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Thread: Falling for a ML

  1. #41
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by harry444 View Post
    Some very sexist and misoginystic statements on this thread. Probably a lot of truth in them. Shame we've had our balls removed by PC and afraid to say such things on public.
    Stop being a simp. Stop listeing to feminist propaganda.

    Its not sexist for a Man to have a fair go in life. Stop being cucked by feminism. Women want the best in life. And thats ok. Just like its okay that, if youre a -- real man -- you want the best in life for you. Relationships work well when theres one leader. Not two. Those fail. There's women who will submit and follow your leadership and there are women that are feminists or brainwashed who will see you as lesbian competition. Only date women who are 1) reallly hot for you sexually and 2) willing to submit to your leadership.

    Women that dont fit that criteria, relax its cool, just be friends with them or not. There's nothing wrong with a woman wanting to be "single and independent". Just know that they will never be good enough for you to commit too. Learn to separate that two. The more educated and "independent" a woman feels she is, the more likely she will divorce rape you.

    But know that, as you know already, women have value for being female, you only have value, if you enrich society. This is why feminism is now a sham. Women are valued for being Women, Men are only valued if you bring something of worth to society. One is far easier than the other. Women are BORN. Men are MADE. Avoid any woman that doesnt acknowledge that.

  2. #42
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    bravo ! you've hit the nail on the head. you are saying everything we males know but a lot of us haven't got the balls to come out to admit.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by gpeck80 View Post
    Stop being a simp. Stop listeing to feminist propaganda.

    Its not sexist for a Man to have a fair go in life. Stop being cucked by feminism. Women want the best in life. And thats ok. Just like its okay that, if youre a -- real man -- you want the best in life for you. Relationships work well when theres one leader. Not two. Those fail. There's women who will submit and follow your leadership and there are women that are feminists or brainwashed who will see you as lesbian competition. Only date women who are 1) reallly hot for you sexually and 2) willing to submit to your leadership.

    Women that dont fit that criteria, relax its cool, just be friends with them or not. There's nothing wrong with a woman wanting to be "single and independent". Just know that they will never be good enough for you to commit too. Learn to separate that two. The more educated and "independent" a woman feels she is, the more likely she will divorce rape you.

    But know that, as you know already, women have value for being female, you only have value, if you enrich society. This is why feminism is now a sham. Women are valued for being Women, Men are only valued if you bring something of worth to society. One is far easier than the other. Women are BORN. Men are MADE. Avoid any woman that doesnt acknowledge that.
    Nice - well said - problem with western society - women think all they got to do is bring a c**t along and that makes them valuable. Unfortunately plenty of people don't understand respect (both sides) and teamwork. (not that we go to ML for any of that really - its to get our socks rocked!!!)

    The amount of guys I know that are pussy whipped and get treated like crap is astounding to me.
    Last edited by joeblow251; 09-07-2022 at 09:53 AM. Reason: spelling

  4. #44
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    This forums awesome😁 love it.

  5. #45
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    This has been an interesting read! At most I went on one date with one FS private, so don’t have a lot to add to the conversation

  6. #46
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Very well said. It still fascinates me that the feminists have created a situation where we allow a woman to be praised in front of everyone for doing nothing other than being a woman, but if you changed the same sentence to be about a man instead of a woman, you would be shunned from society for being a misogynist. I know so many of my friends in relationships where they are marginalised, yet live the life because thats what we're told to do. I was in that for many years and all I can say, is never again. Not all, but generally woman are too emotional and they need that steady ship that a man brings. They appear to fight and use all the PC modern day slogans to prove their point and create the stormy seas, but without fail, the relationships that I've seen that are the happiest are the ones where there is strong man who stands his ground and is not affected by the stormy seas around him. Stay strong boys. Thats where happiness is.

