remote australia. He is too progressive, I dont think he could win a general election for the coalition

Unfortunately Turnbull is not a contender since he did show a lack of judgement on a grand scale, but I agree I reckon he is their biggest talent.

20-05-2014, 08:45 PM
Fortunately, for Australia, the Abbott government was elected by a very significant majority.

Everybody knows that the Abbott government didn't win the election, it was Labour that lost it !

20-05-2014, 08:49 PM
This is a very stimulating and interesting discussion, we should all pass on our thanks to the OP.
I can forward all our appreciation if you wish. He or she deserves the clap I think.

20-05-2014, 08:51 PM
What is an economy? It is a collection of people going about their daily business. And what governs their decisions? A complex interplay of social, psychological and material conditions. The point? Economics is about sentiment. It is not real, in precisely the same way money is not real - it simply represents the value people place on a good or a service at a particular point of time and place. My point? The premise of your scorn is ill-founded. Good economic policy is when people are assured, when they feel comfortable in their decisions and positive with their future. Bad economic policy is the reverse: when one is insecure, worried about future prospects, concerned about their children et al. This clown of a PM we have at the moment, with his risible sidekick of a treasurer are the worst possible economic managers. They sow fear.

This is a very good post.


20-05-2014, 08:52 PM
This is a very stimulating and interesting discussion, we should all pass on our thanks to the OP.
I can forward all our appreciation if you wish. He or she deserves the clap I think.

Why bother ? Whom do you intend to fool ? Like what Tony Abbott does ?

You were banned 17 times not because of your threads, but because of your shit stirring acts, more so because of your attacks of the forum !

20-05-2014, 08:52 PM
Further to my post, the ANZ survey today states that consumer confidence has dropped 14% since the election !

So since your post here on AUS99 consumer confidence has dropped 14%! Them's some powerful words my son!!! ;) ;)

20-05-2014, 08:56 PM
So since your post here on AUS99 consumer confidence has dropped 14%! Them's some powerful words my son!!! ;) ;)
Behave yourself and you won't get banned again !

20-05-2014, 09:03 PM
My posts on this thread may give the impression that I am a dyed in the wool ALP supporter. This
is not so.

I am very much anti the current government but that doesn't necessarily mean I support the other
mob. At the risk of boring you to death, here is a little bit of history that influences my opinion.
(Leave now or forever hold your peace).

I was an ALP supporter from the later Whitlam years (when I was old enough (21 was the voting
age)). The 'dismissal' was a dreadful thing, a blot on our nation's history. The perpetrator
Malcolm Fraser, a man who stooped to previously unknown depths to advance the right wing
ideology is now a vocal critic of the current régime – tell you something?

Fraser, a previous Prime Minister, was expelled from the Liberal party or to put it more mildly,
encouraged to resign for expressing his views.

In the 1993 election John Hewson (opposition leader) announced that the Libs would introduce a
GST. This was strongly and successfully argued against by Paul Keating (PM). He was on a hiding
to nothing until receiving this gift from the Libs. Australia didn't want a bar of it.

John Howard won the 1996 election, after he vowed to “never, ever introduce a GST”.

Opposition leader Kim Beasley (ALP) argued very earnestly against Howard's plan to introduce a
GST (breaking his word not to do so, familiar?) in the 1998 election. John Howard won this
election with 49% 2PP and ALP 51% 2PP. I believe the Libs would have won in their own right
were it not for the GST factor.

Clearly, the GST is an insidious tax. It costs the poor and needy in ways that it does not cost the
rich. 100% of income is spent just to survive by the lower socio-economic group, meaning GST
is paid on a high percentage of their income. The rich however, spend only some of their income
and invest the rest (often in a dodgy tax advantageous way) meaning they pay GST on a much
lower portion of their income and the richer they are, the less they pay as a percentage.

The GST under various names has been introduced in some other countries as well, to overcome
the shortcomings of their governments by fucking over the population, as it was done here.

After it's introduction in 2000 Kim Beasley said publicly that the GST would not be repealed if the
ALP came to power. He never won an election. (He may well have won in 2001 were it not for the
'children overboard lies' but that's another story).

They might bleat about the rate, or bleat about the coverage but to this day the ALP have not
mentioned repealing a tax they fought so justifiably and vehemently against.

Sure, they might be better than the neoconservative extremist lot we are saddled with, probably by
a fair degree, but they are still a gutless shower of bastards and I wouldn't piss on them if they were
on fire.

