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Thread: Yes we are overworked and underpaid and burnout

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meng View Post
    Jesus. You seem like you have a massive chip on your shoulder. In terms of sharing the experience of my father's battle with cancer. I see no harm with on a forum where everyone here is anonymous lol.

    I mean saying a family member might not appreciate it but then also posting about dating and fucking a muslim Kazakh girl. I mean I'm sure she doesn't appreciate you sharing these deets on a punting forum especially when sex outside of marriage is frowned about by her religion right?

    I don't get you JohnJones. You're an enigma to me. You seem to say quite a lot of contradictory things. Calling out Islam phobia yet also saying Islamic men are misogynists. Talking about cheating on your girlfriends and making them "accept you're going to see other women" yet sometimes you seem woke as fuck.

    So what are you JohnJones? Are you a closet racist or equality activist? Are you a misogynist or a campaign manager for Grace Tames?
    Be careful saying the Lord's name when your mouth spouts nothing but shit.

    I may or may not be woke. Vegan, living off grid, unshaven armpits and pubes, in a complicated relationship fucking both a man and his pregnant wife? LOL

    I don't owe you an explanation. Your questions and accusations in itself is very contradictory - you're just triggered and unwell. And keep your BS to a minimum, I know you're just one out of many troll accounts controlled by a single person. What a sick person you are.

  2. #42
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    Multiple personalities appear when people can't psychologically deal with a situation they're in. It's almost impossible for me to count how many accounts in this forum is connected to a single person. The only thing I can see is a single trademark keyword used by all these accounts that makes me suspicious.

    I hope the person dealing with these multiple personalities get professional help. It is not healthy and it will destroy the mind if you can't express yourself in your true form and have to resort to multiple personalities to express fragments of your own mind.

    I'm not a professional psychologist, I can't be of help in this issue. I feel sorry for your situation (not the hospital ER stories but your actual situation). Some people can't cure their mental health issues, therefore they need to join a community that can give them mental health support to keep them away from suicidal thoughts.

    I wish you can work on letting go of your grudges one day. It's the best thing you can do to reduce your mania, a forum like this doesn't help because people will post judgemental comments that might hurt you more.

  3. #43
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    Some patients u never forget.Had one patient named Arnold when i worked in the ER of a mental hospital.
    Arnold loved to wear little girls clothing and would have pictures of little girls that’s he had cut out of magazines on a string around his neck.
    When i first encountered him I automatically made the assumption that he was some kind of rock spider.I later learnt that Arnold had witnessed his little sister being brutally attacked in the worst possible way by his drunken step father when they were children.
    Arnold had in a way started to assume the identity of his little sister and considered the girls in the pictures he cut out his friends.I felt horrible for jumping to the conclusions especially after i got to know him more and saw what a gentle, kind soul he was.
    I worked in a place where his story was known and u could adjust accordingly like i did.Imagine how the outside world must have treated him .

  4. #44
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    Never snitch or u are dog meat . One of my schizo psycho’s in the Mental Hospital punched me in the throat and tried to use my skull as a soccer ball after i asked to take his temperature.
    After a stint in hospital i return to work and i found out the autopsy showed there was dirt in his lungs that couldn’t be explained..
    I suspected it was from the pot plants that the over zealous orderlies had the habit of shoving patients face into who showed dissent.The patient had bitten a chunk out of the orderlies arm hence the rage.
    Never said anything as I knew if the shit hit the fan and if they found out i snitch i would be left to defend for myself next time i was attacked.

  5. #45
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    Some people stupidity make me fear for the future and survivability of the human race for future generations.
    Had one lady come in completely breathless.She told me her GP had prescribed her a inhaler because she was allergic to her new dog.
    She was told to use the inhaler four times a day.But on further questioning it transpired that she was spraying the dog four times a day with the ventolin inhaler instead of using it on herself . Beyond stupid .

