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Thread: Splash's Double Disaster (or where PSE can also stand for Pretty Shitty Experience)

  1. #1
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Splash's Double Disaster (or where PSE can also stand for Pretty Shitty Experience)

    I am not going to name shop name or girls names here, since the After Report really is meant for sharing one's sex experience, be it good for bad, which is what I am basically writing this "report" for, and to let out some steam NOT TO TARNISH ANY SHOP OR GIRL'S REPUTATION.

    I feel really dizzy now, I am also full of mixed emotions, but overall, I am feeling shitty. I don't know if I am shitty for myself for not being faithful like I said I was and giving into temptation, or shitty at myself for not being man enough to say something and/or get the fuck out of there, or shitty at myself to even get into this in the first place. I don't know if I am shitty at the shop (which as stated in the disclaimer above, I will say no names) for messing around with me TWICE within the course of one week, or the girls for fucking up the overall experience (again, I will say no names).

    I don't think I ever vented about an experience before, I had said a few experiences over the last 2 and a bit years of my punting adventures have been average to say the least, but never before I have left a place to angry, yet I didn't say anything to anyone at the time.

    Splash's been a bad boy...

    Why? Because I had said that I would only see two girls, two of my favs from everyone's fav shop in Sydney (probably in Australia also). But lately, I had an urge for a double (it had been a long long long long time), and I don't want to fork out so much for a double at any other shop, so I went this particular one (I'm sure people are starting to figure out which shop this is now), I fought off the temptation to go, but I could only hold on for so long, so last week I decided to call up... unfortunately, I got there and they had said customer had extended the booking for one of the girls, even though I had called up to book, they were kind enough to see if I would like another girl, but I didn't, because I had a double over a year ago with the same two I had tonight, and it was (back then) an unforgettable porn star experience so I thought I wanted to replicate it.

    So I left the shop a little pissed, but it was alright, I just drove home.

    I tried again this week, and the booking went through fine, I got there and I was a quiet night, reception was just chilling at the waiting area. I had to say, on the way to the place, I saw something that reminded me of one of two favs I said I would stay faithful in my punting with, and something on my mind was telling me to cancel this one, but I brushed it off.

    Anyways I went there, showered alone as I waited for the girls, and realized the room didn't have a towel, damn. Anyways this was all resolved after the first girl (Girl A) came in to greet me, all good for the time being. She left the room as I laid on the bed to relax...

    10 minutes later she came back in, now usually people would start to get edgy from my experiences reading this forum because that's 10 minutes of your time gone doing nothing, and that's 10 minutes you had paid for in the overall hour, but I am, and was cool about it.

    So we got to started as Girl A started giving me a catbath. It was OK, or maybe I was a little tired from last night (I had a great night out with friends last night), I did get hard, so she started going down and giving me a BBBJ after a good 5 minutes of catbath.

    Before she put it in her mouth she said "No CIM"...

    "er.... ok..." I thought to myself "... I wasn't expecting any, and I know a lot can happen over a year since I last saw you (she doesn't remember me, but that's fine, I only saw her once)... what you just said was kinda weird."

    Again, me being a tolerable guy (a few shops... if they know who I am in real life, would actually agree with me when I say I am a tolerable guy), brushed it off and let her do her thing. Now keep in mind we are now a good 15 minutes or so in the session and it was me and Girl A only, Girl B had not shown up yet. Girl A was wondering where Girl B was, but went back to sucking my dick. Another 5 minutes pass during which I started to feel a bit weird because Girl B hadn't shown, I went limp only to had my little brother resuscitated, girl A stepped out to look for Girl B again, I don't know that much mandarin, but I know the tone of her voice, it didn't sound too good.

    So Girl A comes back in and continues... once again resuscitating my lil bro after he had fallen asleep from the "break" that just happened. FINALLY Girl B arrives and mind you she was as I had expected, cheerful as ever since I have seen her a few times and she sorta of knows my likes and dislikes. So we finally get the session on which I won't say much about because it was pretty average on most part.

    After I blew my load in Girl B (missionary and with condom on of course), Girl B told me to shower so that we could get the lil bro up for round 2. So I washed up while the two girls chatted, the tone of their conversation seemed normal, nothing out of the ordinary. I came out of the shower and Girl B decided to take one herself, so I laid down in bed to allow Girl A to give me a massage, which was again... like her catbath... average... and again, I tolerated it.

    So Girl B comes out of the shower, dries herself and then helps Girl B massage, they converse again, but this time, I noticed the tone of their convo began to be more louder... now knowing how Chinese people are, I initially passed the increase in volume as "just a Chinese thing..." but then I noticed that Girl B kept trying to cut off Girl A and kept repeating questions trying to get an answer out of Girl A, it was the same method used by individuals who wanted to get their points across during an argument (you see this ALOT with African American people... no racist here, but they love to keep repeating a question across as the other guy is trying to make his statement), this was when I thought something was not right, and this probably answered the question on why Girl B took a good 20 minutes to come into the room.

    As they were "arguing" while they were massaging me, I felt extremely uncomfortable. My mind was telling me to do something about it, but I didn't know exactly what they were talking about, and while I wanted to leave the room, I didn't know why I didn't, I know was that this discomfort prevented me from doing anything.

    After they were done massaging, Girl B said something (I can't remember exactly what it was) to me in Cantonese in which she was trying to calm the situation down and assume that I didn't understand a thing they were talking about so that we could all have "fun" again. "Fun?" You two had killed the entire moment... it was dying the moment Girl B came in 20 minutes late, but I played my cool and let it slide, then you two started arguing in front of a customer? Now we see a lot of people complaint about how some girls don't like to do BBBJ or CIM and people complain about, I can justify why the girls don't want to provide these services, but I cannot justify this kind of service... arguing in front of a customer!? You don't do that at any shop, and you certainly don't do that at a brothel. Again, I was mentally not in the place to do anything about it.

