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Thread: Where is the red line that, when crossed, it becomes ADDICTION?

  1. #1
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Where is the red line that, when crossed, it becomes ADDICTION?

    I wonder if many of us know where the line is that when crossed, going to prostitutes and massages with part-2 becomes an addiction?

    I was watching this video of a self-confessed former addict.

    The question is, do you think you would recognise the red line, as I call it, if and when you become addicted?
    What is that red line? Do you think it would be possible to recover from such an addiction if it happens to you? Would it be more, or less, difficult than say giving up an addiction to alcohol or cigarettes?

  2. #2
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Red Line: you have free time and all you can think of is to see a WL/ML

    Recovery: hit the gym, go for a swim. Keep yourself busy with something that will drain you out. By the time you finish the gym you are so tired that you can't be bothered.

  3. #3
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I don’t think it’s an addiction until you’re going multiple times per week alotta dudes work really hard throughout the week and the 1 punt is a reward on their days off

  4. #4
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    For me I'd say since I'm doing this weekly and I think about this hobby every day, I already recognise it as an addiction. If not punting then what? It will just be another addiction, maybe one that's 'healthier' by someone's standards. If I had to stop for some reason I believe I could, perhaps replace with my own hand again. I haven't been punting most of my life so I could do it again.

    This addiction is a big money sink yes, but it's something I can afford at the moment. Like Lucyfur says it's a reward for wasting away 5 days of my life per week. It would be a problem if I started spending more than I did now, or started doing riskier things like BBFS, but my addiction to saving money and not taking risk is even stronger than my punting addiction, so they keep it in check.

  5. #5
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I’m in it lol. Have punted 3 times this week but personally like to keep it to the 140hr shops so can afford it for now but not indefinitely.

    I’ve realised it’s an addiction but because it prays on the most natural human desires I’m finding it hard to justify as unhealthy based on other vices eg gambling or drugs

  6. #6
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    It’s an addiction when it starts to consume you and interfere with your life.

    You ask where’s the limit, the “red line”. That’s different for different people.

    How many times per week do you go to the gym? 3-4x? Is that an addiction? Do you feel it if you don’t go for one week? Then why the fuck should it be any different with punting? Assuming you can afford it that is.

    If it cost the same as going to the gym, would you do it 3-4x per week? Or would you jerk off?

    The only problem I see is, when it starts to affect you negatively by putting a strain on your finances.

    Think about it. Suppose you’re in Asia like Vietnam and there’s women you can have for less that a hundred dollars for an entire night. 20-25 year old beauties. Much hotter and sweeter that any Ginza queen you ever seen. Don’t believe me? I can send you the pics of the women I’ve fucked there.
    What are you gonna do? Are you gonna ask “where that red line is?”
    No, you gonna fuck every night for the time you’re there.

    So why then should it be any different in Sydney? Ok, so most of us have to work, have families, brats to feed, mortgages to pay off and all the other trash that you’ll never take with you. But in the end, punting is punting.

    The only 2 questions that I see should be asked are
    1.How often do you need it?
    2. And can you afford it?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by andrewv View Post
    I wonder if many of us know where the line is that when crossed, going to prostitutes and massages with part-2 becomes an addiction?

    I was watching this video of a self-confessed former addict.

    The question is, do you think you would recognise the red line, as I call it, if and when you become addicted?
    What is that red line? Do you think it would be possible to recover from such an addiction if it happens to you? Would it be more, or less, difficult than say giving up an addiction to alcohol or cigarettes?
    To me, the red line is when I'm sacrificing something in order to obtain said pleasures. For example, if I go over budget twice in a row and I'm dangerously digging through my savings or having to sell an asset in order to punt excessively, that there is the red line.

    My recovery would be to ponder on how temporary the satisfaction were, and how I could've replicated such satisfaction in my mind instead of chasing after it physically.

    Alcohol and cigarettes is something I could easily give up, but when it comes to sex I admit it is difficult. The time I would come back to my senses is when it's hard for me to have a hard on in front of a hot naked WL, or if I'm having a hard time trying to stay hard during sex. That's where I'll avoid punting for several weeks until I feel like my balls are in need of draining badly.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by andrewv View Post
    Where is the red line that, when crossed, it becomes ADDICTION?
    I'm a superstitious man.

    Every time I leave a massage room I leave a red line on its floor.

    I make sure I'll never cross it.

    Once I found out when I entered the room someone had removed my red line.

    I became insanely angry. I trashed the room, broke the legs of the chair, overturned the massage table and put my fist through the paper thin wall.

    The Mamasan called the police and I was thrown out.

  9. #9
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sibon View Post
    I'm a superstitious man.

    Every time I leave a massage room I leave a red line on its floor.

    I make sure I'll never cross it.

    Once I found out when I entered the room someone had removed my red line.

    I became insanely angry. I trashed the room, broke the legs of the chair, overturned the massage table and put my fist through the paper thin wall.

    The Mamasan called the police and I was thrown out.
    Somebody must have removed his red line as well....

  10. #10
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    bro you are on this site for punting information and you keep going back for a punt.. addicted imo.

  11. #11
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    I don't know when I crossed the line, guess I've been a sex addict my whole adult life. Divorced because she didn't like my sex drive, punting 3-4-5 times a week, leaving the SB after an overnighter and go straight to 42G for more, last week I tapped three girls in an afternoon. Not bragging, my little brain takes precedence, sometimes difficult to deal with. I have looked up the number for SAA a few times, checked out where the meetings are and when, but never took the step. Little brain even suggested to me that I might meet some hot nympho there.... Yes, sex addiction is a real thing.

  12. #12
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sibon View Post
    I'm a superstitious man.

    Every time I leave a massage room I leave a red line on its floor.

    I make sure I'll never cross it.