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fifita View Post
    Some observations that might best put in u memory bank.
    1.When u bend over for extended periods for hrs each day for decades - pressure begins to build in u brain like the optic nerve.This could lead to blindness.
    2. Typically broken bones in the legs, unless there is a huge amount of angulation / displacement, do not cause a lot of pain unless moved.Second u try to move it the pain is excruciating painful .
    3.If stabbed do not pull out the knife like in the movies.The knife acts like a plug and stops haemorrhaging or if it’s in the chest it may stop air from entering the cavity .
    4.Don’t put u legs on the dashboard when a passenger.A patient came into ER with two broken ankles and broken eye sockets when the air bag went off and the force drove their knees into their face .
    Everybody have a wonderful day and happy punting .
    You’ve been watching too many American medical dramas on TV mate. It’s called ED here, not ER. Sprung

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by harmsup_jai View Post
    Guys please use bloody spacing / paragraphs !!!
    Too many barely literate kuntts on this board who wouldn’t know what a paragraph was

  8. #48
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    Due to the stringency of confidentiality laws i can’t disclose real surnames and locations. Ultimately the most important thing is to remember is that their are real people with real health issues and their behaviour while perhaps disturbing is not for entertainment for people like Fred.
    Emergency Room and Emergency Department are the same , and no i never watched ER but had watch a episode of King Cross ER because i had previously worked with some of the people on it.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fifita View Post
    Some people stupidity make me fear for the future and survivability of the human race for future generations.
    Had one lady come in completely breathless.She told me her GP had prescribed her a inhaler because she was allergic to her new dog.
    She was told to use the inhaler four times a day.But on further questioning it transpired that she was spraying the dog four times a day with the ventolin inhaler instead of using it on herself . Beyond stupid .
    Alright mate. Now I think you're just flogging a dead horse. I respect your profession I really do but this is a punting forum. Don't have some nursing/healthcare professional reddit community you can join so that like minded individuals like yourself can, complain about patients and verbally masturbate each other on what who's a good boy?

    If you keep going I might have to do the unthinkable and agree with JohnJones.

  10. #50
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    Another dumbfuck bullshit artist has been spawned from the usual suspects, could you imagine if all nurse/paramedics had his attitude , he's full of shit ignore him............

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meng View Post
    Alright mate. Now I think you're just flogging a dead horse. I respect your profession I really do but this is a punting forum. Don't have some nursing/healthcare professional reddit community you can join so that like minded individuals like yourself can, complain about patients and verbally masturbate each other on what who's a good boy?

    If you keep going I might have to do the unthinkable and agree with JohnJones.
    Correct me if i am wrong didn't u start a thread called House of Dragons Episode 8 ?

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by warwick1 View Post
    Another dumbfuck bullshit artist has been spawned from the usual suspects, could you imagine if all nurse/paramedics had his attitude , he's full of shit ignore him............
    I know it not easy for u. U should really have that Hidradentis Suppurativa looked at .

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fred Flintstone View Post
    Too many barely literate kuntts on this board who wouldn’t know what a paragraph was
    My Inglish teacher says a paragraph is what you put between your breads.

    Without palagraph your bread tastes like without chesse, bacon and salad etc.

    Now I guess you want to say we can't spell too?

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by harmsup_jai View Post
    Guys please use bloody spacing / paragraphs !!!
    Does that include your Chinese WLS and MLs?

    Many of them couldn't even string a proper English sentence let alone your spacing/paragraph requirement. But I'm sure they can make you come.

    However it is against the law for a punter not to be well-versed in English or score at least Band 5 in HSC English to enter a FS or massage establishment in NSW.

  15. #55
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    Violent threats were part of the everyday job at the Mental Hospital.
    One of the patients Karl was a hulk of a man and could snap my neck like a twig if he wanted to. I asked Karl one day how he was going.He responded “ Sometimes voices tell me to kill a nurse.’”
    I responded “ Are they talking to u now.”
    But their is some light .Another patient Anthony always threatened to kill me if he saw me on the outside.Many yrs later i saw him in the CBD.
    Luckily he was no longer insane and a threat, but instead thanked me for helping him .But for a few secs i admit i PMS and thinking he we go again .