    So Girl B started giving me the second round BBBJ as Girl A goes back to giving me a catbath in which she only licks my nipples, but fuck all that... the mood had been killed, I couldn't get up, and even if I could, I didn't want to get it up. I wanted to leave, but there was 10 minutes till the official time (not counting the 20 minutes extra that I am sure I would have got at least with Girl B because she was late), so I just let time went on, after Girl B realized the BBBJ didn't do it I was pretty sure she knew that I knew something was up (no pun intended), so they tried to give me a hand job, she got Girl A to do it and told her to do it softly... and softly she did, so soft that I didn't feel a sense of touch, which added to the "numbing" effect originally brought on my the "fight" they had. She stroked it for a good 15 seconds and realize it wasn't working, so we all ended the session there at 5 minutes pass the hour... I was eager the get the fuck out of there.

    Before I did, Girl B finally broke the news that Girl A had been shitty for the last half year because she kept complaining about being tired, this was right after the entire hour of Girl B trying to "sell" the fact the two of them were a much better experience than a single session. It was nice of her to try to keep the spirit of the session up despite all that bullshit, but still... the damage had been done and I already knew a lie was brewing in the background.

    I couldn't ask for any refund because I had already had had most of the hour anyways.

    So I didn't leave the place with a smile, I left the place feeling extremely shitty, never before have I felt this way even with my other "not so good' experiences at the brothel. I drove home wondering if I should write a report, and whether or not I should actually drop names... at the same time, I had so many thoughts coming into my head like "Maybe this is the greater forces out there punishing you for lying to yourself when you said you was going to stay faithful to the two you said you were going to be faithful to." and "This is what you get for ignore the initial thought of cancelling your booking" and "How the fuck this shop going to fuck around with me TWICE in one week... the management was pretty bad last week when they fucked up my booking, but I forgave them, only to get myself into this bullshit." I don't know whose fault it truly was, but I will say I was also at fault, because I made the decision... so I am quite angry at myself at the moment.

    But writing this report did allow me to get some air out there... and I have learnt my lesson now and will never EVER repeat it again.

    I drove home and took a shower to wash the smell from the brothel sheets off me... this is how bad this experience was.

    I am sorry to have to ruin everyone's night who had read this shitty report.

  2. #2
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) CunningLinguist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by splash View Post
    I am not going to name shop name or girls names here, since the After Report really is meant for sharing one's sex experience, be it good for bad
    Sorry to hear about your bad punt, but I thought the AR section of a public forum was to share info with other punters so they could be informed about good and bad things, and then repeat the good experiences and avoid potentially bad experiences.

  3. #3
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by CunningLinguist View Post
    Sorry to hear about your bad punt, but I thought the AR section of a public forum was to share info with other punters so they could be informed about good and bad things, and then repeat the good experiences and avoid potentially bad experiences.
    If bro Splash as had enjoyable experiences with the WL and shop previously as he as mentioned. I can understand him not saying names.

    Splash sorry to hear about your less than exciting experience, maybe a word to the mamasan of the shop today may sort things out for you.

  4. #4
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Splash is right when he says that writing a report of a bad brothel experience is a good way of getting rid of your anger about it. So for him some good comes of it.

    It was a very entertaining read though mate, and I think it shows again how human we all are, punters and girls. But paying for a double, and the second girl not showing up for 20 minutes does deserve a discount credit for the time you didn't have the two girls there. You should ask the shop about it. If it is one of the most popular shops in Sydney as you say, then I'm sure their customer relations must be pretty good overall.

  5. #5
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) the wizard's Avatar
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    Leaving To The Grey Havens.....
    Splash, send a pm to management
    If they are genuine, they will do something about it...
    If the shop name was ever named/ leaked than Im sure you would hear from them pronto

  6. #6
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Thanks guys, but I don't want no compensation, I just wanted to vent some air that's all.

    Very doubtful I would return though.

  7. #7
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) CunningLinguist's Avatar
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    I don't think one bad review will affect a shop or girl too much, but a pattern of bad reviews may.
    But realistically it depends on what percentage of the clientele read the forum, and I think that it may be quite low.
    So the purpose of a bad review then becomes more to warn other forum members. This means we can be on average more informed than Joe Public!

  8. #8
    99 God Member (神級會員) wilisno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by splash View Post
    Thanks guys, but I don't want no compensation, I just wanted to vent some air that's all.

    Very doubtful I would return though.
    Hehe ! That gives you more reasons to love your favourite ones ! And stay with your favourite shop even in an exploration !
    Directory of After Reports by wilisno
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  9. #9
    Senior Member(無間使者) hikhik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by splash View Post
    never before I have left a place so angry, yet I didn't say anything to anyone at the time.... But writing this report did allow me to get some air out there....
    What a shitty experience Splash. You sure do sound like a tolerant guy, to have taken so much. The need to vent is fully understood, I too have felt that anger.

    I do believe however that we all have the right to speak up when the service we pay for is not delivered. But that must be done immediately to shop management.

  10. #10
    Shop Owner 5 Star City's Avatar
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    Bro splash

    Come for a Double with our MOON / FeiFei @ The Penthouse
    Our Name Says It All
    5 Star City ..* Best in Sydney *
    Address: OUTCALL / PRIVATE
    Tel: 0417 110 110 / 0488 857 827 /

    All 5* Reviews :

  11. #11
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    I've had 2 doubles, both were very average. One at 22 Brodie before roger and one at st leonards. Would love a real double and I think the key is to ask your favorite who she would do double with, that way you know theres a chance they work well together.

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