    Once I found out when I entered the room someone had removed my red line.

    I became insanely angry. I trashed the room, broke the legs of the chair, overturned the massage table and put my fist through the paper thin wall.

    The Mamasan called the police and I was thrown out.

    And what does Miyagi Sensei have to say about your behaviour? A true master feel no anger.

  13. #13
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Sex addiction is not in the DSM as a diagnosis. However it is definitely real. The thing is punting is a dopamine hit which something that feels particularly good to most people. Low grade depression or AdHD? Those people seek out dopamine hits more urgently and take greater risks to get them. As previously mentioned you are better off finding more healthy treatment for these underlying problems through exercise and positive psychology or fulfilling activities.

    Although good sex is healthy, punting healthy can spread disease, lead to financial issues and cause havoc to long term relationships. If you are going through a rough patch, it can be useful but means time and energy is not spent on durable solutions. I reckon that a really good punt once got me out of a bout of depression

    I kind of regret punting being so available as the thrill dopamine hit can be so intense. However I have missed out on doing more or saving for more meaningful activities because of it.

    I reckon the line is crossed when you are spending an inordinate amount of time researching, travelling, and deciding those elusive hot punts. Maybe rack up a total cost per week including time spent researching, travelling etc. If it's too much, divert the money to a savings account for a holiday with friends and family.

  14. #14
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    According to the American Psychological Association:

    "Addiction is a state of psychological or physical dependence (or both) on the use of alcohol or other drugs. The term is often used as an equivalent term for substance dependence and sometimes applied to behavioral disorders, such as sexual, internet, and gambling addictions."

    And as most doctors and psychologists say, the sure way of telling if someone is addicted is when, for example, drinkers, say "I love drinking, but I am not an alcoholic."

  15. #15
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamit View Post
    Sex addiction is not in the DSM as a diagnosis. However it is definitely real. The thing is punting is a dopamine hit which something that feels particularly good to most people. Low grade depression or AdHD? Those people seek out dopamine hits more urgently and take greater risks to get them. As previously mentioned you are better off finding more healthy treatment for these underlying problems through exercise and positive psychology or fulfilling activities.

    Although good sex is healthy, punting healthy can spread disease, lead to financial issues and cause havoc to long term relationships. If you are going through a rough patch, it can be useful but means time and energy is not spent on durable solutions. I reckon that a really good punt once got me out of a bout of depression

    I kind of regret punting being so available as the thrill dopamine hit can be so intense. However I have missed out on doing more or saving for more meaningful activities because of it.

    I reckon the line is crossed when you are spending an inordinate amount of time researching, travelling, and deciding those elusive hot punts. Maybe rack up a total cost per week including time spent researching, travelling etc. If it's too much, divert the money to a savings account for a holiday with friends and family.
    I guess the same could be said about work, career, studying and all the other shit that life dishes out.
    You work 12 hours to live 4.
    You work 6 days to enjoy 1.
    You work all year to take a 1-2 week holiday.
    You work all your life to retire when your body is fucked, old and fragile.
    We are all slaves to someone or something...

    I think most punters here suffer from Restless Groin Disorder (RGD)

  16. #16
    Super Fans (忠實Fans) Footballpunter's Avatar
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    This might not help, but I’m from a place where punting is not legalized, so getting addicted is less of a thing. With that said, I’m here on a business trip and I’ve punted 8 times in 20 days. So could I be an addict if it’s legal, maybe. But Tomorrow I go home and I will never have to think about it again, until I come back on another trip in August lol

  17. #17
    Super Fans (忠實Fans) Niceguy11's Avatar
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    Addiction sucks. I don't think I'll stop punting despite wanting to quit. Its that bad that all it takes is one message from the shop saying "hello" and I'm on my way there. Will literally drop everything and go.

  18. #18
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Def think it’s an addiction n but unlike other addictions, this is an affordability question or not. If funds are available, punting is available.. no funds.. can’t punt simple . for me anyway..

    Balance is important n should have other hobbies too. I love my sports.. Punting is a sport

  19. #19
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) rooter's Avatar
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    I think very few punters would be genuinely addicted to punting. Less than 1% I reckon.
    It's more of a vice than an addiction.
    Most of us just enjoy doing it and put as much of our disposable income as we can afford into it. That varies from punter to punter.
    Unlike drugs and alcohol which totally destroy you physically and psychologically, punting is not very harmful at all.
    Physically not harmful at all. Psychologically potentially slightly harmful if you are immature or have the wrong attitude.
    Unlike gambling where you can lose all your life savings in one night, with punting you can only punt so much before you are literally totally fucked and cant punt any more, and therefore can't spend anymore.
    It's also a very enjoyable vice, and without the stress, regret, hangovers, comedowns, bad trips etc of drugs, alcohol and gambling.

  20. #20
    Super Fans (忠實Fans) Niceguy11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rooter View Post
    I think very few punters would be genuinely addicted to punting. Less than 1% I reckon.
    It's more of a vice than an addiction.
    Most of us just enjoy doing it and put as much of our disposable income as we can afford into it. That varies from punter to punter.
    Unlike drugs and alcohol which totally destroy you physically and psychologically, punting is not very harmful at all.
    Physically not harmful at all. Psychologically potentially slightly harmful if you are immature or have the wrong attitude.
    Unlike gambling where you can lose all your life savings in one night, with punting you can only punt so much before you are literally totally fucked and cant punt any more, and therefore can't spend anymore.
    It's also a very enjoyable vice, and without the stress, regret, hangovers, comedowns, bad trips etc of drugs, alcohol and gambling.
    Ahh Rooter, the voice of reason as I always say ! I agree with the disposable income bit you wrote about. Its the reason why I am punting so much. I do think about sex most of the time which is terrible.

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