When I vote, I carefully judge the all candidates on their merits, not just the two major parties. I
then cast my vote for whom I feel would be the most beneficial to our nation, which will in turn
benefit me and my family; short and long term. I do so because I care, and I don't hold the view
that “I'm alright so fuck you.”

So fuck U 2. ;-)


20-05-2014, 09:12 PM
This is a very stimulating and interesting discussion, we should all pass on our thanks to the OP.
I can forward all our appreciation if you wish. He or she deserves the clap I think.

So there has been some discussion and now it has gone to your head and you are back to your self-agrandising ways.
We all know that the OP is you silly, and that you are this person. (http://forum.aus99.com/showthread.php?39297-Banned-again-and-again-and-again-and-again-and-again-and-again)

I have observed that most people are still ignoring your points and carrying on an intelligent discussion despite you, but as usual you see through rose-coloured glasses ...

20-05-2014, 09:17 PM
You are right CL.

Seems that the only person to ever congratulate this goose is himself. Which he does when he isn't encouraging child abuse, racism or misogyny.

As he is the only person to pat himself on the back, do you reckon he is the only person to pat himself on the "front" as well? ;)

20-05-2014, 09:22 PM
When I vote, I carefully judge the all candidates on their merits, not just the two major parties. I
then cast my vote for whom I feel would be the most beneficial to our nation, which will in turn
benefit me and my family; short and long term. I do so because I care, and I don't hold the view
that “I'm alright so fuck you.”

So fuck U 2. ;-)


You observations about the GST are spot on. But we need to remember that we do not vote for a party in this country, we vote for a local candidate, and we should vote for the person that will not do the best for the country, but the best for our electorate. One of the many reasons I usually place independents above all others (unless we are talking the Pauline Hanson type of independent, of course).

For many years I was fortunate to be represented by the best parliamentarian in the country. It was a sorry day, not only for the country, but for our electorate when he passed away from cancer. Since then we have only had gooses represent us, and it shows in the way the electorate has deteriorated :(

20-05-2014, 09:25 PM
So there has been some discussion and now it has gone to your head and you are back to your self-agrandising ways.
We all know that the OP is you silly, and that you are this person. (http://forum.aus99.com/showthread.php?39297-Banned-again-and-again-and-again-and-again-and-again-and-again)

I have observed that most people are still ignoring your points and carrying on an intelligent discussion despite you, but as usual you see through rose-coloured glasses ...

Do you think it's time for a poem?

20-05-2014, 09:26 PM
Quote - Standard and Poor's Credit Rating Agency.

"Standard and Poor's has rejected Fairfax media's suggestions that Australia's AAA credit rating is at risk."

The Financial Review suggests the country's top rating could be jeopardised if the Government's budget measures to rein in the deficit do not clear the Senate.

"As we said last week, we have a stable outlook on the rating, which means a less than one-in-three chance that we'll change the rating over the next couple of years."

Craig Michaels.
Standard and Poor's.


A media beat up? Some people will believe anything.


The Fin is "backing" the Govt. and the Oz isn't???

When the hell did we enter bizarro world??? :startle:

Next thing you know Bolt might start making sense :P

20-05-2014, 09:33 PM
No thats wrong.

The economy is real. At its core it is comprised of tangible things (goods and services)

An education system needs bricks and motor classrooms and teachers need to be paid. A health system needs hospitals, doctors and medicine. if we want these things, but dont want to pay the money (through our taxes) that it costs to have them, the government must borrows money and goes into debt.

the economy is real. money is real. debt is real. You can only ignore these realities for so long until you are forced to deal with the consequences

What is an economy? It is a collection of people going about their daily business. And what governs their decisions? A complex interplay of social, psychological and material conditions. The point? Economics is about sentiment. It is not real, in precisely the same way money is not real - it simply represents the value people place on a good or a service at a particular point of time and place. My point? The premise of your scorn is ill-founded. Good economic policy is when people are assured, when they feel comfortable in their decisions and positive with their future. Bad economic policy is the reverse: when one is insecure, worried about future prospects, concerned about their children et al. This clown of a PM we have at the moment, with his risible sidekick of a treasurer are the worst possible economic managers. They sow fear.

20-05-2014, 09:36 PM
Joe Hockey and Tony Abbott are freedom fighters against the global media dictatorship,
which, via the ABC in Australia, is bent on promoting the decline and degeneration of tradtional
western democratic values, society & culture.

Good onya men....(you're real class act men).

