Hotness 6/5
Looks 5/5
Body type: Skinny with big boobs
English: Really good
Professionalism: High
Remedial massage: 3.5/5

On a random wednesday afternoon, I decided to go for a quick massage for 30 mins and asked Ada to book someone. She told me about Ella who looked gorogeus from the photographs.She told me to take all my clothes off, then left the room. She turned down the lights, lit a candle and sat down next to me on one of the beds. She asked me to lie on my back and began massaging my back. I won't go into too much detail about what happened during that massage, but let's just say it felt incredible!Then, she asked me to turn around and I was fully errecttttttt with precum droooling.... she then undressed quickly and fuck her body was amazing,.,. she had a sexy back tatoo which was hot in itself. unfortunately I was so excited that I finished very quickly

I would recommend you all to go and meet Ella... I think she works only wednesdays