    Also, I agree that falling for a ML/WL is very dangerous. It's not impossible, but tread very carefully. The dangerous thing is that there is too much pleasure being offered too early on in the interaction and that can skew the proper analysis of whether there is sufficient compatibility. Even beyond the transfer of money, there can be a general connection in the bedroom that would be there without the money, but the problem is that the compatibility out of the bedroom might not be there and becuause of all the pleasure, that is overlooked.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blueshirtguy View Post
    Very well said. It still fascinates me that the feminists have created a situation where we allow a woman to be praised in front of everyone for doing nothing other than being a woman, but if you changed the same sentence to be about a man instead of a woman, you would be shunned from society for being a misogynist. I know so many of my friends in relationships where they are marginalised, yet live the life because thats what we're told to do. I was in that for many years and all I can say, is never again. Not all, but generally woman are too emotional and they need that steady ship that a man brings. They appear to fight and use all the PC modern day slogans to prove their point and create the stormy seas, but without fail, the relationships that I've seen that are the happiest are the ones where there is strong man who stands his ground and is not affected by the stormy seas around him. Stay strong boys. Thats where happiness is.

    Also, I agree that falling for a ML/WL is very dangerous. It's not impossible, but tread very carefully. The dangerous thing is that there is too much pleasure being offered too early on in the interaction and that can skew the proper analysis of whether there is sufficient compatibility. Even beyond the transfer of money, there can be a general connection in the bedroom that would be there without the money, but the problem is that the compatibility out of the bedroom might not be there and becuause of all the pleasure, that is overlooked.
    Couldnt agree more!

  8. #48
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Thais not being greedy? Thai women are all designer handbags, plastic surgery, botox, clothes, hair, nails, etc etc. They also want gold, lotto and card games. And finally, they want to show every cousin, sibling, neighbour and whoever back home, that they have made it and can shower them with cash too. I found Japanese and Koreans way less dangerous on your wallet.

  9. #49
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    did you know that most of the fake designer lables are made in Thailand ?

  10. #50
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    bought a Gucci men's wallet from there 5 years ago. am still using it.

  11. #51
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    She laughed, as she should of. Haha

  12. #52
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Show me an example of a “woman being praised just because she’s a woman”

    What an absolute load of bullshit

  13. #53
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Batting100 View Post
    Show me an example of a “woman being praised just because she’s a woman”

    What an absolute load of bullshit
    It literally happens all the time. A woman applies for a job interview and everyone says "she is so brave and courageous, she's a strong woman". When all she did was apply for a job. A man applies for the same job and no one says he's "brave and courageous". Listen to any of the comments that use words like "mighty woman" or "powerful woman" and replace it with a "man", and you'll see that they're just adding the adjectives to pump up the sentence purely because she's a woman. No way would you ever be allowed in this day and age to apply the same adjectives to a man. You would be shot down and ridiculed. The problem is that it has just become so normalised that no one even hears the bullshit that is being spun. Its the mastery of the whole situation. I'm an Engineer and this months front cover of the Engineers Australia Monthly magazine (vol 8, no.6 July 2022 if you want to check me) literally reads "Women are just 13% of the engineering workforce. It is time we changed that." Imagine you changed that to Men and the nursing workforce. Or men and the teachers workforce. You would get absolutely destroyed. You would be told, "why are men taking womens jobs?", but no one sees it when its the other way around? And then what is being said about the 87% of men currently filling the balance of the engineering roles. There are only so many jobs available, so are we doing such a bad job that you want to replace us with women? WTF. People don't seem to think about what they're saying. And thats why i say, a woman can get praised for just being a woman. It's what society has created, through media, and PC wokeness and they're done such a good job, that you don't even know they're doing it.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Batting100 View Post
    Show me an example of a “woman being praised just because she’s a woman”

    What an absolute load of bullshit
    You haven't really seen it, but within university/academia environment, the gender equity propaganda is at its worst. You win by default if you have a vagina, jobs are created for women only, the HRs advertise their uni as having female vice chancellor, dean, or head of department. Female new hires got preferential treatments with ludicrous packages compared to male employees, all gor the sake of gender equity

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eggs.Fertiliser View Post
    You haven't really seen it, but within university/academia environment, the gender equity propaganda is at its worst. You win by default if you have a vagina, jobs are created for women only, the HRs advertise their uni as having female vice chancellor, dean, or head of department. Female new hires got preferential treatments with ludicrous packages compared to male employees, all gor the sake of gender equity
    Apply for any gov jobs and there is about half a dozen tick boxes on the application - I never see one for being white, strait or male - your at the bottom of the pile irrespective of skill.