20-05-2014, 09:39 PM
Joe Hockey and Tony Abbott are freedom fighters against the global media dictatorship,


Why would they fight Rupert? He got 'em elected. :cool2:

20-05-2014, 09:56 PM

Why would they fight Rupert? He got 'em elected. :cool2:

Don't be silly, Rupert is little more than a concessionary diversion.
The global media dictatorship is controlled by the richest handful of the world's wealthiest bankers/financiers.
Their goal is the decline and degeneration of traditonal western democratic society and culture.
It's way over Rupert's head......and yours.

20-05-2014, 10:32 PM
Newsflash captain plough - no one cares about your schitzophrenic (or bi-polar or whatever mental illness you have) delusions. Take your pills and piss off

20-05-2014, 10:33 PM
Thanks for pointing that iut. How despicable these conservative media - using lies to support their agenda. Then people treating what they read or heard from these media as gospel.

Yeah, it's true. Sad though.


20-05-2014, 10:54 PM
I suspect no matter how much reason you use there is little likelihood of getting through to these rusted-on Abbott supporters. Abbott represents ignorance, greed and self-absorption. All qualities some find attractive. There is no reason for such like to listen to rational argument.

Agree their brains are "stoned" and it is waste of time to rationale with those biased mind individuals.

Know there are still top 1% earners who do not buy Tony Abbott budget lies and did not vote for him . Conscience lead them willing to contribute to share the pain with those needed! (They would not declare themselves as High Earners nor Middle Class, instead just humble ordinary Australian....)

20-05-2014, 11:17 PM
Newsflash captain plough - no one cares about your schitzophrenic (or bi-polar or whatever mental illness you have) delusions. Take your pills and piss off

It sounds like you need a nice poem to help you reflect, think and relax...I'll see what I can do for you PP/JS

20-05-2014, 11:27 PM
Are you a Keynesian? I suppose your solution to government debt is for the government to borrow and spend more money? Thats crazy. These sort of fiscal stimulus strategies are usually advocated by vested interests and captains of industry who always end up cashing in. Bad economics. Bad public policy.

Agree with you. That's the easy way out, it is easy to keep borrowing and spending to create economic growth, and let the next governments to worry about bigger debt. It is also very easy to cut the budget from people who will never vote for you. But much harder to address the real problems, such as discouraging people to keep borrowing and spending more and more on unproductive housing, and encouraging more business investments to create new jobs.

20-05-2014, 11:33 PM
Ezra Pound was the editor and mentor to TS Elliot, Ernest Hemmingway, James Joyce, W.B Yeats and Eustace Mullins.
Ezra had one the best minds and intellects of the 20th century. The american govt put him in an insane asylum for
apparently objecting to WW2, and America's involvement in WW2. There were no real criminal charges against him,
but when he said he would defend himself in any court, the govt got scared and put him in a funny farm without trial.
It took about 8 years to get Ezra out. It was Eustace Mullins who managed it in the 50s. Eustace was the last surviving
member of the group mentored by Ezra Pound, and Eustace died only a few years ago. If you're ever interested in knowing
what makes the world go round, you can checkout Eustace Mullins' earlier public speeches or rare interviews on youtube.
Eustace Mullins was the last great independent scholar of the 20th century - and a courageous man.

Eustace Mullins 1 - http://youtu.be/2h_V-ARe_nE

Eustace Mullins 2 - http://youtu.be/-YVaThDVIm8

21-05-2014, 12:14 AM
the fuck you say? ezra pound was a fascist. He worked for fascist italy during ww2 producing anti-american fascist / nazi propoganda. after the war was over he was arrested by the americans for treason (tortured just a little) and incacerated

21-05-2014, 12:25 AM
I am no politician nor economist, but I am a pretty good business manager who lived and works hard for my salary in the real work, and I am held accountable for the profit and loss of my employer and the company.

Sometimes , the government just have to run the country like a business:

The people of the country are the customers and all the incomes ,taxes, levies, GST etc are the incomes.

All the social welfare, infra structures, educations, health cares etc. are expenditures. In business, you can not spent more than you earn, but may be you can borrow money to sustain growth or invest in infra structure (building plants and purchases of equippments) but all these investments must make a positive returns within a reasonable time frame for the company to survive .

If the expenses far exceed the income and you can't increase the income stream, then the only way out is not to borrow more money but to cut expenses.

I personally went through a few corporate restructuring and also worked for company under receivership, it ain't pretty and the words cut, cut, cut are almost daily rituals !!

