I'm a little bored so I thought I'd start a thread writing caricatures of certain veterans and unique individuals of aus99. We've got some really interesting characters on here lol so without further ado:

DFK? DFK? DFK? That's cool bro but does she do DFK? Damn nice AR but no DFK so I'll give it a miss.


Lala? Lala? Lala? *Goes quiet for months and then pops back up when a thread mentions Lala like a Google Alert was setup*

Fuck you Raybo. Fuck you Sibon.

Fuck you Warwick!

Intermittent caps lock issues. Lives in a secret room at the back of the Ginza Empire laundry area.

*In some random thread about what music everyone is listening to*
"Hmmm my favourite singers are oldies like the Beatles or Queen but anyway I've been lucky to sell my business and I have a huge property portfolio. I also managed to nab a young sugar babe called Violet. Damn I'm so lucky. Please random people on the internet provide me with validation."

Tits? Tits? Tits? Posts riduculously long ARs (that sounds like those auto generated transcripts from Microsoft Teams than copy) and big titted ladies.

Pulls out random absolute bullshit pieces of information from the dark depths of the internet and presents it like it's fact

Pulls out random absolute bullshit pieces of information from the dark depths of the internet and presents it like it's fact. I also have a crush on a male brothel receptionist who he wants to fuck

Lives in the sugar babes thread. Periodically mentions TnT. FtG loves TnT.

Calls himself a GM but goes to seedy cheap milf brothels for BBFS. Probably either died of old age or from catching something from those seedy brothels.

Mic drops in random threads and then smoke bombs

Does she deep throat? Thank for the AR bro but does she deep throat?


*When a WL reaches for the condom*

"fuck! Maybe next time"


Like one of those old uncles.

"I'm not racist but all Muslim men love to fuck virgins. This is a discussion I'm not racist".

"I'm not a misogynist but my partner needs to accept my proposal to see other women. I'm going to change her. She must accept my ultimatum."

*Probably owns a copy of "The Secret" and "The Game". Favourite idol is Donald Trump and Andrew Tate.


"She ain't hot. This girls got problems. Experience was meh for me. Why do all jap girls have skin problems. Why are all women so ugly!!

Life is pain. To live is to die. Starcraft is forever. I wish infested Kerrigan was real."


Thought he was a health care worker but now I'm thinking he's probably a patient at the mental wards. Talks to himself in a thread he's started and just has a few screws loose.

Every shop except for Ginza:
10am on the dot bumps all the ARs for their girls

Periodically sacrifices a Japanese girl to rooter for promo.