    The result is something like this - its sad tbh

  16. #56
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Yeah was just there two months back haha

  17. #57
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Nothing new. I applied for a job in 1990 (yes, I'm showing my age!) but missed out and didn't get the job.

    Six months later, I was offered the job without it being advertised or new applications taken.

    Turns out they wanted to employ a female for 'diversity' and she didn't last six months. I've had the job now for 23 years.

    Saying that, I'm now in my forties, a middle-aged white man, and I feel like I'm public enemy No. 1.

    Sent from my SM-G991B using Tapatalk

  18. #58
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Love is blind.
    But Lust is stupid.

  19. #59
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blueshirtguy View Post
    Very well said. It still fascinates me that the feminists have created a situation where we allow a woman to be praised in front of everyone for doing nothing other than being a woman, but if you changed the same sentence to be about a man instead of a woman, you would be shunned from society for being a misogynist. I know so many of my friends in relationships where they are marginalised, yet live the life because thats what we're told to do. I was in that for many years and all I can say, is never again. Not all, but generally woman are too emotional and they need that steady ship that a man brings. They appear to fight and use all the PC modern day slogans to prove their point and create the stormy seas, but without fail, the relationships that I've seen that are the happiest are the ones where there is strong man who stands his ground and is not affected by the stormy seas around him. Stay strong boys. Thats where happiness is.

    Also, I agree that falling for a ML/WL is very dangerous. It's not impossible, but tread very carefully. The dangerous thing is that there is too much pleasure being offered too early on in the interaction and that can skew the proper analysis of whether there is sufficient compatibility. Even beyond the transfer of money, there can be a general connection in the bedroom that would be there without the money, but the problem is that the compatibility out of the bedroom might not be there and becuause of all the pleasure, that is overlooked.
    The irony of feminism.

    1) Encourages Women to be masculine, who then wonder why straight men arent attracted to them.

    2) Refuse to be a 1950s housewife, but demand a 1950s style provider husband.

    3) Spent 5 decades reducing the rewards for Men willing to be that type of husband, and then is confused as to why Men dont want to marry anymore.

    4) Encourages Women to focus on education and career, during their prime beauty years, the best time to find the best husband. They then wait until their 30s (past their prime in looks) and then wonder why they get past over for women they used to look like in their early 20s.

    5) Encourages Women to focus on educations that put them into debt, making them worse prospects for marriage, vs women with no debt.

    6) Encourages Women to hate the very people theyre supposed to learn how to live with.

    7) Body positivity, is only for Women.

    8) Encourages Women to have an abortion, which would then deny their Female baby the ability to become self empowered toward being a professor/prime minister etc.

    9) Ridicules for Men for committing the most murder while, if you take abortion into account, Women end 60 times more lives than Men do.

    10) Cries oppression over abortion, despite Women having access to over 30 types of contraception, while Men have three - abstenance, condoms or the cut.

    10) Moans about not finding good loyal supporting men .... but never give that nice guy in their friend zone a shot.

    11) Women spend 60% the time in jail Men do for the same crime. Even lower % if theyre a Single Mother with sole custody.

    I could go on. That will do for now. The best way to stand your ground in public unashamedly is to mention how feminism harms Women. If you argue how it affects Men, based on the golden rule (Women most affected) you will lose. I mentioned a few above.

  20. #60
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    nope, not for me. will never fall for someone who has sucked on a thousand knobs for money.

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