If you are the head of you department which had 30 staff, you could br told to cut 10 people in the next 7 days and take everything into considerations , the remaining people must raise their productivity dramatically so that they can keep the department functioning with 2/3 of the man power. Talking about tough decisions!

I don't think our country is in that bad shape yet, may be if we accept some pains now , there will be less pain in the future or for our children.

Remember that movie where George Cooney and another hot chick was doing exactly that to a lot companies to fix their "problems" hopefully we never have to call upon outside assistance to do the dirty works for us !!

The age of entitlements are gone !!

Just my two cents!


21-05-2014, 12:57 AM
the fuck you say? ezra pound was a fascist. He worked for fascist italy during ww2 producing anti-american fascist / nazi propoganda. after the war was over he was arrested by the americans for treason (tortured just a little) and incacerated

Ezra was against the war, he knew it shouldn't have to occur. He was incarcerated for 8 uears without trial, then released.
He was not a traitor, that's why he was released. And he was put in an insane asylum brcause the US didn't want to got to
trial with Ezra defending himself at court. They would lose any court battle against Ezra, so they said he was insane and
needed to be put in the insane asylum. Eustace Mullins managed to get him out after about eight years.

Ezra was right about WW2; more than 60 million people died for no good reason. Can you justify the deaths of over 60 million during WW2.

Thankfully Eustace Mullins, the last living mentor of Ezra Pound and a very great scholar, was courageous enough to tell us what makes the world spin round.

Eustace Mullins 1 - http://youtu.be/2h_V-ARe_nE

Eustace Mullins 2 - http://youtu.be/-YVaThDVIm8

21-05-2014, 08:59 AM
The ANZ-Roy Morgan Consumer Confidence survey charted a fall of 3.2 per cent since the budget, taking its index to 100.4 - a significant 14 points lower in a month and the fastest rate of descent since October 2008.

October 2008, of course, was a significant time: the month after Lehman Brothers collapsed and the global economy began to go down the tube. Well done Abbott.

21-05-2014, 10:16 AM
Against the war? America joined the war after it was attacked by Japan (pearl habour) Also, nazi germany and fascist italy declared war against the usa way back in 1941. Isnt america entitled to act in self defence?

anyway, if ezra pound was such a pacifist why was he prepared to work for the mussolini regime?? fascist italy invaded albania and greece (and other countries) for no reason other than to steal their lands

n'ah, ezra was a hypocrite, traitor, racist, fascist apologist. by the way, the reason he went crazy is because the americans tortured him so badly after they captured him (LOL!)

Ezra was against the war, he knew it shouldn't have to occur. He was incarcerated for 8 uears without trial, then released.
He was not a traitor, that's why he was released. And he was put in an insane asylum brcause the US didn't want to got to
trial with Ezra defending himself at court. They would lose any court battle against Ezra, so they said he was insane and
needed to be put in the insane asylum. Eustace Mullins managed to get him out after about eight years.

Ezra was right about WW2; more than 60 million people died for no good reason. Can you justify the deaths of over 60 million during WW2.

Thankfully Eustace Mullins, the last living mentor of Ezra Pound and a very great scholar, was courageous enough to tell us what makes the world spin round.

Eustace Mullins 1 - http://youtu.be/2h_V-ARe_nE

Eustace Mullins 2 - http://youtu.be/-YVaThDVIm8

21-05-2014, 12:04 PM
Against the war? America joined the war after it was attacked by Japan (pearl habour) Also, nazi germany and fascist italy declared war against the usa way back in 1941. Isnt america entitled to act in self defence?

anyway, if ezra pound was such a pacifist why was he prepared to work for the mussolini regime?? fascist italy invaded albania and greece (and other countries) for no reason other than to steal their lands

n'ah, ezra was a hypocrite, traitor, racist, fascist apologist. by the way, the reason he went crazy is because the americans tortured him so badly after they captured him (LOL!)

Ezra Pound, tortured and incarcerated without charge for eight years for opposing WW2, and then more than 60million deaths during WW2.
It appears you think it was all worth while......the forces behind the creation of WW2, and more deaths since, don't take kindly to opposition.
Do you think think the deaths of more than 60million people during WW2 were justified?

21-05-2014, 12:50 PM
Who cares, at least they will run the country properly. Most people that will pay the $7 don't even pay medicare. It's any wonder why everyone wants to move here because you can be a dole bludger, get a free uni degree and never pay off your debt. The biggest mistake Abbott made was speaking during the election. He didn't need to speak to win that election against that wanker Rudd. It is annoying that people who earn big money pay but someone has to. Way too many people living in this country who don't pay tax and feel that they deserve everything for free.