  16. #56
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    Not so much family but bystanders at
    people dying. It’s absurd .I was off duty and saw an ambo arrive to attend somebody who being hit by a bus.
    There was already 15 morons with mobile filming the poor bastard out cold. I understand it’s interesting, i understand it’s exciting to see this type of stuff .But it’s very disrespectful to film somebody without consent in what is probably the worst situation to them.
    These people have families.Imagine if u saw a dead family member corpse being shown by a stranger on social media .While fucked up lunatics make sick and weird comments .

  17. #57
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    Hope can be so cruel.20 yr old patient in for a motorcycle accident sans helmet.Kid survived but was never going to be not a vegetable living off 15 different tubes ever again.He literally lost too much brain tissue .
    That kinda stuff is par for the cause in trauma centres. What was heartbreaking was watching his loving parents stay in his room in shifts, documenting every little twitch and spasm and reporting of to us a sign that he was waking up .
    Only to have to gently told ( after assessing of course) that it’s just spasms with no conscious thought.They would also keep telling me about the welcome home party they had planned for him, and making jokes that they’re never let him ride a bike again .
    One day they started visiting less and less,and eventually stopped coming at all.
    Finally they made him a dnr ( do not resuscitate).He was their only child.Yes this was beyond heartbreaking they were such beautiful people.

  18. #58
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    The issue of child support is a tricky situation.The problem is the money administered by the mum . I got a typical barrio rat pregnant with bad intentions after using no condom in a casual relationship.
    If u split from her to let her raise the child alone the poor kid is under the influence of her lifestyle.She will teach the kid the morals she had and no amount of deprograming will deter the brainwashing.
    In other words no amount of money u pay will stop this women from raising u kid as a ungrateful bastard, hating anything u do because they will be programmed to expect more and more.
    Nothing u do will be enough.Whenever they ask mum why they do not get want they want she blames u for being cheap even when it’s a liar .
    I foolishly felt duty bound to the kid and
    the money made no difference.Once the kid turns 18 i’m finished.This kid has the morals of Puta snake raised by a pro .

  19. #59
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    Yes we all make mistakes.Mine was a whopper.But I can assure i am not the proud dad of a Barrio Pos who knows no love and even worse for me i know their as a half - caste with my slimey face plastered on it in the community .
    And i’m just waiting for the cops to contact me and i’m thinking what has the little cunt done now?

  20. #60
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    In the mental hospital some patients had brain damage that was absolutely horrific and tragic.Broken human beings that don’t work anymore and nobody knows what to do with them
    There was one guy Garfield who had brain damage from infant meningitis.The guy was in his mid forties, but exactly what u imagine a lobotomised person to look like. Totally vacant staring eyes.Jaw hanging down with continuous thread of dribble rolling off his bottle lip .
    Arms hanging down by his sides.And all he does his pace up and down whatever room he is in all day and night, until he collapses asleep after about 4-5 sleeps 12 hrs, wakes up and resumes pacing.
    He wears an adult nappy because he is totally incontinent.
    And changing it is remarkably difficult because he won’t stop even pacing even while people are trying to clean him up.He cannot eat by himself. He cannot do anything by himself.
    The only verbal speech he pride is s loud “GU GU GU GU GU GU GU like a propeller when starting up.There’s nothing there in his mind at all.He’s a husk.He never smiles., never frowns, gives no indication of any aspiration or want.
    That has been his entire life.He has no purpose , has required 24 hr care his entire life and i don ‘t think there a single person who has ever being with him that wouldn’t have gladly put him out of his misery if allowed to .Anybody opposed to euthanasia hasn’t seen real brain damage.

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