100% agree. Especially on the point that Rudd is a wanker!

21-05-2014, 12:53 PM
If you go to school, you pay the school fees.
If you go to see a doctor, you pay the medical bill yourself.
When you retire, you should have set aside money when you were young to fund for your retirement.
Why should the government subsidise all these for you?
Yet, Aussies get all these concessions, benefits and help from the government thinking the government owe them a living. I am not referring to the hardworking Aussies but those lazy ones. Most of these ppl who take advantage of the system are the most unproductive bunch. We should be deploying resources for better usage such as increase marketing to attract tourists, foreign entrepreneurs/investors, build infrastructure etc. instead of directing resources to fund their living.
Ive heard stories whereby some of these ppl work in cash jobs while taking the dole and then they can still go overseas and spend taxpayers money for their holiday.
Ive also heard stories of ppl who pretend to be mentally challenged when they are not, so centrelink will deemed them as not fit to work so they can get the dole to spend on alcohol.
Im gen Y and I see most of the ppl who make the most of the system are the gen X and baby boomers. If this trend of national deficit continues, then we will have nothing but inherit all the debts and pay interests that the older generations have left us.
The financial well being of a country is like the financial statement of a company, if it is in red, it should be brought to black. Otherwise, it is not sustainable and if we go bankrupt, everyone loses.

We should start the Syd99 Party. Better than that rubbish Sex Party, which are just a left wing communist party. Royal Flush can be Treasurer. Ah Lungor will be Leader!

21-05-2014, 01:03 PM
haha ezra pound worked with the fascist mussolini regime to SUPPORT their war effort!!! He spread hate and sewed discord at every opportunity (a little like yourself!)

Anyway, my favorite ezra pound quote from one of his radio propoganda broadcasts: "You let in the Jew and the Jew rotted your empire, and you yourselves out-jewed the Jew ... And the big Jew has rotted EVERY nation he has wormed into"

Yeh the americans tortured him pretty bad when they captured him. They locked him up in a small wire cage for a month and when he emerged he was a wild animal LOL!!!!

21-05-2014, 01:44 PM
haha ezra pound worked with the fascist mussolini regime to SUPPORT their war effort!!! He spread hate and sewed discord at every opportunity (a little like yourself!)

Anyway, my favorite ezra pound quote from one of his radio propoganda broadcasts: "You let in the Jew and the Jew rotted your empire, and you yourselves out-jewed the Jew ... And the big Jew has rotted EVERY nation he has wormed into"

Yeh the americans tortured him pretty bad when they captured him. They locked him up in a small wire cage for a month and when he emerged he was a wild animal LOL!!!!

America Govt against a lonely Ezra Pound, do you think the government covered itself with glory in their action,
only to let him free after eight years without ever being charged. Thankfully, Eustace Mullins got him out.
Ezra was right, that's why he was treated so harshly, as a lesson to all.
You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

21-05-2014, 04:11 PM
My question is for the brothel and RnT shop owners. Does any of the budget changes mean a price rise for the services that you offer???

21-05-2014, 07:06 PM
My question is for the brothel and RnT shop owners. Does any of the budget changes mean a price rise for the services that you offer???

I took your question to a couple of very good friends of mine, and they said..."no,no..we do very good price for customer now...two, three dollar down.."
You see, they know their customers will be a few dollars worse off after the budget. Accordingly, they will bend like....willows to accommodate them.
Therefore, it's probably a no-impact budget as far as RnT punters are concerned. But you'll still need to ask for the three dollar discount, they're not stupid.

21-05-2014, 07:20 PM
I think Julia Bishop could be the next Prime Minister !!

Another Julia one may say, but a far better Julia in my book

just a thought

I doubt Bernie Banton's family would share your view.

Psst BTW it's Julie.


21-05-2014, 07:54 PM
ezra was right? about what - the jews being the root of all evil???

so when you refered to the 'global media conspiracy' before who you claim are trying to destroy our culture and freedoms, do you think international jewry is behind this? the rothchild family?

You simple foolish fellow. You uneducated gullible idiot.

America Govt against a lonely Ezra Pound, do you think the government covered itself with glory in their action,
only to let him free after eight years without ever being charged. Thankfully, Eustace Mullins got him out.
Ezra was right, that's why he was treated so harshly, as a lesson to all.
You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

21-05-2014, 09:11 PM
I suspect no matter how much reason you use there is little likelihood of getting through to these rusted-on Abbott supporters. Abbott represents ignorance, greed and self-absorption. All qualities some find attractive. There is no reason for such like to listen to rational argument.

Unfortunately I must agree.

It is a shame that some people's beliefs are held with such conviction that they refuse to listen to
evidence to the contrary.

Maybe I should take George Carlin's advice:

“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”


21-05-2014, 09:22 PM
ezra was right? about what - the jews being the root of all evil???

so when you refered to the 'global media conspiracy' before who you claim are trying to destroy our culture and freedoms, do you think international jewry is behind this? the rothchild family?

You simple foolish fellow. You uneducated gullible idiot.

As Mel Gibson once said to a very ignorant interviewer....."I think you have a dog in this fight, right."
I'm a well read, post-grad educated, truth-seeking, creative, spiritual, wise man. That's what I am....and a poet - have you voted yet for my poetry?

21-05-2014, 09:23 PM
ezra was right? about what - the jews being the root of all evil???

so when you refered to the 'global media conspiracy' before who you claim are trying to destroy our culture and freedoms, do you think international jewry is behind this? the rothchild family?

You simple foolish fellow. You uneducated gullible idiot.

I reckon his Alfoil headwear is little tight and cutting off circulation to what passes for his brain.

He seems to get all his info and "ideas" from the The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. He is just proudly displaying his racist tendencies again.

Renders everything he says moot. **shrugs**

21-05-2014, 09:29 PM
Unfortunately I must agree.

It is a shame that some people's beliefs are held with such conviction that they refuse to listen to
evidence to the contrary.

Maybe I should take George Carlin's advice:

“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”


Yep, people need to remember that this "budget" has nothing... as in ZERO to do with any budget emergency (which doesn't exist) or need to get our affairs in order.

It is about ideology, pure and simple.

That ideology being that if you are rich then you deserve everything, people should be grateful to you for any rotten scraps you throw at them and you shouldn't have to help anyone, whereas if you are poor, sick or disabled, you have no one to blame but yourself and you should hang your head in shame.

This is shown most clearly in the new Higher Education plans, where people who are intelligent, but poor, will miss out University places, while if you are a rich dumbass you can simply buy your degree :(

22-05-2014, 02:08 AM

This is shown most clearly in the new Higher Education plans, where people who are intelligent, but poor, will miss out University places, while if you are a rich dumbass you can simply buy your degree :([/QUOTE]

I don't think this is true !

People can still get HECs , in fact more young people can get higher educations in TAFE and other institutes by getting HECs there too, and more scholarships will be on offer. So if the kids have good grades , they can certainly get into Uni .

Directly from Joe the other night !

22-05-2014, 03:16 AM
I don't think this is true !

People can still get HECs , in fact more young people can get higher educations in TAFE and other institutes by getting HECs there too, and more scholarships will be on offer. So if the kids have good grades , they can certainly get into Uni .

Directly from Joe the other night !

Gee if Joe said it then it must be true!

The government wants to let unis charge whatever they want, saying that this will lead to increased competition and therefore a better deal for students (aways the justification for privatization and deregulation but rarely actually benefits the consumer).
At the same time they want to cut uni funding. How do you think unis will make up this funding shortfall? The vice chancellor of UTS yesterday said most courses will go up by 30-40%.
Add new interest charges to HECs debt plus a lower income threshold to start paying it off and it adds up to a serious amount. Many students from poorer and even middle class backgrounds will think twice about going to uni and be stuck on lower incomes. We already have science and engineering graduate shortages and it'll only get worse for these and other disciplines.
Despite Joe saying he's doing these cuts for the kids, I don't see a bright future at all for the younger generation in this budget.

22-05-2014, 08:53 AM
Btw, Joe Hockey went to uni for free and as a student protested the introduction of fees.

22-05-2014, 09:56 AM
Btw, Joe Hockey went to uni for free and as a student protested the introduction of fees.

I accept its a cut in higher education funding and lead to higher Uni fees, interest rate will kick in and the lower threshold for repayment so the graduates will start paying back earlier !

Yes, it's getting tougher, but please don't blame Joe and Tony!

This is what I don't understand at all, people should be angry and point their fingers on the government who put the country in this situation in the first place !!

When Kevin Rudd took over government in 2007, we were in a comfortable surplus position, who put us in this shit hole today where we have to cut, cut, cut ???

And if we don't cut from somewhere, we have to continue to borrow money to keep up with the expenditures , how long can we keep running the country in the RED !!

Joe is trying to fix the big mess left by Labour, lets not sugar coat this !!